579 research outputs found

    Increased creatine demand during pregnancy in Arginine: Glycine Amidino-Transferase deficiency: A case report

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    Background: Creatine (Cr), an amino acid derivative, is one of the most important sources of energy acting as both a spatial and temporal energy buffer through its phosphorylated analogue phosphocreatine (PCr) and creatine kinase (CK). Maternal Cr biosynthesis and metabolism seem to play an important role in pregnancy, as shown in preclinical and in healthy human pregnancy studies. Patients with Arginine:Glycine Amidino-Transferase deficiency (AGAT-d), due to the deficit of the first enzyme involved in Cr synthesis, are at a disadvantage due to their failure to synthesize Cr and their dependence on external intake, in contrast to normal subjects, where changes in Cr biosynthesis supply their needs. We report the outcomes of a pregnancy in an AGAT-d woman, and the challenge we faced in managing her treatment with oral Cr to ensure optimal conditions for her fetus. Case presentation: A 22-year-old AGAT-d woman referred to our Institute for the management of her first conception at 11 weeks of fetal gestational age. Sonographic monitoring at 20 w GA indicated a reduction of fetal growth, in particular of the head circumference that was below the 3rd centile. Biochemical monitoring of Cr in biological fluids of the mother revealed a decline of the Cr concentrations, in particular in the urine sample, requiring prompt correction of the Cr dose. At 35 weeks of gestation the patient delivered a male infant, heterozygous for GATM mutation, with normal brain Cr levels; at one year the baby achieved typical developmental milestones. Conclusions: This rare pregnancy demonstrates that Cr levels in the blood and urine of the mother with AGAT-d decreased since the first months of gestation. The increase of the Cr daily dose administered to the mother seems to have produced beneficial effects also on the fetus

    How can we assess positive welfare in ruminants?

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    Until now, most research has focused on the development of indicators of negative welfare, and relatively few studies provide information on valid, reliable, and feasible indicators addressing positive aspects of animal welfare. However, a lack of suffering does not guarantee that animals are experiencing a positive welfare state. The aim of the present review is to identify promising valid and reliable animal-based indicators for the assessment of positive welfare that might be included in welfare assessment protocols for ruminants, and to discuss them in the light of the five domains model, highlighting possible gaps to be filled by future research. Based on the existing literature in the main databases, each indicator was evaluated in terms of its validity, reliability, and on-farm feasibility. Some valid indicators were identified, but a lot of the validity evidence is based on their absence when a negative situation is present; furthermore, only a few indicators are available in the domains of Nutrition and Health. Reliability has been seldom addressed. On-farm feasibility could be increased by developing specific sampling strategies and/or relying on the use of video- or automatic-recording devices. In conclusion, several indicators are potentially available (e.g., synchronisation of lying and feeding, coat or fleece condition, qualitative behaviour assessment), but further research is required

    How Can We Assess Positive Welfare in Ruminants?

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    Until now, most research has focused on the development of indicators of negative welfare, and relatively few studies provide information on valid, reliable, and feasible indicators addressing positive aspects of animal welfare. However, a lack of suffering does not guarantee that animals are experiencing a positive welfare state. The aim of the present review is to identify promising valid and reliable animal-based indicators for the assessment of positive welfare that might be included in welfare assessment protocols for ruminants, and to discuss them in the light of the five domains model, highlighting possible gaps to be filled by future research. Based on the existing literature in the main databases, each indicator was evaluated in terms of its validity, reliability, and on-farm feasibility. Some valid indicators were identified, but a lot of the validity evidence is based on their absence when a negative situation is present; furthermore, only a few indicators are available in the domains of Nutrition and Health. Reliability has been seldom addressed. On-farm feasibility could be increased by developing specific sampling strategies and/or relying on the use of video- or automatic-recording devices. In conclusion, several indicators are potentially available (e.g., synchronisation of lying and feeding, coat or fleece condition, qualitative behaviour assessment), but further research is required

    Intrinsic and Extrinsic Quality Attributes of Fresh and Semi-Hard Goat Cheese from Low- and High-Input Farming Systems

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    In this study, we investigated the lipid composition of fresh and semi-hard goat cheese produced in three Italian farms as well as the welfare assessment of goats reared in these farms. The fatty acid (FA) profile of cheese samples were found to be strictly related to the livestock system. Cheese collected from farms in which goats were allowed to graze and were fed diets with a higher forage/concentrate (F/C) ratio showed a FA profile represented by higher contents of health-promoting fatty acids. In the same samples, the health lipid indices showed the most favorable values. Conversely, cheese samples collected from a conventional-lowland farm, where goats were fed with higher amounts of concentrates and lower F/C ratio, presented a lower nutritional quality, characterized by the worst results for what concerns the health lipid indices. Then, we built a multivariate model able to discriminate samples coming from farms managed by a low-input system from those coming from farm managed by a high-input system. The comparison of animal welfare measurements and fatty acids data showed that a better intrinsic quality of low-input farms did not always correspond to better extrinsic quality, suggesting that the information on the livestock system is not always enough to provide consumers with complete awareness of the total product quality

    The role of preclinical models in creatine transporter deficiency: Neurobiological mechanisms, biomarkers and therapeutic development

