69 research outputs found

    Collimation of electron and X-ray beams using zeolite crystals

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    Zeolite crystals can be used to collimate electron and X-ray beams. Faujasite, naturally occuring crystal in this group, provides structure necessary for collimation

    Soft X-ray lasers using distributed-feedback reflection: A concept

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    Proposed arrangement consists of large evacuated chamber containing smaller Dewar chamber into which liquid neon is introduced. Zeolite crystal is mounted in wall of chamber, with one side in contact with neon and other exposed to evacuated chamber. Electron gun is used to bombard crystal

    XPS study of the chemical structure of the nickel/silicon interface

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    The chemical nature of the Ni/Si, Ni/Ni_(2)Si and Si/Ni_(2)Si interfaces have been investigated using x‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Peak position, line shapes, and envelope intensities are used to probe the compositional structure of these systems. Two approaches have been employed: one approach examines the advancing planar silicide front by dynamically monitoring the in situ formation of Ni_(2)Si. This has the advantage of allowing examination of a realistic interface which is bounded on either side by an extended solid. The second approach follows the development of the Si/Ni interface using UHV depositions of thin layers of Ni on Si . ^(4)He^+ backscattering is used to follow the progression of the thin film reaction and to provide quantitative information on atomic composition. These experiments demonstrate that the Ni/Ni_(2)Si interface consists of a Ni‐rich silicide transitional phase while the Si/Ni_(2)Si interface shows a transitional structure which is correspondingly Si‐rich. Intensity analysis indicates that these interfacial regions are at least 22 Å wide for α‐Si substrates and 9–14 Å wide for crystalline Si. The as‐deposited Ni/Si interface cannot be described as a unique single‐phase, but rather as a chemically graded transitional region showing a composition which varies from Si‐rich to Ni‐rich silicides

    Chemical structure of interfaces

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    The interfacial structure of silicon/dielectric and silicon/metal systems is particularly amenable to analysis using a combination of surface spectroscopies together with a variety of chemical structures of Si/SiO2, Si/SiO2Si3N4, Si/Si2N2O, Si/SiO2/Al, and Si/Native Oxide interfaces using high resolution (0.350 eV FWHM) X ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The general structure of these dielectric interfaces entails a monolayer chemical transition layer at the Si/dielectric boundary. Amorphous Si substrates show a wide variety of hydrogenated Si and Si(OH) sub x states that are not observed in thermal oxidation of single crystal material. Extended SiO2 layers greater than 8 A in thickness are shown to be stoichiometric SiO2, but to exhibit a wide variety of local network structures. In the nitrogen containing systems, an approach to stoichiometric oxynitride compounds with interesting impurity and electron trapping properties are seen. In native oxides, substantial topographical nonuniformity in oxide thickness and composition are found. Analysis of metal/oxide interfacial layers is accomplished by analytical removal of the Si substrate by UHV XeF2 dry etching methods

    Photoelectron spectrometer with means for stabilizing sample surface potential

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    An improved X-ray photoelectron spectrometer is disclosed, which includes circuit means to determine the surface potential of a sample, e.g., an insulator. The circuit means comprise an electron gun, whose potential is modulated at a preselected frequency above and below a selected potential with respect to the spectrometer common potential, e.g., ground. The beam of electrons is directed to the sample surface. The sample's surface potential is offset by an offset power supply with respect to the spectrometer common potential until the ac current which flows through the sample reaches a peak amplitude. A lock-in amplifier is included to measure the ac current in phase with the modulating frequency

    Oxygen impurity effects at metal/silicide interfaces: Formation of silicon oxide and suboxides in the Ni/Si system

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    The effect of oxygen impurities on the Ni/Ni2Si interface has been investigated via ion implantation using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), 4He + backscattering, and 16O(d,alpha)14N nuclear reactions. Oxygen dosages corresponding to peak concentrations of 1, 2, and 3 atomic percent were implanted into Ni films evaporated on Si (100) substrates. The oxygen, nickel, and silicon core lines were monitored as a function of time during in situ growth of the Ni silicide to determine the chemical nature of the diffusion barrier known to form in the presence of oxygen impurities. It is shown that neither Ni oxide or mixed compounds such as Ni2SiO4 are involved in the barrier formation. The data demonstrate that as the advancing Ni/Ni2Si interface encounters oxygen in the Ni film, silicon suboxides (Si2O3, Si2O, and SiO) are formed. As more oxygen is encountered, Si takes on a full coordination of oxygen, forming SiO2. When a sufficient layer of SiO2 has formed, Ni metal is no longer able to diffuse through to the Si/Ni2Si interface to continue the solid phase reaction. It has been determined under UHV annealing conditions that the amount of oxygen necessary to stop the Ni diffusion is 2.2×10^16 O/cm^2. These experiments also provide a novel approach for synthesizing Si oxides and suboxides in a metallic matrix for examining relaxation effects in XPS as well as providing model compounds for Si/SiO2 interfacial studies

    Modification of HF-treated silicon (100) surfaces by scanning tunneling microscopy in air under imaging conditions

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    The modification of HF-etched silicon (100) surface with a scanning tunneling microscope(STM) operated in air is studied for the first time in samples subjected to the standard HF etching without the follow-up rinsing in H2O. The modifications are produced in air under normal STM imaging conditions (V t =−1.4 V and I t =2 nA). The simultaneous acquisition of topographical, current image tunneling spectroscopy and local barrier-height images clearly shows that the nature of the modification is not only topographical but also chemical. The features produced with a resolution better than 25 nm are attributed to a tip-induced oxidation enhanced by the presence of fluorine on the surface

    Structure and oxidation kinetics of the Si(100)-SiO2 interface

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    We present first-principles calculations of the structural and electronic properties of Si(001)-SiO2 interfaces. We first arrive at reasonable structures for the c-Si/a-SiO2 interface via a Monte-Carlo simulated annealing applied to an empirical interatomic potential, and then relax these structures using first-principles calculations within the framework of density-functional theory. We find a transition region at the interface, having a thickness on the order of 20\AA, in which there is some oxygen deficiency and a corresponding presence of sub-oxide Si species (mostly Si^+2 and Si^+3). Distributions of bond lengths and bond angles, and the nature of the electronic states at the interface, are investigated and discussed. The behavior of atomic oxygen in a-SiO2 is also investigated. The peroxyl linkage configuration is found to be lower in energy than interstitial or threefold configurations. Based on these results, we suggest a possible mechanism for oxygen diffusion in a-SiO2 that may be relevant to the oxidation process.Comment: 7 pages, two-column style with 6 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#ng_sio

    Structure and energetics of the Si-SiO_2 interface

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    Silicon has long been synonymous with semiconductor technology. This unique role is due largely to the remarkable properties of the Si-SiO_2 interface, especially the (001)-oriented interface used in most devices. Although Si is crystalline and the oxide is amorphous, the interface is essentially perfect, with an extremely low density of dangling bonds or other electrically active defects. With the continual decrease of device size, the nanoscale structure of the silicon/oxide interface becomes more and more important. Yet despite its essential role, the atomic structure of this interface is still unclear. Using a novel Monte Carlo approach, we identify low-energy structures for the interface. The optimal structure found consists of Si-O-Si "bridges" ordered in a stripe pattern, with very low energy. This structure explains several puzzling experimental observations.Comment: LaTex file with 4 figures in GIF forma