21,065 research outputs found

    Normalization of the covariant three-body bound state vertex function

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    The normalization condition for the relativistic three nucleon Bethe-Salpeter and Gross bound state vertex functions is derived, for the first time, directly from the three body wave equations. It is also shown that the relativistic normalization condition for the two body Gross bound state vertex function is identical to the requirement that the bound state charge be conserved, proving that charge is automatically conserved by this equation.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, published version, minor typos correcte

    Quark-Antiquark Bound States in the Relativistic Spectator Formalism

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    The quark-antiquark bound states are discussed using the relativistic spectator (Gross) equations. A relativistic covariant framework for analyzing confined bound states is developed. The relativistic linear potential developed in an earlier work is proven to give vanishing meson\to q+qˉq+\bar{q} decay amplitudes, as required by confinement. The regularization of the singularities in the linear potential that are associated with nonzero energy transfers (i.e. q2=0,qμ0q^2=0,q^{\mu}\neq0) is improved. Quark mass functions that build chiral symmetry into the theory and explain the connection between the current quark and constituent quark masses are introduced. The formalism is applied to the description of pions and kaons with reasonable results.Comment: 31 pages, 16 figure

    Directed abelian algebras and their applications to stochastic models

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    To each directed acyclic graph (this includes some D-dimensional lattices) one can associate some abelian algebras that we call directed abelian algebras (DAA). On each site of the graph one attaches a generator of the algebra. These algebras depend on several parameters and are semisimple. Using any DAA one can define a family of Hamiltonians which give the continuous time evolution of a stochastic process. The calculation of the spectra and ground state wavefunctions (stationary states probability distributions) is an easy algebraic exercise. If one considers D-dimensional lattices and choose Hamiltonians linear in the generators, in the finite-size scaling the Hamiltonian spectrum is gapless with a critical dynamic exponent z=Dz = D. One possible application of the DAA is to sandpile models. In the paper we present this application considering one and two dimensional lattices. In the one dimensional case, when the DAA conserves the number of particles, the avalanches belong to the random walker universality class (critical exponent στ=3/2\sigma_{\tau} = 3/2). We study the local densityof particles inside large avalanches showing a depletion of particles at the source of the avalanche and an enrichment at its end. In two dimensions we did extensive Monte-Carlo simulations and found στ=1.782±0.005\sigma_{\tau} = 1.782 \pm 0.005.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Relativistic calculation of the triton binding energy and its implications

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    First results for the triton binding energy obtained from the relativistic spectator or Gross equation are reported. The Dirac structure of the nucleons is taken into account. Numerical results are presented for a family of realistic OBE models with off-shell scalar couplings. It is shown that these off-shell couplings improve both the fits to the two-body data and the predictions for the binding energy.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX 3.0, 1 figure (uses epsfig.sty

    Front-End electronics configuration system for CMS

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    The four LHC experiments at CERN have decided to use a commercial SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) product for the supervision of their DCS (Detector Control System). The selected SCADA, which is therefore used for the CMS DCS, is PVSS II from the company ETM. This SCADA has its own database, which is suitable for storing conventional controls data such as voltages, temperatures and pressures. In addition, calibration data and FE (Front-End) electronics configuration need to be stored. The amount of these data is too large to be stored in the SCADA database [1]. Therefore an external database will be used for managing such data. However, this database should be completely integrated into the SCADA framework, it should be accessible from the SCADA and the SCADA features, e.g. alarming, logging should be benefited from. For prototyping, Oracle 8i was selected as the external database manager. The development of the control system for calibration constants and FE electronics configuration has been done in close collaboration with the CMS tracker group and JCOP (Joint COntrols Project)(1). (1)The four LHC experiments and the CERN IT/CO group has merged their efforts to build the experiments controls systems and set up the JCOP at the end of December, 1997 for this purpose.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, Icaleps'01 conference PSN WEDT00

    The microcanonical thermodynamics of finite systems: The microscopic origin of condensation and phase separations; and the conditions for heat flow from lower to higher temperatures

