823 research outputs found

    Spatial partial coherence in Young's interferograms

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    Young's interferograms with high visibility reveals a high degree of spatial coherence of first order. But, spatially partial coherence of second order can be observed when it interferes itself through a compensated Michelson's interferometer attached at the exit of the Young's slit pair. We show that the patterns at the exit of the Michelson's interferometer are Young's interferograms with modulation fringes, which allow an estimation of the degree of the high order spatial coherence

    Spectroscopic analysis of the transverse excited C3Πu–B3Πg(0–0) UV laser band of N2 at room temperature: comments

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    Recently Petit et al.published a paper devoted to a high-resolution spectroscopy study of the 0-0 laser band in the Second Positive System of molecular nitrogen and explaining the optical gain formation on its different branches.All the results by Petit et al. are equivalent to those previously published by Massone et al.and are in accordance with theoretical predictions reported by Tocho et al.Summarizing, we would comment as follows

    An Experimental and Numerical Study on Glass Frit Wafer-to-Wafer Bonding

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    A thermo-mechanical wafer-to-wafer bonding process is studied through experiments on the glass frit material and thermo-mechanical numerical simulations to evaluate the effect of the residual stresses on the wafer warpage. To experimentally characterize the material, confocal laser profilometry and scanning electron microscopy for surface observation, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy for microstructural investigation, and nanoindentation and die shear tests for the evaluation of mechanical properties are used. An average effective Young’s modulus of 86.5 ± 9.5 GPa, a Poisson’s ratio of 0.19 ± 0.02, and a hardness of 5.26 ± 0.8 GPa were measured through nanoindentation for the glass frit material. The lowest nominal shear strength ranged 1.13 ÷ 1.58 MPa in the strain rate interval to 0.33 ÷ 4.99 × 10 (Formula presented.) s (Formula presented.). To validate the thermo-mechanical model, numerical results are compared with experimental measurements of the out-of-plane displacements at the wafer surface (i.e., warpage), showing acceptable agreement

    Introducing a rainfall compound distribution model based on weather patterns sub-sampling

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    This paper presents a probabilistic model for daily rainfall, using sub-sampling based on meteorological circulation. We classified eight typical but contrasted synoptic situations (weather patterns) for France and surrounding areas, using a "bottom-up" approach, i.e. from the shape of the rain field to the synoptic situations described by geopotential fields. These weather patterns (WP) provide a discriminating variable that is consistent with French climatology, and allows seasonal rainfall records to be split into more homogeneous sub-samples, in term of meteorological genesis. <br><br> First results show how the combination of seasonal and WP sub-sampling strongly influences the identification of the asymptotic behaviour of rainfall probabilistic models. Furthermore, with this level of stratification, an asymptotic exponential behaviour of each sub-sample appears as a reasonable hypothesis. This first part is illustrated with two daily rainfall records from SE of France. <br><br> The distribution of the multi-exponential weather patterns (MEWP) is then defined as the composition, for a given season, of all WP sub-sample marginal distributions, weighted by the relative frequency of occurrence of each WP. This model is finally compared to Exponential and Generalized Pareto distributions, showing good features in terms of robustness and accuracy. These final statistical results are computed from a wide dataset of 478 rainfall chronicles spread on the southern half of France. All these data cover the 1953–2005 period

    Intra-abdominal Adiposity In Preterm Infants: An Explorative Study

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the total body fat mass and the intra-abdominal adipose tissue between preterm infants assessed at term corrected age and full-term newborns. Methods: An observational explorative study was conducted. 25 preterm and 10 full term infants were evaluated at 0-1 month of corrected and postnatal age, respectively. The total body fat mass was assessed by means of an air displacement plethysmography system (Pea Pod COSMED, USA) and the intra-abdominal adipose tissue by means of magnetic resonance imaging (software program SliceOMatic, Version 4.3,Tomovision, Canada). Results: Total body fat mass (g) of preterm and term infants was 633 (±183) and 538 (±203) respectively while intra-abdominal fat mass (g) was 14.2 (±4.9) and 19.9 (±11.4). Conclusions: Preterm infants, although exhibiting a total body fat mass higher than full term infants, do not show an increased intra-abdominal adipose tissue

    A Xenon Ion Pumped Open Dye Stream Laser

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    A pulsed xenon ion laser with an output power of 1 kW over the blue-green lines was used to pump an open dye stream laser. An efficiency of the order of 40 percent was determined in broadband mode operation. The bandwidth in this case was 48 nm (from 582 to 630 nm)

    Beneficial effect of sodium dichloroacetate in muscle cytochrome C oxidase deficiency

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    Beneficial Effect of Sodium Dichloroacetate in Muscle Cytochrome C Oxidase Deficienc

    Stereotypes and prejudices in nursing prison activities: a reflection

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    Background: In the prison environment, the nursing profession has particularly complex peculiarities and aspects, so much so that prison nurses require advanced specialist skills and specific education. Can nurses’ stereotypes and prejudices in prison settings affect nursing care? What are nurses’ perceptions of the prison environment and people in detention? This study aims, on one hand, to outline the figure of the nurse in the prison environment and current regulations and, on the other hand, to explore whether and how stereotypes and prejudices may affect the way care is provided. Methods: Starting with an analysis of the literature, the authors administered a questionnaire to a group of nurses who shared data and reflections. Results: This study sheds a new light on nursing in the prison environment, exploring how nurses’ stereotypes and prejudices may affect the care of patients. Conclusions: It would be desirable to develop research in this field to enable a more conscious approach to a world that is still considered distant and dangerous, and to overcome the misperceptions and prejudices that may negatively affect the way of caring

    Radon measurements in soil and water in the seismic Friuli area

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    Radon concentration measurements have been related to seismic occurrence in a number of publications aiming to detect possible pre-seismic or co-seismic variations. Based on these studies, there is evidence that the radon emanation depends on the lithologic and rheologic parameters of the rock, which change in the preparatory stage of the seismic cycle. With the aim of having a better understanding of these relations, we have set up a station where both radon concentration in soil and deformation are being measured since September 1994. The station is located in the Villanova Cave (468158N, 138168E), 60 m below the surface. The experiment has recently been extended with a second radon station at the Arta Terme thermal baths, where measurements are made in water. A meteorological station controls the principal atmospheric parameters, which could influence radon variation. We present an analysis of the data recorded at the Villanova station, comprising the study of the local seismicity the results of which have been low throughout the recording period. Furthermore, in this study we show some preliminary results regarding the Arta Terme station
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