614 research outputs found

    Perancangan Aplikasi Komik Hadist Berbasis Multimedia

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    - Comics are visual communication media that contain information, ideas, messages that are poured into images as attractive as possible. The combination of comics and hadiths is suitable to be used as an alternative to da'wah media because there are moral and moral messages contained in hadiths. The hadith comic application is made to make it easier for readers to understand the contents of comic stories and minimize the common mistakes that often occur. The method used in making the application is to use PHP. The hadith comic application has the features of presenting comics collaborated with animation, this is so that users listen to the comic storyline correctly and sequentially so as to minimize failure in understanding the core story. Hadist comic applications accompanied by attractive images and color variations make it an interesting application to use especially for teenagers and children. Keywords - Applications, Comics Hadits, Information, Multimedi

    The Influencing Factors of Access and Control Men and Women in Community Forest Resources Management

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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan profil aktivitas laki-laki dan perempuan pada kegiatan reproduktif, produktif dan sosial kemasyarakatan, mendeskripsikan profil akses dan kontrol laki-laki dan perempuan dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan rakyat, membandingkan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap akses dan kontrol laki-laki dan perempuan dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan rakyat. Responden adalah petani rumah tangga dan buruh tani yang bekerja di hutan rakyat. Penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa dalam kegiatan reproduktif, perempuan pada rumahtangga buruh tani memiliki curahan waktu lebih tinggi daripada perempuan pada rumah tangga petani dan dalam kegiata produktif laki-laki pada rumahtangga buruh tani memiliki curahan waktu lebih tinggi daripada laki-laki pada rumahtangga petani. Faktor penguasaan lahan rumahtangga, keikutsertaan suami-istri dalam kegiatan kelompok dan pengetahuan lokal suami istri dalam budidaya tanaman di lahan hutan mempengaruhi akses kontrol pada rumahtangga petani terlebih pada laki-laki sedangkan pada rumahtangga buruh tani faktor-faktor tersebut tidak mempengaruhi akses dan kontrol atas sumberdaya dalam kegiatan pengelolaan hutan rakyat

    Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolB gene affects photosynthesis and chlorophyll content in transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants

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    Insertion of Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolB gene into plant genome affects plant development, hormone balance and defence. However, beside the current research, the overall transcriptional response and gene expression of rolB as a modulator in plant is unknown. Transformed rolB tomato plant (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivar Tondino has been used to investigate the differential expression profile. Tomato is a well-known model organism both at the genetic and molecular level, and one of the most important commercial food crops in the world. Through the construction and characterization of a cDNA subtracted library, we have investigated the differential gene expression between transgenic clones of rolB and control tomato and have evaluated genes specifically transcribed in transgenic rolB plants. Among the selected genes, five genes encoding for chlorophyll a/b binding protein, carbonic anhydrase, cytochrome b6/f complex Fe-S subunit, potassium efflux antiporter 3, and chloroplast small heat-shock protein, all involved in chloroplast function, were identified. Measurement of photosynthesis efficiency by the level of three different photosynthetic parameters (Fv/Fm, rETR, NPQ) showed rolB significant increase in non-photochemical quenching and a, b chlorophyll content. Our results point to highlight the role of rolB on plant fitness by improving photosynthesis

    Angiopoietin decoy secreted at tumor site impairs tumor growth and metastases by inducing local inflammation and altering neoangiogenesis

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    The extracellular domain of the receptor tyrosine kinase Tie2/TEK (exTEK) has been used as an angiopoietin decoy to study the role of angiopoietins in the tumor-host interactions, using a syngeneic model of experimental metastases and subcutaneous tumor. Soluble exTEK secreted by transfected tumor cells inhibited HUVECs from forming tubes in Matrigel. ExTEK-transfected C26 colon carcinoma and TS/A mammary tumor cells displayed reduced growth rate when injected subcutaneously, and reduced ability to form experimental metastases when injected intravenously. Immunohistochemical analysis of tumors and metastases showed increased leukocytes infiltration and signs of inflammation in exTEK-secreting compared to parental tumor, as well as impairment in neo-vessel growth and organization. However, while neoangiogenesis eventually rescued in the subcutis, it failed to organize in the experimental metastases of exTEK-secreting tumor, contributing to the hampering of metastatic growth and to increased mice survival. The reactive infiltrate of C26TEK contained a different percentage of leukocytes and was responsible for the tumor inhibition. In fact, leukopenia induced by gamma-irradiation of recipient mice or injection into interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) gene knockout (GKO) mice resulted in reduced mouse survival and an increased number of lung metastases. On the other hand, interleukin (IL)-12 treatment prolonged the survival of mice bearing subcutaneous C26TEK but not of those bearing lung metastases, suggesting that IL-12 could exert further antiangiogenic effects at the site where the tumor can restore neoangiogenesis. These results show in vivo that reduced angiopoietin availability at the tumor site induces a local inflammatory response and impairment of neoangiogenesis which act synergistically to limit tumor growth and metastasis

    Validation of rainfall estimation derived from commercial DVB received signal with disdrometer, rain gauges and ground based radar

