2,572 research outputs found

    Controlling Excitations Inversion of a Cooper Pair Box Interacting with a Nanomechanical Resonator

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    We investigate the action of time dependent detunings upon the excitation inversion of a Cooper pair box interacting with a nanomechanical resonator. The method employs the Jaynes-Cummings model with damping, assuming different decay rates of the Cooper pair box and various fixed and t-dependent detunings. It is shown that while the presence of damping plus constant detunings destroy the collapse/revival effects, convenient choices of time dependent detunings allow one to reconstruct such events in a perfect way. It is also shown that the mean excitation of the nanomechanical resonator is more robust against damping of the Cooper pair box for convenient values of t-dependent detunings.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Osteosarcoma extraesquelético. Caso clínico.

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    El osteosarcoma extraesquelético es un tumor maligno de partes blandas poco frecuente. Es una causa rara de osificación en partes blandas que se distingue de otras entidades por las características clínicas, los estudios de imagen y los exámenes anatomopatológicos. Presentamos un caso clínico en un varón de 64 años, a nivel de muslo. Se realiza una revisión de la bibliografía, señalando las principales características de esta entidad.Extraskeletal osteosarcoma is a rare malignant soft-tissue neoplasm. The clinical feature, imaging studies findings and histologic patterns allow the diferential diagno- sis with other entities. We report a case of a 64 years old man who had this tumour in his thigh. We make a review of litera- ture

    Sustainable growth in complex networks

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    Based on the empirical analysis of the dependency network in 18 Java projects, we develop a novel model of network growth which considers both: an attachment mechanism and the addition of new nodes with a heterogeneous distribution of their initial degree, k0k_0. Empirically we find that the cumulative degree distributions of initial degrees and of the final network, follow power-law behaviors: P(k0)k01αP(k_{0}) \propto k_{0}^{1-\alpha}, and P(k)k1γP(k)\propto k^{1-\gamma}, respectively. For the total number of links as a function of the network size, we find empirically K(N)NβK(N)\propto N^{\beta}, where β\beta is (at the beginning of the network evolution) between 1.25 and 2, while converging to 1\sim 1 for large NN. This indicates a transition from a growth regime with increasing network density towards a sustainable regime, which revents a collapse because of ever increasing dependencies. Our theoretical framework is able to predict relations between the exponents α\alpha, β\beta, γ\gamma, which also link issues of software engineering and developer activity. These relations are verified by means of computer simulations and empirical investigations. They indicate that the growth of real Open Source Software networks occurs on the edge between two regimes, which are either dominated by the initial degree distribution of added nodes, or by the preferential attachment mechanism. Hence, the heterogeneous degree distribution of newly added nodes, found empirically, is essential to describe the laws of sustainable growth in networks.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Application of Adult Learning Theory to Supplemental Instruction in Undergraduate Chemistry Classes

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    The Supplemental Instruction (SI) program relies on the foundations of adult education. In particular it depends heavily on peer support in difficult classes. The andragogical approach highlights the importance of addressing different learning styles and helps students to engage in collaborative learning and problem solving

    Hole burning in a nanomechanical resonator coupled to a Cooper pair box

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    We propose a scheme to create holes in the statistical distribution of excitations of a nanomechanical resonator. It employs a controllable coupling between this system and a Cooper pair box. The success probability and the fidelity are calculated and compared with those obtained in the atom-field system via distinct schemes. As an application we show how to use the hole-burning scheme to prepare (low excited) Fock states.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Endocistectomía como tratamiento quirúrgico de elección en hidatidosis muscular primaria: caso clínico

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    Se presenta el caso clínico de una hidatidosis muscular primaria localizada a nivel del vasto externo del cuádriceps, describiéndose los hallazgos clínicos, analíticos y de estudios de imagen característicos. Y a propósito del mismo se describe y defiende el tratamiento mediante endocistectomía y albendazol, que permite mantener la funcionalidad completa del músculo. A los dos años de evolución la paciente se encuentra asintomática.We report a case of primary hydatíd disease. It ¡s located in the vastus lateralís of the quadriceps. We describe the clinical, serological and radiological features of this dísease. And then we argüe for the use of the surgical endocystectomy and albendazol as the best treatment; thinking that this allows to sustain the complete function of the muscle. Two years later, the patient is asymptomatic

    Pseudotumor tras cirugía de revisión por rotura de cabeza cerámica en una artroplastia total de cadera con par cerámica-cerámica: caso clínico

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    Se presenta un caso clínico con una importante y precoz metalosis, tan solo tres meses después de la revisión de una artroplastia total de cadera primaria par cerámica-cerámica, en la que se había roto la cabeza cerámica, y en la revisión se sustituyó por un par metal-polietileno. Catorce meses después apareció un pseudotumor causado por la metalosis por rotura de la cabeza metálica, por lo que se realizó una nueva revisión utilizando un par metal-metal preservando el vástago femoral que estaba perfectamente anclado aunque el cono Morse tenía una pequeña agresión. Dos años después de esta última cirugía los resultados son satisfactorios.We report a case presenting an important and early metallosis. Three months after a total hip arthroplasty primary using ceramic-ceramic pair, the patient sustained ceramic head fracture was revised to a metal-on-polyethylene articulation. Fourteen months later, a metallosis pseudotumor caused by the fracture of the metal head was observed. The patient was then revised to a metal-metal pair preserving the femoral component since it was well anchored while the Morse cone connection had a small impact. Two years after the last surgery the results are satisfactory