4,492 research outputs found

    Heat flux evaluation in high temperature ring-on-ring contacts

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    A comprehensive methodology to investigate heat flux in a ring-on-ring tribometer is presented. Thermal fluxes under high contact pressures and temperature differences were evaluated through an experimental campaign and by a numerical procedure of inverse analysis applied to surface temperature measurements. An approximation of a two-dimensional time-dependent analytical solution for the temperature distribution was first developed and subsequently adapted to mimic the specific testing configuration characteristics; the problem was finally simplified to enable further inverse analysis. Experiments were performed using an innovative high temperature ring-on-ring tribometer. The evaluated contact heat transfer rates were reported as a function of normal load and temperature difference between the discs under steady-state conditions; the results reported here show that, in the present test configuration, the temperature difference has stronger influence than the applied load in terms of heat transfer induced by contact

    Territorial Impact Assessment of Territorial Cohesion in Italy. Foreword

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    Territorial Impact Assessment of Territorial Cohesion in Italy is the main topic as well as the title of this special issue, which makes available the intermediate results of an Italian National Research Project PRIN2015 which will be closed in February 2020 (Project 73. PI Maria Prezioso - 20155NXJ8T - SH3 “Territorial Impact Assessment della coesione territoriale delle regioni italiane. Modello, su base place evidence, per la valutazione di policy rivolte allo sviluppo della green economy in aree interne e periferie metropolitane”). From February 2017, ten academic groups acting in collaborative partnership have discussed and implemented visions by literature review and experimental application of an innovative methodological approach, methods and tools, producing data, mapping and geographical studies. - is intensive activity, which is involving more than sixty researchers, national and regional policy/decision makers, stakeholders and practitioners is already collected in a book (Prezioso, ed., Quale Territorial Impact Assessment della coesione territoriale nelle regioni italiane. La concettualizzazione del problema, Bologna, Pàtron, 2018). It preceded as theoretical contribution and methodological addresses the applied phase presented in this issue. - e research has been the shared space where working together and, consequently, growing and confronting each other by a critical review with European experts and large audience. - e dialogue ha seveloped around the STeMA-Territorial Impact Assessment methodological approach and the related ex-ante evaluation (data, mapping and place evidence of status quo at 2018 by the related STeMA GIS) of Italian Territorial Cohesion, analysing four main dominions (pillars and . ags) of the Europe 2020 Strategy: smart, sustainable, inclusive growth and funds spending. Processing and applying a new STeMA-TIA 3.0 version devoted to territorial Cohesion in Italy, the research selected 73 representative indicators; they have been covered and mapped at NUTS 2 (regions) and NUTS 3 (sub-regional level), referring to new 7 Systemic Regional Functional Typologies that territorialise spatial data to the geographical diversity of Country

    An n-sided polygonal model to calculate the impact of cyber security events

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    This paper presents a model to represent graphically the impact of cyber events (e.g., attacks, countermeasures) in a polygonal systems of n-sides. The approach considers information about all entities composing an information system (e.g., users, IP addresses, communication protocols, physical and logical resources, etc.). Every axis is composed of entities that contribute to the execution of the security event. Each entity has an associated weighting factor that measures its contribution using a multi-criteria methodology named CARVER. The graphical representation of cyber events is depicted as straight lines (one dimension) or polygons (two or more dimensions). Geometrical operations are used to compute the size (i.e, length, perimeter, surface area) and thus the impact of each event. As a result, it is possible to identify and compare the magnitude of cyber events. A case study with multiple security events is presented as an illustration on how the model is built and computed.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, 11th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, (CRiSIS 2016), Roscoff, France, September 201

    Keanekaragaman Semut Pada Zona Inti Cagar Alam Pangandaran

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    EQCM Analysis of the Insertion Phenomena in a n-Doped Poly-Alkyl-Terthiophene With Regioregular Pattern of Substitution

