5,095 research outputs found

    Data-driven Design of Engineering Processes with COREPROModeler

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    Enterprises increasingly demand IT support for the coordination of their engineering processes, which often consist of hundreds up to thousands of sub-processes. From a technical viewpoint, these sub-processes have to be concurrently executed and synchronized considering numerous interdependencies. So far, this coordination has mainly been accomplished manually, which has resulted in errors and inconsistencies. In order to deal with this problem, we have to better understand the interdependencies between the subprocesses to be coordinated. In particular, we can benefit from the fact that sub-processes are often correlated to the assembly of a product (represented by a product data structure). This information can be utilized for the modeling and execution of so-called data-driven process structures. In this paper, we present the COREPRO demonstrator that supports the data-driven modeling of these process structures. The approach explicitly establishes a close linkage between product data structures and engineering processes

    Towards quantum-chemical method development for arbitrary basis functions

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    We present the design of a flexible quantum-chemical method development framework, which supports employing any type of basis function. This design has been implemented in the light-weight program package molsturm, yielding a basis-function-independent self-consistent field scheme. Versatile interfaces, making use of open standards like python, mediate the integration of molsturm with existing third-party packages. In this way both rapid extension of the present set of methods for electronic structure calculations as well as adding new basis function types can be readily achieved. This makes molsturm well-suitable for testing novel approaches for discretising the electronic wave function and allows comparing them to existing methods using the same software stack. This is illustrated by two examples, an implementation of coupled-cluster doubles as well as a gradient-free geometry optimisation, where in both cases, an arbitrary basis functions could be used. molsturm is open-source and can be obtained from https://molsturm.org.Comment: 15 pages and 7 figure

    Interstellar water chemistry: from laboratory to observations

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    Water is observed throughout the universe, from diffuse interstellar clouds to protoplanetary disks around young stars, and from comets in our own solar system and exoplanetary atmospheres to galaxies at high redshifts. This review summarizes the spectroscopy and excitation of water in interstellar space as well as the basic chemical processes that form and destroy water under interstellar conditions. Three major routes to water formation are identified: low temperature ion-molecule chemistry, high-temperature neutral-neutral chemistry and gas-ice chemistry. The rate coefficients of several important processes entering the networks are discussed in detail; several of them have been determined only in the last decade through laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations. Astronomical examples of each of the different chemical routes are presented using data from powerful new telescopes, in particular the Herschel Space Observatory. Basic chemical physics studies remain critically important to analyze astronomical data.Comment: Authors' manuscript 138 pages, 34 figures, 4 tables, published in a Thematic Issue "Astrochemistry" in Chemical Reviews (December 2013), volume 113, 9043-9085 following peer review by the American Chemical Society. The published paper is available as open access at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/cr400317

    The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey VIII : Discovery of an Isolated Dwarf Galaxy in the Local Volume

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    The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey (AGES) has detected a nearby HI source at a heliocentric velocity of +363 km/s . The object was detected through its neutral hydrogen emission and has an obvious possible optical counterpart in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data (though it does not have an optical redshift measurement). We discuss three possible scenarios for the object : 1) It is within the Local Group, in which case its HI properties are comparable with recently discovered ultra-compact high velocity clouds; 2) It is just behind the Local Group, in which case its optical characteristics are similar to the newly discovered Leo P galaxy; 3) It is a blue compact dwarf galaxy within the local volume but not associated with the Local Group. We find the third possibility to be the most likely, based on distance estimates from the Tully-Fisher relation and its velocity relative to the Local Group.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Minor correction to institution and addres

    Electron-attachment rates for carbon-rich molecules in protoplanetary atmospheres: the role of chemical differences

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    The formation of anionic species in the interstellar medium from interaction of linear molecules containing carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen as atomic components (polyynes) with free electrons in the environment is modelled via a quantum treatment of the collision dynamics. The ensuing integral cross sections are employed to obtain the corresponding attachment rates over a broad range of temperatures for the electrons. The calculations unequivocally show that a parametrization form often employed for such rates yields a broad range of values that turn out to be specific for each molecular species considered, thus excluding using a unique set for the whole class of polyynes.Comment: accepted to be published on MNRA

    Electron attachment rates for PAH anions in the ISM and dark molecular clouds: dependence on their chemical properties

