450 research outputs found

    Measuring the Charged Particle Multiplicity with ALICE

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    The charged particle multiplicity distribution is one of the first measurements that ALICE will be able to perform. The knowledge of this basic property at a new energy is needed to configure Monte Carlo generators correctly with the aim of understanding the background of other, especially rare, processes including new physics. It allows to study the scaling behaviour and to verify model predictions. The unfolding of the measurement is a non-trivial task due to the finite precision and acceptance of the detector. Solutions are based on chi2 minimization or iteratively using Bayes' theorem. Both approaches to unfold the spectrum are presented. Furthermore, the capabilities of the SPD fast OR trigger are shown that enable physics at very high multiplicities.Comment: Proceedings of poster presentation at Quark Matter 2008, 20th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions in Jaipur, India; to be published in Indian Journal of Physics; 4 pages, 4 figure

    Energy Conservation Constraints on Multiplicity Correlations in QCD Jets

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    We compute analytically the effects of energy conservation on the self-similar structure of parton correlations in QCD jets. The calculations are performed both in the constant and running coupling cases. It is shown that the corrections are phenomenologically sizeable. On a theoretical ground, energy conservation constraints preserve the scaling properties of correlations in QCD jets beyond the leading log approximation.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 5 figures, .tar.gz version avaliable on ftp://www.inln.unice.fr

    Jet Energy Density in Hadron-Hadron Collisions at High Energies

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    The average particle multiplicity density dN/deta is the dynamical quantity which reflects some regularities of particle production in low-pT range. The quantity is an important ingredient of z-scaling. Experimental results on charged particle density are available for pp, pA and AA collisions while experimental properties of the jet density are still an open question. The goal of this work is to find the variable which will reflect the main features of the jet production in low transverse energy range and play the role of the scale factor for the scaling function psi(z) and variable z in data z-presentation. The appropriate candidate is the variable we called "scaled jet energy density". Scaled jet energy density is the probability to have a jet with defined ET in defined xT and pseudorapidity regions. The PYTHIA6.2 Monte Carlo generator is used for calculation of scaled jet energy density in proton-proton collisions over a high energy range (sqrt s = 200-14000 GeV) and at eta = 0. The properties of the new variable are discussed and sensitivity to "physical scenarios" applied in the standard Monte Carlo generator is noted. The results of scaled jet energy density at LHC energies are presented and compared with predictions based on z-scaling.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures, Presented at the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems "Relativistic Nuclear Physics & Quantum Chromodynamics", Dubna, Russia, September 27 - October 2, 200

    Total Cross Section, Inelasticity and Multiplicity Distributions in Proton -- Proton Collisions

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    Multiparticle production in high energy proton -- proton collisions has been analysed in the frame of Strongly Correlated Quark Model (SCQM) of the hadron structure elaborated by the author. It is shown that inelasticity decreases at high energies and this effect together with the total cross section growth and the increasing with collision energy the masses of intermediate clusters result in the violation of KNO -- scaling.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Yad. Fisik

    Scaling Distributions of Quarks, Mesons and Proton for all pTp_T, Energy and Centrality

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    We present the evidences for the existence of a universal scaling behavior of the production of π0\pi^0 at all transverse momenta in heavy-ion collisions at all centralities and all collision energies. The corresponding scaling behavior of the quarks is then derived just before the quarks recombine with antiquarks to form the pions. The degradation effect of the dense medium on the quark pTp_T is derived from the scaling distribution. In the recombination model it is then possible to calculate the pTp_T distributions of the produced proton and kaon, which are scaling also. Experimentally verifiable predictions are made. Implications of the existence of the scaling behavior are discussed.Comment: 10 pages in RevTeX, including 14 figures in eps file

    Novel Scaling Behavior for the Multiplicity Distribution under Second-Order Quark-Hadron Phase Transition

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    Deviation of the multiplicity distribution PqP_q in small bin from its Poisson counterpart pqp_q is studied within the Ginzburg-Landau description for second-order quark-hadron phase transition. Dynamical factor dqPq/pqd_q\equiv P_q/p_q for the distribution and ratio Dqdq/d1D_q\equiv d_q/d_1 are defined, and novel scaling behaviors between DqD_q are found which can be used to detect the formation of quark-gluon plasma. The study of dqd_q and DqD_q is also very interesting for other multiparticle production processes without phase transition.Comment: 4 pages in revtex, 5 figures in eps format, will be appeared in Phys. Rev.


