98 research outputs found

    Programming Languages For Hard Real-Time Embedded Systems

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    International audienceHard real-time embedded systems have traditionally been implemented using low level programming languages (such as ADA or C) at a level very close to the underlying operating system. However, for several years now the industry has started using higher level modelling languages, at least for early simulation and verification steps. The objective of this paper is to study existing formal languages including high level real-time primitives. Our review is built on the case study of an aerospace automated transfer vehicle, the particularity of which is to be composed of several multi-periodic communicating processes. In this paper, we emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of existing programming approaches when implementing this kind of system. As a result, the choice of the base rate of the program appears to have a major influence, not only on the difficulty to program the system correctly but also on the execution platform required to execute the program (operating system, scheduler, ...)

    Integration of quality of service in avionics architecture

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    International audienceTraditionally, avionics systems have followed a federated approach - separate software functions al- located to dedicated (often physically disjoint) com-puting ”black-boxes”

    SPaCIFY: a Formal Model-Driven Engineering for Spacecraft On-Board Software

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    International audienceThe aim of this article is to present a model- driven approach proposed by the SPaCIFY project for spacecraft on-board software development. This ap- proach is based on a formal globally asynchronous lo- cally synchronous language called Synoptic, and on a set of transformations allowing code generation and model verification

    Second primary cancers in patients with skin cancer: a population-based study in Northern Ireland

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    Among all 14 500 incident cases of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 6405 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and 1839 melanomas reported to the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry between 1993 and 2002, compared with the general population, risk of new primaries after BCC or SCC was increased by 9 and 57%, respectively. The subsequent risk of cancer, overall, was more than double after melanoma

    Lower incidence rates but thicker melanomas in Eastern Europe before 1992: A comparison with Western Europe

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the epidemiology of melanoma across Europe with regard to Breslow thickness and body-site distribution. Incidence data from Cancer Incidence in 5 Continents and the EUROCARE-melanoma database were used: 28 117 melanoma cases from 20 cancer registries in 12 European countries, diagnosed between 1978 and 1992. Regression analysis and general linear modelling were used to analyse the data. Melanomas in Eastern Europe were on average 1.4 mm thicker (P<0.05) than in Western Europe and appeared more often on the trunk. From 1978 to 1992, their Breslow thickness had decreased in Western but not Eastern Europe. There was a latitude gradient in incidence, with highest rates in southern regions in Eastern Europe and an inverse gradient in Western Europe, with highest rates in the North. Mortality:incidence ratios were less favourable in southern parts across Europe, especially in Eastern Europe. If Eastern European populations copy the sunbathing behaviour of the West it is likely that in the near future a higher melanoma incidence can be expected there

    Still a long way to go to achieve multidisciplinarity for the benefit of patients : commentary on the ESMO position paper (Annals of Oncology 25(1): 9-15, 2014)

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    The paper by ESMO ‘The current and future role of the medical oncologist in the professional care for cancer patients: a position paper by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)’ [1] conveys some important key messages for the whole oncology community. A working group (WG) involving 21 oncology and related societies would like to comment on the paper from a multidisciplinary perspective in the conviction that a more transparent and open definition of individual professional roles better supports the patients' care and facilitates best practices and progress in comprehensive cancer care