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    CONTEXT: The attachment of free electrons to polycondensed aromatic ring molecules (PAHs) is studied for the variety of these molecules with different numbers of condensed rings and over a broad range of electron temperatures, using a multichannel quantum scattering approach. The calculations of the relevant cross sections are used in turn to model the corresponding attachment rates for each of the systems under study, and these rates are parametrized as a function of temperature using a commonly employed expression for two-body processes in the interstellar medium (ISM). AIM: The scope of this work is to use first principles to establish the influence of chemical properties on the efficiency of the electron-attachment process for PAHs. METHODS: Quantum multichannel scattering methods are employed to generate the relevant cross sections, hence the attachment rates, using integral elastic cross sections computed over a broad range of relevant energies, from threshold up to 1000 K and linking the attachment to low-energy resonant collisions. RESULTS: The rates obtained for the present molecules are found to markedly vary within the test ensemble of the present work and to be lower than the earlier values used for the entire class of PAHs anions, when modelling their evolutions in ISM environments. The effects of such differences on the evolutions of chemical networks that include both PAH and PAH- species are analysed in some detail and related to previous calculations.Comment: accepted to be published on A&

    LIINUS/SERPIL: a design study for interferometric imaging spectroscopy at the LBT

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    LIINUS/SERPIL is a design study to augment LBTs interferometric beam combiner camera LINC-NIRVANA with imaging spectroscopy. The FWHM of the interferometric main beam at 1.5 micron will be about 10 mas, offering unique imaging and spectroscopic capabilities well beyond the angular resolution of current 8-10m telescopes. At 10 mas angular scale, e.g., one resolution element at the distance of the Galactic Center corresponds to the average diameter of the Pluto orbit (79 AU), hence the size of the solar system. Taking advantage of the LBT interferometric beam with an equivalent maximum diameter of 23 m, LIINUS/SERPIL is an ideal precursor instrument for (imaging) spectrographs at extremely large full aperture telescopes. LIINUS/SERPIL will be built upon the LINC-NIRVANA hardware and LIINUS/SERPIL could potentially be developed on a rather short timescale. The study investigates several concepts for the optical as well as for the mechanical design. We present the scientific promises of such an instrument together with the current status of the design study.Comment: 12 pages, SPIE conference proceeding, Orlando, 200

    The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey VII : A Dense Filament With Extremely Long HI Streams

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    We present completed observations of the NGC 7448 galaxy group and background volume as part of the blind neutral hydrogen Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey (AGES). Our observations cover a region spanning 5x4 degrees, over a redshift range of approximately -2,000 < cz < 20,000 km/s. A total of 334 objects are detected, mostly in three overdensities at cz \sim7,500, cz \sim9,600 and cz \sim 11,400 km/s. The galaxy density is extremely high (15 per square degree) and many (\sim24%) show signs of extended HI emission, including some features as much as 800 kpc in projected length. We describe the overall characteristics of this environment : kinematics, typical galaxy colours and mass to light ratios, and substructure. To aid in the cataloguing of this data set, we present a new FITS viewer (FRELLED : Fits Realtime Explorer of Low Latency in Every Dimension). This incorporates interactive source cataloguing tools which increase our source extraction speed by approximately a factor of 50.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The spectral type of CHS7797 - an intriguing very low mass periodic variable in the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    We present the spectroscopic characterization of the unusual high-amplitude very low mass pre-main-sequence periodic variable CHS7797. This study is based on optical medium-resolution (R=2200) spectroscopy in the 6450-8600 A range, carried out with GMOS-GEMINI-S in March 2011. Observations of CHS7797 have been carried out at two distinct phases of the 17.8d period, namely at maximum and four days before maximum. Four different spectral indices were used for the spectral classification at these two phases, all of them well-suited for spectral classification of young and obscured late M dwarfs. In addition, the gravity-sensitive NaI (8183/8195 A) and KI (7665/7699 A) doublet lines were used to confirm the young age of CHS7797. From the spectrum obtained at maximum light we derived a spectral type (SpT) of M6.05, while for the spectrum taken four days before maximum the derived SpT is M5.75. The derived SpTs confirm that CHS7797 has a mass in the stellar-substellar boundary mass range. In addition, the small differences in the derived SpTs at the two observed phases may provide indirect hints that CHS7797 is a binary system of similar mass components surrounded by a tilted circumbinary disk, a system similar to KH15D.Comment: 6 pages, accepted for publication A&

    Sensitivity of the deuteron form factor to nucleon resonances

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    The sensitivity of the deuteron form factor to contributions from the excited states of the nucleon is explored using a simple model of the nucleon-nucleon interaction which employs a tower of charged nucleon resonances. The model is manifestly covariant, analytically solvable, and gauge invariant. The consequences of this model are studied in the simplest possible framework. We assume that all particles have spin zero and that the tower has only three charged members, which consist of the proton, the Roper, and a higher state in the vicinity of the D13D_{13}. Nucleon-nucleon S-wave phase shifts and the deuteron form factor are calculated using this three member tower, and the results are compared to similar calculations using the proton ground state only. We conclude that the deuteron form factor is insensitive to the presence of excited states of the proton unless those states are of sufficiently low mass to produce strong inelasticities in NNNN scattering channels