49 research outputs found

    Microglial P2X4 receptors promote ApoE degradation and contribute to memory deficits in Alzheimer’s disease

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    International audienceNumerous evidences support that microglia contributes to the progression of Alzheimer's disease. P2X4 receptors are ATP-gated channels with high calcium permeability, which are de novo expressed in a subset of reactive microglia associated with various pathological contexts, contributing to microglial functions. P2X4 receptors are mainly localized in lysosomes and trafficking to the plasma membrane is tightly regulated. Here, we investigated the role of P2X4 in the context of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Using proteomics, we identified Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) as a specific P2X4 interacting protein. We found that P2X4 regulates lysosomal cathepsin B (CatB) activity promoting ApoE degradation; P2rX4 deletion results in higher amounts of intracellular and secreted ApoE in both bone-marrow-derived macrophage (BMDM) and microglia from APPswe/PSEN1dE9 brain. In both human AD brain and APP/PS1 mice, P2X4 and ApoE are almost exclusively expressed in plaque-associated microglia. In 12-month-old APP/PS1 mice, genetic deletion of P2rX4 reverses topographical and spatial memory impairment and reduces amount of soluble small aggregates of AĂź1-42 peptide, while no obvious alteration of plaque-associated microglia characteristics is observed. Our results support that microglial P2X4 promotes lysosomal ApoE degradation, indirectly altering AĂź peptide clearance, which in turn might promotes synaptic dysfunctions and cognitive deficits. Our findings uncover a specific interplay between purinergic signaling, microglial ApoE, soluble AĂź (sAĂź) species and cognitive deficits associated with AD

    Glucocorticoid receptors signaling impairment potentiates amyloid-beta oligomers-induced pathology in an acute model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis occurs early in Alzheimer's disease (AD), associated with elevated circulating glucocorticoids (GC) and glucocorticoid receptors (GR) signaling impairment. However, the precise role of GR in the pathophysiology of AD remains unclear. Using an acute model of AD induced by the intracerebroventricular injection of amyloid-beta oligomers (oA beta), we analyzed cellular and behavioral hallmarks of AD, GR signaling pathways, processing of amyloid precursor protein, and enzymes involved in Tau phosphorylation. We focused on the prefrontal cortex (PFC), particularly rich in GR, early altered in AD and involved in HPA axis control and cognitive functions. We found that oA beta impaired cognitive and emotional behaviors, increased plasma GC levels, synaptic deficits, apoptosis and neuroinflammatory processes. Moreover, oA beta potentiated the amyloidogenic pathway and enzymes involved both in Tau hyperphosphorylation and GR activation. Treatment with a selective GR modulator (sGRm) normalized plasma GC levels and all behavioral and biochemical parameters analyzed. GR seems to occupy a central position in the pathophysiology of AD. Deregulation of the HPA axis and a feed-forward effect on PFC GR sensitivity could participate in the etiology of AD, in perturbing A beta and Tau homeostasis. These results also reinforce the therapeutic potential of sGRm in AD.Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    Increased Amyloid-β Peptide-Induced Memory Deficits in Phospholipid Transfer Protein (PLTP) Gene Knockout Mice

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    Oxidative stress is recognized as one of the earliest and most intense pathological processes in Alzheimer's disease (AD), and the antioxidant vitamin E has been shown to efficiently prevent amyloid plaque formation and neurodegeneration. Plasma phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) has a major role in vitamin E transfers in vivo, and PLTP deficiency in mice is associated with reduced brain vitamin E levels. To determine the impact of PLTP on amyloid pathology in vivo, we analyzed the vulnerability of PLTP-deficient (PLTP-KO) mice to the toxic effects induced by intracerebroventricular injection of oligomeric amyloid-β(25–35) (Aβ(25–35)) peptide, a non-transgenic model of AD. Under basal conditions, PLTP-KO mice showed increased cerebral oxidative stress, increased brain Aβ(1–42) levels, and a lower expression of the synaptic function marker synaptophysin, as compared with wild-type mice. This PLTP-KO phenotype was associated with increased memory impairment 1 week after Aβ(25–35) peptide injection. Restoration of brain vitamin E levels in PLTP-KO mice through a chronic dietary supplementation prevented Aβ(25–35)-induced memory deficits and reduced cerebral oxidative stress and toxicity. We conclude that PLTP, through its ability to deliver vitamin E to the brain, constitutes an endogenous neuroprotective agent. Increasing PLTP activity may offer a new way to develop neuroprotective therapies

    Human plasma phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) expression in transgenic rabbits is proatherogenic

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    Plasma phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) is involved in intravascular lipoprotein metabolism. PLTP is known to act through twomain mechanisms: by remodelling HDL and by increasing apoB-containing lipoproteins..

    Phospholipid transfer protein and alpha-1 antitrypsin regulate Hck kinase activity during neutrophil degranulation

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    Abstract Excessive neutrophil degranulation is a common feature of many inflammatory disorders, including alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency. Our group has demonstrated that phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) prevents neutrophil degranulation but serine proteases, which AAT inhibits, cleave PLTP in diseased airways. We propose to identify if airway PLTP activity can be restored by AAT augmentation therapy and how PLTP subdues degranulation of neutrophils in AAT deficient subjects. Airway PLTP activity was lower in AAT deficient patients but elevated in the airways of patients on augmentation therapy. Functional AAT protein (from PiMM homozygotes) prevented PLTP cleavage unlike its mutated ZZ variant (PiZZ). PLTP lowered leukotriene B4 induced degranulation of primary, secondary and tertiary granules from neutrophils from both groups (n = 14/group). Neutrophils isolated from Pltp knockout mice have enhance neutrophil degranulation. Both AAT and PLTP reduced neutrophil degranulation and superoxide production, possibly though their inhibition of the Src tyrosine kinase, Hck. Src kinase inhibitors saracatinib and dasatinib reduced neutrophil degranulation and superoxide production. Therefore, AAT protects PLTP from proteolytic cleavage and both AAT and PLTP mediate degranulation, possibly via Hck tyrosine kinase inhibition. Deficiency of AAT could contribute to reduced lung PLTP activity and elevated neutrophil signaling associated with lung disease