67 research outputs found

    Caracterização molecular, morfoagronômica e de qualidade de grãos de genótipos elite de cevada irrigada no Cerrado.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi gerar informações moleculares, morfoagronômicas e de qualidade de grãos, por meio da caracterização de genótipos elite de cevada irrigada e de estimativas de parâmetros genéticos, visando explorar a variabilidade genética existente e permitir a seleção de genitores e o desenvolvimento de variedades mais produtivas, com maior qualidade malteira e adaptadas a diferentes condições edafoclimáticas sob irrigação no Cerrado. Foram avaliados 30 genótipos elite de cevada, hexástica e dística, provenientes da Coleção de Trabalho da Embrapa Cerrados (Planaltina-DF), de origens diversas, adotando-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, sob sistema de irrigação convencional. A variabilidade genética foi estimada utilizando 12 caracteres morfoagronômicos quantitativos, 10 caracteres de qualidade malteira e com base em 160 marcadores moleculares RAPD. Foram obtidos 160 marcadores RAPD, dos quais 141 (88,12%) foram polimórficos revelando a existência de elevada variabilidade genética, passível de ser utilizada no melhoramento genético. A análise de agrupamento mostrou uma tendência de agrupamento entre os genótipos mexicanos e estadunidenses, bem como de genótipos hexásticos. Observou-se a existência de variabilidade genética para caracteres qualitativos malteiros, sendo que os caracteres qualitativos que mais contribuíram foram o nitrogênio solúvel e ?-glucanas. Em relação às características morfoagronômicas, as que mais contribuíram para a variabilidade foram a área foliar da folha bandeira e o espigamento, enquanto o teor de proteína e o acamamento foram as que menos contribuíram. Foi verificada uma tendência de agrupamento dos materiais dísticos e hexásticos. As distâncias estimadas, por meio de marcadores moleculares e caracteres qualitativos e quantitativos, foram fracamente correlacionados. Os índices de seleção, baseado no ideótipo e de Elston, e a análise de agrupamento oportunizaram a seleção de genótipos promissores e indicação de cruzamentos para maximizar efeitos heteróticos e complementaridade gênica no programa de melhoramento genético da cevada irrigada no Cerrado. Como resultado finalístico desse trabalho, foi selecionada a BRS Savanna, para o cultivo em Goiás, Minas Gerais e no Distrito Federal

    Phenotypic Characterization of Canadian Barley Advanced Breeding Lines for Multiple Disease Resistance

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    Fungal diseases pose a great challenge to Canadian barley production, among which are Fusarium head blight (FHB), yellow rust and scald. An integrated management approach is needed to mitigate these diseases, in which breeding for host resistance is the most effective component. Constant evaluation of advanced breeding lines for their resistance to the diseases is important for making steady progression. The main objective of this study was to screen 1,174 barley accessions, from a collaborative project between the Field Crop Development Center (FCDC), Alberta, Canada, and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico for their reactions to the three diseases. For FHB a 1-5 scale was employed to discard the very susceptible material in 2012 and 2013. In 2014, 514 most resistant lines having the score 1 in 2013 were re-evaluated in a replicated experiment. The most promising 166 genotypes were selected and advanced for their last evaluation in 2015 where FHB index was measured. Simultaneously, these 166 genotypes were subjected to two more experiments to test their reactions against stripe rust and scald. Eighteen two-rowed barley genotypes exhibiting broad-spectrum resistance to all of the three evaluated diseases were identified in addition to 40 lines combining FHB resistance with resistance to Mexican isolates and natural fungal population of either of the two foliar diseases and could be utilized in breeding programs aimed at improving resistance to multiple barley leaf and head blight diseases

    Update on the Role of Cannabinoid Receptors after Ischemic Stroke

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    Cannabinoids are considered as key mediators in the pathophysiology of inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis. In particular, they have been shown to reduce the ischemic injury after acute cardiovascular events, such as acute myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. These protective and anti-inflammatory properties on peripheral tissues and circulating inflammatory have been demonstrated to involve their binding with both selective cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) and type 2 (CB2) transmembrane receptors. On the other hands, the recent discoveries of novel different classes of cannabinoids and receptors have increased the complexity of this system in atherosclerosis. Although only preliminary data have been reported on the activities of novel cannabinoid receptors, several studies have already investigated the role of CB1 and CB2 receptors in ischemic stroke. While CB1 receptor activation has been shown to directly reduce atherosclerotic plaque inflammation, controversial data have been shown on neurotransmission and neuroprotection after stroke. Given its potent anti-inflammatory activities on circulating leukocytes, the CB2 activation has been proven to produce protective effects against acute poststroke inflammation. In this paper, we will update evidence on different cannabinoid-triggered avenues to reduce inflammation and neuronal injury in acute ischemic stroke

    L-NAME treatment enhances exercise-induced content of myocardial heat shock protein 72 (Hsp72) in rats

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    Background/Aim: Nitric oxide (NO) modulates the expression of the chaperone Hsp72 in the heart, and exercise stimulates both NO production and myocardial Hsp72 expression. The main purpose of the study was to investigate whether NO interferes with an exercise-induced myocardial Hsp72 expression. Methods: Male Wistar rats (70-100 days) were divided into control (C, n= 12), L-NAME-treated (L, n= 12), exercise (E, n= 13) and exercise plus L-NAME-treated (EL, n= 20) groups. L-NAME was given in drinking water (700 mg. L-1) and the exercise was performed on a treadmill (15-25 m.min(-1), 40-60 min. day(-1)) for seven days. Left ventricle (LV) protein Hsp content, NOS and phosphorylated-NOS (p-NOS) isoforms were measured using Western blotting. The activity of NOS was assayed in LV homogenates by the conversion of [H-3] L-arginine to [H-3] L-citrulline. Results: Hsp72 content was increased significantly (223%; p < 0.05) in the E group compared to the C group, but exercise alone did not alter the NOS content, p-NOS isoforms or NOS activity. Contrary to our expectation, L-NAME enhanced (p < 0.05) the exercise-induced Hsp72 content (EL vs. C, L and E groups = 1019%, 548% and 457%, respectively). Although the EL group had increased stimulatory p-eNOS(Ser1177) (over 200%) and decreased inhibitory p-nNOS(Ser852) (similar to 50%) compared to both the E and L groups (p < 0.05), NOS activity was similar in all groups. Conclusions: Our results suggest that exercise-induced cardiac Hsp72 expression does not depend on NO. Conversely, the in vivo L-NAME treatment enhances exercise-induced Hsp72 production. This effect may be due to an increase in cardiac stress. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel275479486CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA E INOVAÇÃO DO ESPÍRITO SANTO - FAPESsem informaçã