589 research outputs found
Label-connected graphs and the gossip problem
A graph with m edges is called label-connected if the edges can be labeled with real numbers in such a way that, for every pair (u, v) of vertices, there is a (u, v)-path with ascending labels. The minimum number of edges of a label-connected graph on n vertices equals the minimum number of calls in the gossip problem for n persons, which is known to be 2n − 4 for n ≥ 4. A polynomial characterization of label-connected graphs with n vertices and 2n − 4 edges is obtained. For a graph G, let θ(G) denote the minimum number of edges that have to be added to E(G) in order to create a graph with two edge-disjoint spanning trees. It is shown that for a graph G to be label-connected, θ(G) ≤ 2 is necessary and θ(G) ≤ 1 is sufficient. For i = 1, 2, the condition θ(G) ≤ i can be checked in polynomial time. Yet recognizing label-connected graphs is an NP-complete problem. This is established by first showing that the following problem is NP-complete: Given a graph G and two vertices u and v of G, does there exist a (u, v)-path P in G such that G−E(P) is connected
Analytical calculation of the transition to complete phase synchronization in coupled oscillators
Here we present a system of coupled phase oscillators with nearest neighbors
coupling, which we study for different boundary conditions. We concentrate at
the transition to total synchronization. We are able to develop exact solutions
for the value of the coupling parameter when the system becomes completely
synchronized, for the case of periodic boundary conditions as well as for an
open chain with fixed ends. We compare the results with those calculated
numerically.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Asymmetry to symmetry transition of Fano line-shape: Analytical derivation
An analytical derivation of Fano line-shape asymmetry ratio has been
presented here for a general case. It is shown that Fano line-shape becomes
less asymmetric as \q is increased and finally becomes completely symmetric in
the limiting condition of q equal to infinity. Asymmetry ratios of Fano
line-shapes have been calculated and are found to be in good consonance with
the reported expressions for asymmetry ratio as a function of Fano parameter.
Application of this derivation is also mentioned for explanation of asymmetry
to symmetry transition of Fano line-shape in quantum confined silicon
nanostructures.Comment: 3 figures, Latex files, Theoretica
Analytic Determination of the Critical Coupling for Oscillators in a Ring
We study a model of coupled oscillators with bidirectional first nearest
neighbours coupling with periodic boundary conditions. We show that a stable
phase-locked solution is decided by the oscillators at the borders between the
major clusters, which merge to form a larger one of all oscillators at the
stage of complete synchronization. We are able to locate these four oscillators
as well as the size of major clusters in the vicinity of the stage of full
synchronization which we show to depend only on the set of initial frequencies.
Using the method presented here, we are able to obtain an analytic form of the
critical coupling, at which the complete synchronization state occurs.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figure
Effective Fokker-Planck Equation for Birhythmic Modified van der Pol Oscillator
We present an explicit solution based on the phase-amplitude approximation of
the Fokker-Planck equation associated with the Langevin equation of the
birhythmic modified van der Pol system. The solution enables us to derive
probability distributions analytically as well as the activation energies
associated to switching between the coexisting different attractors that
characterize the birhythmic system. Comparing analytical and numerical results
we find good agreement when the frequencies of both attractors are equal, while
the predictions of the analytic estimates deteriorate when the two frequencies
depart. Under the effect of noise the two states that characterize the
birhythmic system can merge, inasmuch as the parameter plane of the birhythmic
solutions is found to shrink when the noise intensity increases. The solution
of the Fokker-Planck equation shows that in the birhythmic region, the two
attractors are characterized by very different probabilities of finding the
system in such a state. The probability becomes comparable only for a narrow
range of the control parameters, thus the two limit cycles have properties in
close analogy with the thermodynamic phases
Local attractors, degeneracy and analyticity: symmetry effects on the locally coupled Kuramoto model
In this work we study the local coupled Kuramoto model with periodic boundary
conditions. Our main objective is to show how analytical solutions may be
obtained from symmetry assumptions, and while we proceed on our endeavor we
show apart from the existence of local attractors, some unexpected features
resulting from the symmetry properties, such as intermittent and chaotic period
phase slips, degeneracy of stable solutions and double bifurcation composition.
As a result of our analysis, we show that stable fixed points in the
synchronized region may be obtained with just a small amount of the existent
solutions, and for a class of natural frequencies configuration we show
analytical expressions for the critical synchronization coupling as a function
of the number of oscillators, both exact and asymptotic.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure
Multistable behavior above synchronization in a locally coupled Kuramoto model
A system of nearest neighbors Kuramoto-like coupled oscillators placed in a
ring is studied above the critical synchronization transition. We find a
richness of solutions when the coupling increases, which exists only within a
solvability region (SR). We also find that they posses different
characteristics, depending on the section of the boundary of the SR where the
solutions appear. We study the birth of these solutions and how they evolve
when {K} increases, and determine the diagram of solutions in phase space.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure
Transition to complete synchronization in phase coupled oscillators with nearest neighbours coupling
We investigate synchronization in a Kuramoto-like model with nearest
neighbour coupling. Upon analyzing the behaviour of individual oscillators at
the onset of complete synchronization, we show that the time interval between
bursts in the time dependence of the frequencies of the oscillators exhibits
universal scaling and blows up at the critical coupling strength. We also bring
out a key mechanism that leads to phase locking. Finally, we deduce forms for
the phases and frequencies at the onset of complete synchronization.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in CHAO
Nonlocal synchronization in nearest neighbour coupled oscillators
We investigate a system of nearest neighbor coupled oscillators. We show that the nonlocal frequency synchronization, that might appear in such a system, occurs as a consequence of the nearest neighbor coupling. The power spectra of nonadjacent oscillators show that there is no complete coincidence between all frequency peaks of the oscillators in the nonlocal cluster, while the peaks for neighboring oscillators approximately coincide even if they are not yet in a cluster. It is shown that nonadjacent oscillators closer in frequencies, share slow modes with their adjacent oscillators which are neighbors in space. It is also shown that when a direct coupling between non-neighbors oscillators is introduced explicitly, the peaks of the spectra of the frequencies of those non-neighbors coincide
Nonequilibrium Luminescence At The E0+Δ0 Gap In Gaas With Si-δ Doping
We studied the light scattering spectra of three molecular beam epitaxy GaAs samples with Si-δ doping. A broad feature appears in these spectra which is similar to that attributed by other authors to resonant Raman scattering by electronic intersubband transitions. By studying the dependence of this emission on exciting laser photon energy we believe that this line is really produced by nonequilibrium luminescence at the E0+Δ 0 gap.71115619562
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