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    In the present work, we have undertaken the study of the n-doping process in poly-3,3″-didodecyl-2,2′:5′,2″-terthiophene (poly-33″-DDTT) employing the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM). The present study aims at understanding how cathodic charge in n-doped poly-33″-DDTT is compensated. For this purpose, the in situ analysis of the variations of the polymeric mass has been considered. Poly-33″-DDTT was obtained as a thin coating onto a metallic substrate via the anodic coupling of the corresponding monomer 3,3″-didodecyl-2,2′:5′,2″-terthiophene (33″-DDTT). When subjected to electrochemical n-doping in the polarization interval -2.5 ≤ Eappl ≤ 0 V vs. Ag/Ag+, the films of poly-33″-DDTT varied their mass according to a mechanism of cations insertion during n-doping and cations extraction during polymer neutralization. In fact, the electrochemical doping of polythiophenes requires the accompanying exchange of charged species to maintain the electroneutrality within the structure of the polymer in all states of polarization. At the end of a full electrochemical cycle (consisting of the n-doping and the successive neutralization of poly-33″-DDTT), the polymer retains a fraction of the mass acquired during n-doping, thus manifesting the phenomena of mass trapping. The combined analysis of electrochemical and microgravimetric data suggests that poly-33″-DDTT in the n-doped state undergoes (or electrocatalyzes) uncontrolled electrochemical reactions that are not accompanied by mass variations

    Limits on the use of cobalt sulfide as anode of p-type dye-sensitized solar cells

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    Thin films of cobalt sulfide (CoS) of thickness l < 10m have been employed as anodes of p-type dye-sensitized solar cells (p-DSCs) when P1-sensitized nickel oxide (NiO) was the photoactive cathode and /I - constituted the redox mediator. In the role of counter electrode for p-DSCs, CoS was preferred over traditional platinized fluorine-doped indium oxide (Pt-FTO) due to the lower cost of the starting materials (Co salts) and the easier procedure of deposition onto large area substrates. The latter process was carried out via direct precipitation of CoS from aqueous solutions. The photoconversion efficiency (η) of the corresponding device was 0.07%. This value is about 35% less than the efficiency that is obtained with the analogous p-DSC employing the Pt-FTO anode (η = 0.11). Unlike p-DSCs based on Pt-FTO anodes, the photoelectrochemical cells employing CoS electrodes showed that this anodic material was not able to sustain the photocurrent densities generated by P1-sensitized NiO at a given photopotential. Illumination of the p-DSCs with CoS anodes and P1-sensitized NiO cathodes actually induced the reverse bias of the photoelectrochemical cell with CoS behaving like a p-type semiconductor with no degeneracy. © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Pengaruh Permainan Kirimkan Angka itu terhadap Kemampuan Mengenal Konsep Lambang Bilangan Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di Tk Negeri Pembina 2 Kota Pekanbaru

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    The research is to to determine the effect of the game " send me the number was " the ability to recognize the concept emblem numbers 5-6 years old children in TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru City. The population and sample of this research is children aged 5-6 years amounted to 19 children. Data collection techniques were used that observation. Data analysis techniques used in this research is the analysis of the Wilcoxon test. The result showed the effectiveness of the game by 51.95 % and a significant value was 0.000 for 0.000 < 0.05, then H0 rejected Ha accepted. This means that there are significant game " send me the number was " the ability to recognize the concept of the symbol of the number of children aged 5-6 years. To find out the hypothesis is accepted or rejected based on the data SPSS for windows vesion 16 it can be seen from the comparison tcount with t table ie from the calculation of the t test, it appears that the results count z = 3.845 and the result sign of 0.000 < 0.05, so Ha is received H0 rejected. Thus Ho = rejected and Ha = acceptable. From this study it can be concluded that the game "send me the number was" could be a medium of learning in developing children's ability to recognize the concept of numbers emblem. The game " send me the number was " the ability to recognize the concept emblem numbers in children aged 5-6 years in TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru City effect of 51.95 %. It has been suggested that children's ability to recognize the concept of the symbol of the number of children affected by another factor of 48.05 %

    A composite hydrogel for brain tissue phantoms

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    Synthetic phantoms are valuable tools for training, research and development in traditional and computer aided surgery, but complex organs, such as the brain, are difficult to replicate. Here, we present the development of a new composite hydrogel capable of mimicking the mechanical response of brain tissue under loading. Our results demonstrate how the combination of two different hydrogels, whose synergistic interaction results in a highly tunable blend, produces a hybrid material that closely matches the strongly dynamic and non-linear response of brain tissue. The new synthetic material is inexpensive, simple to prepare, and its constitutive components are both widely available and biocompatible. Our investigation of the properties of this engineered tissue, using both small scale testing and life-sized brain phantoms, shows that it is suitable for reproducing the brain shift phenomenon and brain tissue response to indentation and palpation