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    An accurate measurement and monitoring of precipitation events is closely linked with different applications that have an impact on human welfare such as water resources management, and floods, landslides or wildfire risk assessments. Currently rain gauges, disdrometers, ground-based weather radars and satellite sensors (both active and passive) can be considered the conventional devices for precipitation measurements that are worldwide adopted. These devices have different measurement principles, time and space resolution, and accuracy (Gebremichael and Testik, 2013). In the last decade, a new technology that exploits the microwave satellite links has been investigated to retrieve precipitation information. The idea is to estimate the precipitation starting from the attenuation of the signal along its propagation path. Few studies have been carried out in this direction (such as Barthès and Mallet, 2013 and Mercier et al., 2015), showing promising results. In that regards, recently, an Italian project called NEFOCAST, funded by Tuscany Region (Italy), has been carried out with the aim of estimating rainfall rate from attenuation measurements made available by commercial interactive digital video broadcasting (DVB) receivers, called smartLNBs. During the NEFOCAST project, an ad hoc rainfall retrieval algorithm has been developed, tuned and tested. It allows to estimate, with 1-minute rate, the instantaneous rainfall rate (R, in mm/h) from the ratio η = Es/N0 between the received energy-per-symbol Es and the one-sided power spectral density of the additive white Gaussian noise N0, (Giannetti et al. 2017). To validate the algorithm, a 1-year field campaign (from January 2018 to January 2019) was conducted. The collected data allow to compare the SmartLNB precipitation estimates with the measurements gathered by ‘conventional’ meteorological devices such as rain gauges, weather radar and disdrometer. A network of 24 smartLNBs was deployed in Tuscany, along with 11 rain gauges and one X-band dual-polarization weather radar. Furthermore, the performance of the NEFOCAST algorithm has been preliminarily tested by comparing data provided from one SmartLNB installed at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of CNR in Rome (Italy) with a co-located laser disdrometer. For this site, data from a dual polarization C-band weather radar (Polar55C) could be compared with SmartLNB measurements along the Earth-satellite link. In fact, during the project the Polar55C has been aimed in the same direction as the SmartLNB, with the same elevation angle, thus scanning the same portion of atmosphere where the SmartLNB signal was propagating. Preliminary results show a good agreement between the total cumulative precipitation (in mm) obtained from SmartLNB data and the one collected by the co-located disdrometer during different rainfall events. The corresponding values of Normalized Mean Absolute Error (NMAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) obtained comparing the total cumulative precipitations obtained from SmartLNB and disdrometer are 41% and 4.71 mm, respectively. Encouraging results come also from the comparison of the total precipitation amounts as measured by the network of SmartLNBs and rain gauges, with values of NMAE (RMSE) that range between 39% and 53% (2.8 mm and 8.0 mm), depending on the specific site

    Derived coisotropic structures I: affine case

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    We define and study coisotropic structures on morphisms of commutative dg algebras in the context of shifted Poisson geometry, i.e. PnP_n-algebras. Roughly speaking, a coisotropic morphism is given by a Pn+1P_{n+1}-algebra acting on a PnP_n-algebra. One of our main results is an identification of the space of such coisotropic structures with the space of Maurer--Cartan elements in a certain dg Lie algebra of relative polyvector fields. To achieve this goal, we construct a cofibrant replacement of the operad controlling coisotropic morphisms by analogy with the Swiss-cheese operad which can be of independent interest. Finally, we show that morphisms of shifted Poisson algebras are identified with coisotropic structures on their graph.Comment: 49 pages. v2: many proofs rewritten and the paper is split into two part

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Kimia Melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi Daring Selama Pandemi Covid-19¬ di Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia Universitas Nusa Cendana

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pembelajaran kimia melalui pemanfaatan teknologi daring serta mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar mahasiswa selama pandemi covid-19 menggunakan teknologi daring dibandingkan hasil belajar mahasiswa secara tatap muka/langsung di program studi pendidikan kimia Universitas Nusa Cendana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kombinasi penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar mahasiswa sebelum pandemi covid-19 (pembelajaran luring) dan selama pandemi covid-19 (pembelajaran daring) pada mata kuliah Kimia Fisik 2, Statistika, Belajar dan Pembelajaran, Pengembangan Program Pembelajaran Kimia, dan Komputer untuk Pembelajaran Kimia, sementara untuk mata kuliah Kimia Dasar 2 tidak ada perbedaan hasil belajar mahasiswa sebelum pandemi covid-19 (pembelajaran luring) dan selama pandemi covid-19 (pembelajaran daring). Nilai rata-rata mahasiswa yang lebih tinggi pada saat pembelajaran daring dibandingkan pada saat pembelajaran luring yaitu mata kuliah Kimia Fisik 2, Statistika, dan Pengembangan Program Pembelajaran Kimia. Itu artinya bahwa pembelajaran daring pada mata kuliah tersebut tergolong efektif. Sementara nilai rata-rata mahasiswa yang lebih tinggi pada saat pembelajaran luring dibandingkan pada saat pembelajaran daring yaitu mata kuliah Belajar dan Pembelajaran dan Komputer untuk Pembelajaran Kimia. Itu artinya pembelajaran daring pada kedua mata kuliah itu masih kurang efektif sehingga perlu diperbaiki segala kekurangan yang ada. Mahasiswa dan dosen lebih cenderung menggunakan perpaduan aplikasi pembelajaran daring yang mudah digunakan guna mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran selama pandemi covid-19, seperti Zoom, Google Meet, Whatsapp, dan E-Learning. Ketertarikan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran daring masih tergolong cukup. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yang salah satunya adalah mahasiswa kadang-kadang mengalami kendala gangguan internet, sehingga pembelajaran daring menjadi tergangg
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