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    Creatine (Cr) Transporter Deficiency (CTD) is an X-linked metabolic disorder, mostly caused by missense mutations in the SLC6A8 gene and presenting with intellectual disability, autistic behavior, and epilepsy. There is no effective treatment for CTD and patients need lifelong assistance. Thus, the research of novel intervention strategies is a major scientific challenge. Animal models are an excellent tool to dissect the disease pathogenetic mechanisms and drive the preclinical development of therapeutics. This review illustrates the current knowledge about Cr metabolism and CTD clinical aspects, with a focus on mainstay diagnostic and therapeutic options. Then, we discuss the rodent models of CTD characterized in the last decade, comparing the phenotypes expressed within clinically relevant domains and the timeline of symptom development. This analysis highlights that animals with the ubiquitous deletion/mutation of SLC6A8 genes well recapitulate the early onset and the complex pathological phenotype of the human condition. Thus, they should represent the preferred model for preclinical efficacy studies. On the other hand, brain-and cell-specific conditional mutants are ideal for understanding the basis of CTD at a cellular and molecular level. Finally, we explain how CTD models might provide novel insight about the pathogenesis of other disorders, including cancer

    Focusing on autism spectrum disorder in xia–gibbs syndrome: Description of a female with high functioning autism and literature review

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    Background: Xia–Gibbs syndrome (XGS) is a rare disorder caused by de novo mutations in the AT-Hook DNA binding motif Containing 1 (AHDC1) gene, which is characterised by a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, including global developmental delay, intellectual disability, structural abnormalities of the brain, global hypotonia, feeding problems, sleep difficulties and apnoea, facial dysmorphisms, and short stature. Methods: Here, we report on a girl patient who shows a peculiar cognitive and behavioural profile including high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD) without intellectual disability and provide information on her developmental trajectory with the aim of expanding knowledge of the XGS clinical spectrum. On the basis of the current clinical case and the literature review, we also attempt to deepen understanding of behavioural and psychiatric manifestations associated with XGS. Results: In addition to the patient we described, a considerable rate of individuals with XGS display autistic symptoms or have been diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder. Moreover, the analysis of the few psychopathological profiles of patients with XGS described in the literature shows a frequent presence of aggressive and self-injurious behaviours that could be either an expression of autistic functioning or an additional symptom of the ASD evolution. A careful investigation of the abovementioned symptoms is therefore required, since they could represent a “red flag” for ASD

    Una procedura per la valutazione dei limiti di utilizzo di O-Ring sottoposti ad intensi fasci di neutroni

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    Si presenta una procedura per la previsione della durata di utilizzo di O-ring in materiale polimerico impiegati nei bersagli per la produzione di fasci di ioni radioattivi. Si sono dapprima condotte prove di tenuta a vuoto e analisi a elementi finiti di un O-ring di riferimento operante con diversi livelli di interferenza con la cava, identificando la precompressione limite per la tenuta e la corrispondente pressione di contatto con la cava. Si sono poi effettuate prove di trazione e di Compression Set su campioni di O-ring in EPDM, preventivamente sottoposti a diversi livelli di irraggiamento in campi misti di neutroni e gamma, analizzando l’effetto della dose assorbita sul comportamento meccanico del materiale e sulle corrispondenti proprietà resistenziali, e definendo opportune leggi costitutive. Si sono infine simulate le progressive modifiche di comportamento della guarnizione indotte dall’irraggiamento, prevedendone la durata in esercizio in termini di tenuta e di resistenza strutturale

    Phenotypic definition and genotype-phenotype correlates in pmpca-related disease

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    Background: Peptidase mitochondrial processing alpha (PMPCA) biallelic mutations cause a spectrum of disorders ranging from severe progressive multisystemic mitochondrial encephalopathy to a milder non-progressive cerebellar ataxia with or without intellectual disability. Recently, we and others described an intermediate phenotype in two unrelated patients. Methods: We report a second Italian patient carrying novel PMPCA variants (p.Trp278Leu; p.Arg362Gly). Molecular modeling, dynamics simulation, RT-qPCR, and Western blotting were performed to predict the pathogenic impact of variants in the two Italian patients and attempt genotype-phenotype correlates. Results: In line with the two patients with intermediate phenotypes, our case presented global psychomotor delay with regression, intellectual disability, spastic-ataxic gait, and hyperkinetic movements, with cerebellar atrophy and bilateral striatal hyperintensities. However, blood lactate, muscle biopsy, and MRI spectroscopy were normal. PMPCA protein levels were significantly higher than controls despite normal cDNA levels. Dynamics simulation of several PMPCA missense variants showed a variable impact on the flexibility of the glycine rich loop and, for some cases, on the overall protein stability, without clear genotype-phenotype correlates. Conclusion: We confirm the expansion of PMPCA phenotypic spectrum including an intermediate phenotype of progressive encephalopathy without systemic involvement. The association of cerebellar atrophy with “Leigh-like” striatal hyperintensities may represent a “red flag” for this condition

    MECP2 duplication phenotype in symptomatic females: report of three further cases.

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    BACKGROUND: Xq28 duplications, including MECP2 (methyl CpG-binding protein 2; OMIM 300005), have been identified in approximately 140 male patients presenting with hypotonia, severe developmental delay/intellectual disability, limited or absent speech and ambulation, and recurrent respiratory infections. Female patients with Xq28 duplication have been rarely reported and are usually asymptomatic. Altogether, only fifteen symptomatic females with Xq28 duplications including MECP2 have been reported so far: six of them had interstitial duplications while the remaining had a duplication due to an unbalanced X;autosome translocation. Some of these females present with unspecific mild to moderate intellectual disability whereas a more complex phenotype is reported for females with unbalanced X;autosome translocations.FINDINGS: Here we report on the clinical features of three other adolescent to adult female patients with Xq28 interstitial duplications of variable size, all including MECP2 gene.CONCLUSIONS: Mild to moderate cognitive impairment together with learning difficulties and speech delay were evident in each of our patients. Moreover, early inadequate behavioral patterns followed by persistent difficulties in the social and communication domains, as well as the occurrence of mild psychiatric disturbances, are common features of these three patients
