146 research outputs found

    Coherence-factor-based rough surface clutter suppression for forward-looking GPR imaging

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    We present an enhanced imaging procedure for suppression of the rough surface clutter arising in forward-looking ground-penetrating radar (FL-GPR) applications. The procedure is based on a matched filtering formulation of microwave tomographic imaging, and employs coherence factor (CF) for clutter suppression. After tomographic reconstruction, the CF is first applied to generate a "coherence map" of the region in front of the FL-GPR system illuminated by the transmitting antennas. A pixel-by-pixel multiplication of the tomographic image with the coherence map is then performed to generate the clutter-suppressed image. The effectiveness of the CF approach is demonstrated both qualitatively and quantitatively using electromagnetic modeled data of metallic and plastic shallow-buried targets

    An indoor air quality study at the Ambrosiana Art Gallery (Milan)

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    Indoor air quality in historical buildings and museums is receiving increasing concern nowadays among the scientific community. Many sources of pollutants, both gases and particles, are responsible for the accelerated decay of the works of art. Knowing the levels of indoor pollutants is of critical importance to apply conservation and preservation strategies of cultural heritage [1, 2]. Air quality at the Ambrosiana Art Gallery in Milan has been monitored (in the two periods October-November 2017 and March 2018) inside the room where the preparatory cardboard of the School of Athens (1509-1511), one of most important masterpieces by Raffaello Sanzio, is stored. The cardboard is currently undergoing restoration and will be exposed in a new showcase that will be realized according to the specific environmental and microclimatic conditions of the room. The objective of this study was to monitor the concentration and chemical composition of the aerosol particulate matter (PM) up to the nano fraction, which represents the most dangerous fraction for the works of art surfaces. The monitoring campaigns have been carried out in parallel in the Raffaello room (at present not accessible to visitors) and in a nearby room open to visitors. The set of instuments employed included: a TSP sampler (total suspended particles) (Tecora, Pollution Check, Bravo M2); a DustMonit (Contec) analyzer that measures the concentration of dust up to PM1 and provides 13 granulometric classes (up to 300 nm); a NanoScan Nanoparticle sizer 3910 (TSI) instrument that measures particles concentration up to 10 nm; two instruments for the determination of black carbon (BC) in continuous and in particular a SILIIS instrument (Sphere-Integrated Laser Induced Incandescence Spectroscopy) and a micro aethalometer (AE51 Magee Scientific). Quartz fiber filters have been employed to collect TSP samples to be submitted to chemical analysis. The filters have been fully chemically characterized: main ionic constituents and the carbonaceous fraction (i.e organic carbon, OC and elemental carbon, EC) have been analyzed by IC (ion chromatography) and TOT (thermal optical transmittance) respectively. A particles morphological characterization has been carried out on PM collected on polycarbonate filters by means of SEM-EDX (scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy). Outdoor PM concentrations, obtained for the two seasons (autumn 2017 and spring 2018) from ARPA monitoring stations placed in the city center, have been correlated with indoor data

    Chemical characterization of biomass fuel particulate deposits and ashes in households of Mt. Everest region (NEPAL)

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    During a sampling campaign, carried out during June 2012, inside some traditional households located in four villages (Phakding, Namche, Pangboche and Tukla) of Mt. Everest region in southern part of the central Himalaya (Nepal), particulate matter (PM) depositions and ashes have been collected. Moreover, outdoor PM depositions have also been analyzed. Chemical characterization of PM depositions and ashes for major ions, organic carbon, elemental carbon (EC), metal content and PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) allowed identifying, as major contributes to indoor PM, the following sources: biomass burning, cooking and chimney ashes. These sources significantly affect outdoor PM depositions: in-house biomass burning is the major source for outdoor EC and K+ as well as biomass burning and cooking activities are the major sources for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

    The lady vanishes: what's missing from the stem cell debate

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    Most opponents of somatic cell nuclear transfer and embryonic stem cell technologies base their arguments on the twin assertions that the embryo is either a human being or a potential human being, and that it is wrong to destroy a human being or potential human being in order to produce stem cell lines. Proponents’ justifications of stem cell research are more varied, but not enough to escape the charge of obsession with the status of the embryo. What unites the two warring sides in ‘the stem cell wars’ is that women are equally invisible to both: ‘the lady vanishes’. Yet the only legitimate property in the body is that which women possess in their reproductive tissue and the products of their reproductive labour. By drawing on the accepted characterisation in law of property as a bundle of rights, and on a Hegelian model of contract as mutual recognition, we can lessen the impact of the tendency to regard women and their eggs as merely receptacles and women’s reproductive labour as unimportant

