17,541 research outputs found

    Phase field theory of interfaces and crystal nucleation in a eutectic system of fcc structure: I. Transitions in the one-phase liquid region

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    The published version of this Article can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2007 American Institute of PhysicsThe phase field theory (PFT) has been applied to predict equilibrium interfacial properties and nucleation barrier in the binary eutectic system Ag-Cu using double well and interpolation functions deduced from a Ginzburg-Landau expansion that considers fcc (face centered cubic) crystal symmetries. The temperature and composition dependent free energies of the liquid and solid phases are taken from CALculation of PHAse Diagrams-type calculations. The model parameters of PFT are fixed so as to recover an interface thickness of approximately 1 nm from molecular dynamics simulations and the interfacial free energies from the experimental dihedral angles available for the pure components. A nontrivial temperature and composition dependence for the equilibrium interfacial free energy is observed. Mapping the possible nucleation pathways, we find that the Ag and Cu rich critical fluctuations compete against each other in the neighborhood of the eutectic composition. The Tolman length is positive and shows a maximum as a function of undercooling. The PFT predictions for the critical undercooling are found to be consistent with experimental results. These results support the view that heterogeneous nucleation took place in the undercooling experiments available at present. We also present calculations using the classical droplet model classical nucleation theory (CNT) and a phenomenological diffuse interface theory (DIT). While the predictions of the CNT with a purely entropic interfacial free energy underestimate the critical undercooling, the DIT results appear to be in a reasonable agreement with the PFT predictions.This work has been supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences under Contract No. OTKA-K-62588 and by the ESA PECS Contract Nos. 98005, 98021, and 98043

    Higgs transitions of spin ice

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    Frustrated magnets such as spin ice exhibit Coulomb phases, where correlations have power-law forms at long distances. Applied perturbations can cause ordering transitions which cannot be described by the usual Landau paradigm, and are instead naturally viewed as Higgs transitions of an emergent gauge theory. Starting from a classical statistical model of spin ice, it is shown that a variety of possible phases and transitions can be described by this approach. Certain cases are identified where continuous transitions are argued to be likely; the predicted critical behavior may be tested in experiments or numerical simulations.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures; v2: published version with minor changes; ancillary file "Figures3D.nb" is a Mathematica (v7) notebook containing figures as rotatable 3D graphics (see http://www.wolfram.com/cdf-player/ for a free viewer

    Effects of modifications to the space shuttle entry guidance and control systems

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    A nonlinear six degree of freedom entry simulation study was conducted to identify space shuttle guidance and control system software modifications which reduce the control system sensitivity to the guidance system sampling frequency. Several modifications which eliminated the control system sensitivity and associated control limit cycling were examined. The result of the modifications was a reduction in required reaction control system fuel

    Determination of ASPS performance for large payloads in the shuttle orbiter disturbance environment

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    A high fidelity simulation of the annular suspension and pointing system (ASPS), its payload, and the shuttle orbiter was used to define the worst case orientations of the ASPS and its payload for the various vehicle disturbances, and to determine the performance capability of the ASPS under these conditions. The most demanding and largest proposed payload, the Solar Optical Telescope was selected for study. It was found that, in all cases, the ASPS more than satisfied the payload's requirements. It is concluded that, to satisfy facility class payload requirements, the ASPS or a shuttle orbiter free-drift mode (control system off) should be utilized

    Development of the reentry flight dynamics simulator for evaluation of space shuttle orbiter entry systems

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    A nonlinear, six degree of freedom, digital computer simulation of a vehicle which has constant mass properties and whose attitudes are controlled by both aerodynamic surfaces and reaction control system thrusters was developed. A rotating, oblate Earth model was used to describe the gravitational forces which affect long duration Earth entry trajectories. The program is executed in a nonreal time mode or connected to a simulation cockpit to conduct piloted and autopilot studies. The program guidance and control software used by the space shuttle orbiter for its descent from approximately 121.9 km to touchdown on the runway

    Prevalence of Salmonella, Toxoplasma, Yersinia, Hepatitis E and Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus in UK pigs at slaughter

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    In 2006/7 the prevalence of Salmonella in UK slaughter pigs was found to be amongst the highest in Europe. In advance of the anticipated EU-wide National Control Programme for Salmonella in pigs, a UK-wide monitoring programme was set up by Defra and funded in collaboration with key Government and industry partners. The monitoring programme presented a cost-effective opportunity to concurrently collect data on other potentially zoonotic pathogens for which prevalence data is currently limited, including Toxoplasma, Yersinia, Hepatitis E virus (HEV) and Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRSv). Antimicrobial resistance testing of Campylobacter coli isolates and testing for ESBL E. coli was also undertaken (details not reported here)

    Thermodynamics of quantum gases for the entire range of temperature

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    We have analytically explored thermodynamics of free Bose and Fermi gases for the entire range of temperature, and have extended the same for harmonically trapped cases. We have obtained approximate chemical potentials of the quantum gases in closed forms of temperature so that the thermodynamic properties of the quantum gases become plausible specially in the intermediate regime between the classical and quantum limits.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Teaching Articl

    Electronic and magnetic properties of the ionic Hubbard model on the striped triangular lattice at 3/4 filling

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    We report a detailed study of a model Hamiltonian which exhibits a rich interplay of geometrical spin frustration, strong electronic correlations, and charge ordering. The character of the insulating phase depends on the magnitude of Delta/|t| and on the sign of t. We find a Mott insulator for Delta >> U >> |t|; a charge transfer insulator for U >> \Delta >> |t|; and a correlated covalent insulator for U >> \Delta ~ |t|. The charge transfer insulating state is investigated using a strong coupling expansion. The frustration of the triangular lattice can lead to antiferromagnetism or ferromagnetism depending on the sign of the hopping matrix element, t. We identify the "ring" exchange process around a triangular plaquette which determines the sign of the magnetic interactions. Exact diagonalization calculations are performed on the model for a wide range of parameters and compared to the strong coupling expansion. The regime U >> \Delta ~ |t| and t<0 is relevant to Na05CoO2. The calculated optical conductivity and the spectral density are discussed in the light of recent experiments on Na05CoO2.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Assessing movements of three buoy line types using DSTmilli Loggers: Implications for entanglements of bottlenose dolphins in the crab pot fishery

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    A study was conducted in October 2006 in the Charleston, South Carolina area to test the movements of three different buoy line types to determine which produced a preferred profile that could reduce the risk of dolphin entanglement. Tests on diamond-braided nylon commonly used in the crab pot fishery were compared with stiffened line of Esterpro and calf types in both shallow and deep water environments using DSTmilli data loggers. Loggers were placed at intervals along the lines to record depth, and thus movements, over a 24 hour period. Three observers viewed video animations and charts created for each of the six trial days from the collected logger data and provided their opinions on the most desirable line type that fit set criteria. A quantitative analysis (ANCOVA) of the data was conducted taking into consideration daily tidal fluctuations and logger movements. Loggers tracking the tides had an r2 value approaching 1.00 and produced little movement other than with the tides. Conversely, r2 values approaching 0.00 were less affected by tidal movement and influenced by currents that cause more erratic movement. Results from this study showed that stiffened line, in particular the medium lay Esterpro type, produced the more desirable profiles that could reduce risk of dolphin entanglement. Combining the observer’s results with the ANCOVA results, Esterpro was chosen nearly 60% of the time as opposed to the nylon line which was only chosen 10% of the time. ANCOVA results showed that the stiffened lines performed better in both the shallow and deep water environments, while the nylon line only performed better during one trial in a deep water set, most probably due to the increased current velocities experienced that day. (58pp.)(PDF contains 68 pages