4,281 research outputs found

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    The Gravitomagnetic Influence on Gyroscopes and on the Lunar Orbit

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    Gravitomagnetism--a motional coupling of matter analogous to the Lorentz force in electromagnetism--has observable consequences for any scenario involving differing mass currents. Examples include gyroscopes located near a rotating massive body, and the interaction of two orbiting bodies. In the former case, the resulting precession of the gyroscope is often called ``frame dragging,'' and is the principal measurement sought by the Gravity Probe-B experiment. The latter case is realized in the earth-moon system, and the effect has in fact been confirmed via lunar laser ranging (LLR) to approximately 0.1% accuracy--better than the anticipated accuracy of the Gravity-Probe-B result. This paper shows the connnection between these seemingly disparate phenomena by employing the same gravitomagnetic term in the equation of motion to obtain both gyroscopic precession and modification of the lunar orbit. Since lunar ranging currently provides a part in a thousand fit to the gravitomagnetic contributions to the lunar orbit, this feature of post-Newtonian gravity is not adjustable to fit any anomalous result beyond the 0.1% level from Gravity Probe-B without disturbing the existing fit of theory to the 36 years of LLR data.Comment: 4 pages; accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Detecting a Lorentz-Violating Field in Cosmology

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    We consider cosmology in the Einstein-aether theory (the generally covariant theory of gravitation coupled to a dynamical timelike Lorentz-violating vector field) with a linear aether-Lagrangian. The 3+1 spacetime splitting approach is used to derive covariant and gauge invariant perturbation equations which are valid for a general class of Lagrangians. Restricting attention to the parameter space of these theories which is consistent with local gravity experiments, we show that there are tracking behaviors for the aether field, both in the background cosmology and at linear perturbation level. The primordial power-spectrum of scalar perturbations in this model is shown to be the same that predicted by standard general relativity. However, the power-spectrum of tensor perturbation is different from that in general relativity, but has a smaller amplitude and so cannot be detected at present. We also study the implications for late-time cosmology and find that the evolution of photon and neutrino anisotropic stresses can source the aether field perturbation during the radiation and matter dominated epochs, and as a result the CMB and matter power spectra are modified. However these effects are degenerate with respect to other cosmological parameters, such as neutrino masses and the bias parameter in the observed galaxy spectrum.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures; modified version to appear in Physical Review

    Extended coherence time on the clock transition of optically trapped Rubidium

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    Optically trapped ensembles are of crucial importance for frequency measurements and quantum memories, but generally suffer from strong dephasing due to inhomogeneous density and light shifts. We demonstrate a drastic increase of the coherence time to 21 s on the magnetic field insensitive clock transition of Rb-87 by applying the recently discovered spin self-rephasing. This result confirms the general nature of this new mechanism and thus shows its applicability in atom clocks and quantum memories. A systematic investigation of all relevant frequency shifts and noise contributions yields a stability of 2.4E-11 x tau^(-1/2), where tau is the integration time in seconds. Based on a set of technical improvements, the presented frequency standard is predicted to rival the stability of microwave fountain clocks in a potentially much more compact setup.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Cadmium electrode mechanism electrode morphology and capacity Final report

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    Morphology and capacity of cadmium electrodes on repeated charge and discharg

    Generic bounds on dipolar gravitational radiation from inspiralling compact binaries

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    Various alternative theories of gravity predict dipolar gravitational radiation in addition to quadrupolar radiation. We show that gravitational wave (GW) observations of inspiralling compact binaries can put interesting constraints on the strengths of the dipole modes of GW polarizations. We put forward a physically motivated gravitational waveform for dipole modes, in the Fourier domain, in terms of two parameters: one which captures the relative amplitude of the dipole mode with respect to the quadrupole mode (α\alpha) and the other a dipole term in the phase (β\beta). We then use this two parameter representation to discuss typical bounds on their values using GW measurements. We obtain the expected bounds on the amplitude parameter α\alpha and the phase parameter β\beta for Advanced LIGO (AdvLIGO) and Einstein Telescope (ET) noise power spectral densities using Fisher information matrix. AdvLIGO and ET may at best bound α\alpha to an accuracy of 102\sim10^{-2} and 103\sim10^{-3} and β\beta to an accuracy of 105\sim10^{-5} and 106\sim10^{-6} respectively.Comment: Matches with the published versio

    Massive motion in Brans-Dicke geometry and beyond

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    Gravity theories that can be viewed as dynamics for area metric manifolds, for which Brans-Dicke theory presents a recently studied example, require for their physical interpretation the identification of the distinguished curves that serve as the trajectories of light and massive matter. Complementing previous results on the propagation of light, we study effective massive point particle motion. We show that the relevant geometrical structure is a special Finsler norm determined by the area metric, and that massive point particles follow Finsler geodesics.Comment: 12 page

    Scalar-tensor cosmologies: fixed points of the Jordan frame scalar field

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    We study the evolution of homogeneous and isotropic, flat cosmological models within the general scalar-tensor theory of gravity with arbitrary coupling function and potential. After introducing the limit of general relativity we describe the details of the phase space geometry. Using the methods of dynamical systems for the decoupled equation of the Jordan frame scalar field we find the fixed points of flows in two cases: potential domination and matter domination. We present the conditions on the mathematical form of the coupling function and potential which determine the nature of the fixed points (attractor or other). There are two types of fixed points, both are characterized by cosmological evolution mimicking general relativity, but only one of the types is compatible with the Solar System PPN constraints. The phase space structure should also carry over to the Einstein frame as long as the transformation between the frames is regular which however is not the case for the latter (PPN compatible) fixed point.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, some comments and references adde

    Gravitation and inertia; a rearrangement of vacuum in gravity

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    We address the gravitation and inertia in the framework of 'general gauge principle', which accounts for 'gravitation gauge group' generated by hidden local internal symmetry implemented on the flat space. We connect this group to nonlinear realization of the Lie group of 'distortion' of local internal properties of six-dimensional flat space, which is assumed as a toy model underlying four-dimensional Minkowski space. The agreement between proposed gravitational theory and available observational verifications is satisfactory. We construct relativistic field theory of inertia and derive the relativistic law of inertia. This theory furnishes justification for introduction of the Principle of Equivalence. We address the rearrangement of vacuum state in gravity resulting from these ideas.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, revtex4, Accepted for publication in Astrophys. Space Sc

    Solar system constraints on the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati braneworld theory of gravity

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    A number of proposals have been put forward to account for the observed accelerating expansion of the Universe through modifications of gravity. One specific scenario, Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) gravity, gives rise to a potentially observable anomaly in the solar system: all planets would exhibit a common anomalous precession, dw/dt, in excess of the prediction of General Relativity. We have used the Planetary Ephemeris Program (PEP) along with planetary radar and radio tracking data to set a constraint of |dw/dt| < 0.02 arcseconds per century on the presence of any such common precession. This sensitivity falls short of that needed to detect the estimated universal precession of |dw/dt| = 5e-4 arcseconds per century expected in the DGP scenario. We discuss the fact that ranging data between objects that orbit in a common plane cannot constrain the DGP scenario. It is only through the relative inclinations of the planetary orbital planes that solar system ranging data have sensitivity to the DGP-like effect of universal precession. In addition, we illustrate the importance of performing a numerical evaluation of the sensitivity of the data set and model to any perturbative precession.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.