267 research outputs found

    Estudos sobre a alimentação do cafeeiro: XIV. efeitos da adubaçao mineral e orgânica na produção e na composição das folhas

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    This paper deals with the results of a 2 x 2 x 2 N P K experiment designed to study the effect of fertilizers on yield and a chemical composition of coffee leaves; the effect of organic matter supplied as stable manure was ascertained by using the split plot technique. Yield data refer to the six harvests obtained from 1958 to 1963 only chemical data obtained in 1962 are discussed. Both N and K raised significantly the yields, their positive interaction being also significant; no affect of P was observed; organic matter did increase total yield; its effect cannot be atributed to additional supply of N, P or K. Yields are diminishing in a significant rend; several suggestions are discussed in an stempt to explain this finding. The doses of N and K which have been applied proved to be suficient to maintain an adequate level of said elements in the leaves.Em um ensaio fatorial NPK 2x2x2 usou-se a técnica das parcelas subdivididas para estudar o efeito da matéria orgânica na presença e ausência da adubação mineral na colheita e na composição das fôlhas. Verificou-se que sòmente o N e o K e a matéria orgânica aumentaram as colheitas significativamente em 6 anos agrícolas. As produções anuais apresentam, entretanto, tendência decrescente. As doses de N e K empregadas mostraram-se suficientes para manter nas fôlhas um nível adequado dêsses dois elementos

    Efeitos do enxofre e do boro e da inoculação em alfafa (Medicago sativa L.)

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    This paper deals with the results of a pot and plot experiment which was carried out to determine the influence of sulphur and boron and the effect seed inoculation with Rhizobium meliloti in the yield of alfafa. Sulphur was applied as flower of sulphur at the rates of 1,000 and 2,000 kg por hectare; boron was employed in the proportion of 15 kg of borax per hectare; both sulphur and boron were distributed broadcast before planting; the experimental design chosen for the field trial was a latin square of 6 x 6 with the following treatments: Number Treatment 1 Control 2 One dosis S + inoculation 3 Two dosis S +inoculation 4 One dosis S + B + inoculation 5 B + inoculation 6 inoculation The crop supplied four cuttings in an eleven months period. The pot experiment nearly confirmed the plot one. The following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The classification of treatments in a decrescent order was: l.o - two doses S + inoculation; 2.o - one dosis S +inoculation, S + B + inoculation, and B + inoculation (these treatmente were not statistically different); 3.o - control; 4.o - inoculation; 2 The vield due to the treatment two dosis S + inoculation was 22 per cent higher than the control one, a fact that suggests that the S supply in the soil studied ("terra roxa misturada") is not sufficient for the total requirements of alfafa; 3. From an economical point of view the best treatment was: one dosis B + inoculation which permits a net gain of Cr$ 12.527,30 per hectare per year; 4. Based on the mentioned results we recommend in soils of same type the following fertilization for alfafa. 5 tons limestone/hectare 300 kg serranafosfato and 600 kg hiperfosfato/ha 300 kg muriate of potash/ha 15 kg borax/ha and a medium organic manuring if the soil is very poor in organic matter

    Desinfestação de explantes de Poincianella pyramidalis.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi estabelecer in vitro a P. pyramidalis através da assepsia dos explantes com hipoclorito de cálcio- Ca(OCl)2 - ou hipoclorito de sódio ?NaClO-, ambos a 2%, em diferentes tempos de imersões (10, 15, 20 e 25 minutos). O experimento foi instalado em esquema fatorial 2 x 4 (2 agentes desinfestantes e 4 tempos de imersões), em DIC, com três repetições. As sementes foram inoculadas em meio MS 50% e cultivadas por 30 dias em sala de crescimento

    Influência do cloro, sôbre a composição do caldo da cana de açúcar Co 290, aplicado no solo, na forma de cloreto de sódio