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    The results of the introduction of palms have been summarized, and the assortment, opportunities and conditions of their cultivation on  the Southern Coast of the Crimea (SCC) defined. Long-term  observations on the experimental plants with an assessment of their  prospects according to a frosting scale during severe winters and  biometric measurements of their habit by instrumental methods  have been conducted. The article describes the history and results of the palms' introduction beginning from 1814 up to the present  moment. It was established that growth and development of palms  in the NBG's arboretum depend not only on their winter resistance  but also on the growing conditions and cultivation practices. The  results of the palms' introduction over a 30-year span of the  research (1984-2014) through the example of their growth and  development in the NBG's arboretum have been summed up. The  data about the characteristic habits and reproductive capabilities for  the year 1984 have been provided and compared with the same  parameters obtained in 2014 on the same experimental trees. A  picture of actual damages of various palm species during severe  winters has been shown, and the degree of their tolerance to  extreme negative temperatures determined. A promising assortment of palms tested in the NBG's arboretum has been identified, and the  conditions of their cultivation on the SCC shown. The environmental  and biological criteria influencing growth and development of 12  species of palms have been defined. Recommendations as to  agricultural practices, protection in winter, and rational utilization of palms in ornamental gardening have been provided

    Comportamento fenologico e produtivo das variedades de uva 'Ribol' e 'Superior Seedless' na regiao de Jaboticabal, SP.

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    A introducao de novas variedades de videira e o estudo de seu comportamento e adaptacao nas diferentes regioes produtoras do pais constituem em importante alternativa para oferecer frutos diferenciados e de elevada qualidade aos consumidores, contribuindo para aumentar a lucratividade da atividade viticola. Realizou-se este trabalho com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento agronomico, fenologico e as exigencias termicas das variedades Ribol e Superior Seedless na regiao de Jaboticabal, SP. A variedade Ribol destacou-se com elevada producao/planta, boas caracteristicas de cacho e periodo fenologico de poda a colheita de 150 dias, apresentando-se com potencial para o cultivo na regiao Oeste do estado de Sao Paulo. A variedade Superior Seedless, apesar das boas caracteristicas dos cachos, apresentou produtividade muito baixa, necessitando de maiores estudos para ajuste da tecnologia de producao

    Disoriented Chiral Condensates, Pion Probability Distributions and Parallels with Disordered System

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    A general expression is discussed for pion probability distributions coming from relativistic heavy ion collisions. The general expression contains as limits: 1) The disoriented chiral condensate (DCC), 2) the negative binomial distribution and Pearson type III distribution, 3) a binomial or Gaussian result, 4) and a Poisson distribution. This general expression approximates other distributions such as a signal to noise laser distribution. Similarities and differences of the DCC distribution with these other distribution are studied. A connection with the theory of disordered systems will be discussed which include spin-glasses, randomly broken objects, random and chaotic maps.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure include

    Heavy quark flavour dependence of multiparticle production in QCD jets

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    After inserting the heavy quark mass dependence into QCD partonic evolution equations, we determine the mean charged hadron multiplicity and second multiplicity correlators of jets produced in high energy collisions. We thereby extend the so-called dead cone effect to the phenomenology of multiparticle production in QCD jets and find that the average multiplicity of heavy-quark initiated jets decreases significantly as compared to the massless case, even taking into account the weak decay products of the leading primary quark. We emphasize the relevance of our study as a complementary check of bb-tagging techniques at hadron colliders like the Tevatron and the LHC.Comment: Version revised, accepted for publication in JHEP, 21 pages and 7 figure