    ChAMBRe: studi su bio-aerosol in camera di simulazione atmosferica

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    Nella Sezione di Genova dell\u2019Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare \ue8 stata recentemente installata, in collaborazione con il Laboratorio di Fisica Ambientale del Dipartimento di Fisica dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Genova, ChAMBRe (Chamber for Aerosol Modelling and Bio-aerosol Research), la prima Camera di simulazione atmosferica specificatamente concepita per studiare la componente biologica dell\u2019aerosol atmosferico. Presso la camera di simulazione atmosferica CESAM (Cr\ue9teil, Francia) sono sati effettuati alcuni esperimenti pilota recentemente pubblicati [1], che sono stati lo spunto per la costruzione di una struttura dedicata allo studio del comportamento dei pi\uf9 comuni agenti patogeni presenti in atmosfera sotto forma di bioaerosol e in particolare dei meccanismi che controllano le interazioni tra questi e le altre componenti dell\u2019aerosol e pi\uf9 in generale dell\u2019atmosfera. L\u2019attivit\ue0 di ricerca a ChAMBRe si concentrer\ue0 sull\u2019indagine del comportamento del bio-aerosol in differenti condizioni atmosferiche e in presenza di tipici inquinanti antropici (come il monossido di carbonio, gli ossidi di azoto, etc.) che possono influenzare la vitalit\ue0, la morfologia e la dispersione dei batteri in atmosfera. Come primo passo \ue8 necessario innanzitutto mettere a punto un protocollo che garantisca la riproducibilit\ue0 degli esperimenti in una struttura complessa come ChAMBRe. Ci si \ue8 quindi concentrati su aspetti cruciali quali: crescita in vitro e successiva iniezione in camera di una data concentrazione di batteri, seguita da una fase di estrazione, campionamento e misura della vita media all\u2019interno della camera. Gli esperimenti sono volti anche ad identificare eventuali condizioni di stress ambientali e meccaniche per i microrganismi e la loro risposta come singoli individui e come colonie. Sono stati eseguiti esperimenti su due tipologie di ceppi batterici frequentemente utilizzati come organismi modello: il Bacillus subtilis e l\u2019Escherichia coli, appartenenti rispettivamente al gruppo dei Gram-positivi e dei Gram-negativi. I risultati e il protocollo sperimentale messo a punto verranno presentati a PM2018

    Soil Moisture and Permittivity Estimation

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    The soil moisture and permittivity estimation is vital for the success of the variable rate approaches in the field of the decision agriculture. In this chapter, the development of a novel permittivity estimation and soil moisture sensing approach is presented. The empirical setup and experimental methodology for the power delay measurements used in model are introduced. Moreover, the performance analysis is explained that includes the model validation and error analysis. The transfer functions are reported as well for soil moisture and permittivity estimation. Furthermore, the potential applications of the developed approach in different disciplines are also examined

    Risk sharing arrangements for pharmaceuticals: potential considerations and recommendations for European payers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There has been an increase in 'risk sharing' schemes for pharmaceuticals between healthcare institutions and pharmaceutical companies in Europe in recent years as an additional approach to provide continued comprehensive and equitable healthcare. There is though confusion surrounding the terminology as well as concerns with existing schemes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Aliterature review was undertaken to identify existing schemes supplemented with additional internal documents or web-based references known to the authors. This was combined with the extensive knowledge of health authority personnel from 14 different countries and locations involved with these schemes.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>A large number of 'risk sharing' schemes with pharmaceuticals are in existence incorporating both financial-based models and performance-based/outcomes-based models. In view of this, a new logical definition is proposed. This is "<it>risk sharing' schemes should be considered as agreements concluded by payers and pharmaceutical companies to diminish the impact on payers' budgets for new and existing schemes brought about by uncertainty and/or the need to work within finite budgets</it>". There are a number of concerns with existing schemes. These include potentially high administration costs, lack of transparency, conflicts of interest, and whether health authorities will end up funding an appreciable proportion of a new drug's development costs. In addition, there is a paucity of published evaluations of existing schemes with pharmaceuticals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We believe there are only a limited number of situations where 'risk sharing' schemes should be considered as well as factors that should be considered by payers in advance of implementation. This includes their objective, appropriateness, the availability of competent staff to fully evaluate proposed schemes as well as access to IT support. This also includes whether systematic evaluations have been built into proposed schemes.</p