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    Considering the economic importance of the sugar industry among ourselves, the authors carried out a field experiment (Latin square) with Co 290 sugar cane, on a white sandy soil of Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, applying NaCl in increasing rates (from 6.8 to 54.5 grams per plant), in order to study the effects of chlorides, on productivity and on the composition of juice. No toxic or stimulating effect was found, and there was no change in yield, in degree of purity of the juice, in general aspect of plants or in colour of leaves and culms. No difference was observed between potassium sulphate or chloride, as source of potash for sugar cane culture. Data collected and the literature cited suggest: (a) that the use of the variety Co 290 is indicated for soils rich in chlorine, such as the saline soils of the North-east and Atlantic Coast of Brazil; (b) that it is necessary to extend studies in Research Institutes and Agricultural Experiment Stations of the country to verify the behaviour of other varieties of sugar cane in the types of soils mentioned, especially with respect their yielding capacity. The authors are already planning such investigations

    X-ray harmonic comb from relativistic electron spikes

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    X-ray devices are far superior to optical ones for providing nanometre spatial and attosecond temporal resolutions. Such resolution is indispensable in biology, medicine, physics, material sciences, and their applications. A bright ultrafast coherent X-ray source is highly desirable, for example, for the diffractive imaging of individual large molecules, viruses, or cells. Here we demonstrate experimentally a new compact X-ray source involving high-order harmonics produced by a relativistic-irradiance femtosecond laser in a gas target. In our first implementation using a 9 Terawatt laser, coherent soft X-rays are emitted with a comb-like spectrum reaching the 'water window' range. The generation mechanism is robust being based on phenomena inherent in relativistic laser plasmas: self-focusing, nonlinear wave generation accompanied by electron density singularities, and collective radiation by a compact electric charge. The formation of singularities (electron density spikes) is described by the elegant mathematical catastrophe theory, which explains sudden changes in various complex systems, from physics to social sciences. The new X-ray source has advantageous scalings, as the maximum harmonic order is proportional to the cube of the laser amplitude enhanced by relativistic self-focusing in plasma. This allows straightforward extension of the coherent X-ray generation to the keV and tens of keV spectral regions. The implemented X-ray source is remarkably easily accessible: the requirements for the laser can be met in a university-scale laboratory, the gas jet is a replenishable debris-free target, and the harmonics emanate directly from the gas jet without additional devices. Our results open the way to a compact coherent ultrashort brilliant X-ray source with single shot and high-repetition rate capabilities, suitable for numerous applications and diagnostics in many research fields

    Identificação dos riscos de distúrbios ocupacionais em uma microempresa de confecção: contribuições da terapia ocupacional

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    Occupational disorders are pathologies with cumulative trauma and slow and progressive evolution, linked to occupational activities performed and/or working conditions. Such, based on the increasing number of occupational disorders in the confection branch, this study aims to identify risks of occupational disorders in a small group of seamstresses in the interior of Paraíba, and also point contributions of occupational therapy in view of the well-being these subjects in their work environment, preventing possible illnesses resulting from their work activities affecting performance in their daily occupations. As a means of evaluation we used the body map, pain scale, self-administered questionnaire professional sociodemographic and a observation script of systematic ergonomic direct and indirect, that have been applied/performed with these seamstresses. Data from these instruments were coded for the realization of individual and/or collective orientations of a preventive nature and aiming the well-being of these individuals in their working environment to not affect other occupations that may be significant.Distúrbios ocupacionais são as patologias com traumas cumulativos e de evolução lenta e progressiva, vinculadas às atividades ocupacionais desempenhadas e/ou às condições de trabalho. Assim, tendo como base o crescente aumento de distúrbios ocupacionais no ramo da confecção, o presente estudo visa identificar riscos de distúrbios ocupacionais em um pequeno grupo de costureiras no interior da Paraíba, e também apontar contribuições da Terapia Ocupacional tendo em vista o bem-estar desses sujeitos em seu ambiente de trabalho, evitando possíveis adoecimentos decorrentes de suas atividades laborais que afetem o desempenho em suas ocupações diárias. Como forma de avaliação foi utilizado o mapa corporal, escala de dor, questionário sócio demográfico profissional autoaplicável e um roteiro de observação ergonômico sistemático direto e indireto, que foram aplicados/realizados com as referidas costureiras. Os dados provenientes desses instrumentos foram codificados para a realização das orientações individuais e/ou coletivas de cunho preventivo e objetivando o bem-estar desses indivíduos em seu contexto de trabalho para não afetar outras ocupações que lhes sejam significativas