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    Microcanonical thermodynamics allows the application of statistical mechanics both to finite and even small systems and also to the largest, self-gravitating ones. However, one must reconsider the fundamental principles of statistical mechanics especially its key quantity, entropy. Whereas in conventional thermostatistics, the homogeneity and extensivity of the system and the concavity of its entropy are central conditions, these fail for the systems considered here. For example, at phase separation, the entropy, S(E), is necessarily convex to make exp[S(E)-E/T] bimodal in E. Particularly, as inhomogeneities and surface effects cannot be scaled away, one must be careful with the standard arguments of splitting a system into two subsystems, or bringing two systems into thermal contact with energy or particle exchange. Not only the volume part of the entropy must be considered. As will be shown here, when removing constraints in regions of a negative heat capacity, the system may even relax under a flow of heat (energy) against a temperature slope. Thus the Clausius formulation of the second law: ``Heat always flows from hot to cold'', can be violated. Temperature is not a necessary or fundamental control parameter of thermostatistics. However, the second law is still satisfied and the total Boltzmann entropy increases. In the final sections of this paper, the general microscopic mechanism leading to condensation and to the convexity of the microcanonical entropy at phase separation is sketched. Also the microscopic conditions for the existence (or non-existence) of a critical end-point of the phase-separation are discussed. This is explained for the liquid-gas and the solid-liquid transition.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physic

    AVIRIS spectra of California wetlands

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    Spectral data gathered by the AVIRIS from wetlands in the Suisun Bay area of California on 13 October 1987 were analyzed. Spectra representing stands of numerous vegetation types (including Sesuvium verrucosum, Scirpus acutus and Scirpus californicus, Xanthium strumarium, Cynadon dactylon, and Distichlis spicata) and soil were isolated. Despite some defects in the data, it was possible to detect vegetation features such as differences in the location of the chlorophyll red absorption maximum. Also, differences in cover type spectra were evident in other spectral regions. It was not possible to determine if the observed features represent noise, variability in canopy architecture, or chemical constituents of leaves

    Fluctuating Multicomponent Lattice Boltzmann Model

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    Current implementations of fluctuating lattice Boltzmann equations (FLBE) describe single component fluids. In this paper, a model based on the continuum kinetic Boltzmann equation for describing multicomponent fluids is extended to incorporate the effects of thermal fluctuations. The thus obtained fluctuating Boltzmann equation is first linearized to apply the theory of linear fluctuations, and expressions for the noise covariances are determined by invoking the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) directly at the kinetic level. Crucial for our analysis is the projection of the Boltzmann equation onto the ortho-normal Hermite basis. By integrating in space and time the fluctuating Boltzmann equation with a discrete number of velocities, the FLBE is obtained for both ideal and non-ideal multicomponent fluids. Numerical simulations are specialized to the case where mean-field interactions are introduced on the lattice, indicating a proper thermalization of the system.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    Regge Behavior of DIS Structure Functions

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    Building on previous works of the mid 1960's, we construct an integral equation for forward elastic scattering (t=0) at arbitrary virtuality Q^2 and large s=W^2. This equation sums the ladder production of massless intermediate bosons to all orders, and the solution exhibits Regge behavior. The equation is used to study scattering in a simple chi^2 phi scalar theory, where it is solved appoximately and applied to the study of DIS at small x. We find that the model can naturally describe the quark distribution in both the large x region and the small x region dominated by Reggeon exchange.Comment: 13 pages with 5 figure

    Temperature dependence of the nonlocal voltage in an Fe/GaAs electrical spin injection device

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    The nonlocal spin resistance is measured as a function of temperature in a Fe/GaAs spin-injection device. For nonannealed samples that show minority-spin injection, the spin resistance is observed up to room temperature and decays exponentially with temperature at a rate of 0.018\,K1^{-1}. Post-growth annealing at 440\,K increases the spin signal at low temperatures, but the decay rate also increases to 0.030\,K1^{-1}. From measurements of the diffusion constant and the spin lifetime in the GaAs channel, we conclude that sample annealing modifies the temperature dependence of the spin transfer efficiency at injection and detection contacts. Surprisingly, the spin transfer efficiency increases in samples that exhibit minority-spin injection.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure