187 research outputs found

    La flore médicinale traditionnelle de la région de Béni- Mellal (Maroc)

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    Objectif : le but de cette étude est de mener une enquête ethnobotanique des plantes médicinales utilisées en phytothérapie traditionnelle dans le district de Béni-Mellal.Méthodologie et résultats : A l’aide de 200 fiches questionnaires, une série d’enquêtes  ethnobotaniques a été menée sur le terrain en 2014 en utilisant un échantillonnage aléatoire stratifié. Ces recherches, complétées par l’identification des échantillons sur le terrain et au laboratoire, nous ont permis de faire connaissance de 69 espèces médicinales réparties en 38 familles et 63 genres avec une importance relative des familles suivantes par leur nombre d’espèces : Lamiaceae (23,07%), Apiaceae (21,05%), Fabaceae (10,52%) et Asteraceae (7,69%).Conclusion et application de la recherche : Cette étude a conduit à l'élaboration d'un catalogue de plantes médicinales contenant les informations sur les utilisations thérapeutiques pratiquées par la population locale. Par ailleurs, Cet inventaire peut constituer une source d’informations très précieuse .Il contribue par sa part à la connaissance de la flore médicinale et la sauvegarde du savoir-faire populaire local.Mots clés : plantes médicinales, ethnobotanique, Béni-Mellal, flore médicinale.Objective: The aim of this study is to conduct an ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in traditional herbal medicine in Beni-Mellal district.Methods and results: Using 320 questionnaires, a series of ethnobotanical surveys was conducted in the field in 2014 using stratified random sampling techniques. This research, completed by the identification of samples in the field and in the laboratory, has allowed us to get to know 69 species belonging to 63 genera and 38 families, with a predominance of Lamiaceae (23.07%), Apiaceae (21.05%), Fabaceae (10,52%) and Asteraceae (7.69% %).Conclusion and application of research: This study has led to the development of a catalog of  medicinal plants which has the information about the therapeutic uses practiced by the local population. This inventory can be a very valuable source of information .It contributes its share to the knowledge of medicinal flora and the safeguarding of local popular expertise.Keywords: Medicinal plants, ethnobotany, Beni-Mellal, medicinal flora

    Study of the effect of chromium on the germination parameters of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-gracium L.) and Lens (Lens culinaris)

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    Received: September 21st, 2022 ; Accepted: January 2nd, 2023 ; Published: February 8th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] contamination by heavy metals is a global environmental problem. This contamination affects agricultural crops in the area concerned. In the present study, chromium, which is a heavy metal, is evaluated for its diverse effects on seed germination and lateral growth of fenugreek and lens seeds. A chromium solution was prepared at increasing concentrations: 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, and 0.2 mg L-1 for the addition of germinating seeds in petri dishes for ten days. After two days, the germination rate is calculated. For the following days the length of radicle, stem, and number of leaves are measured. The germination rate of fenugreek varies between 100 and 73.33% for the control and 0.02 mg L-1 of chromium respectively. However, the germination rate of the lens varies between 100% for the control and 90% for the 0.02 mg L-1 . The elongation of fenugreek radicle with chromium solutions shows a significant effect. However, there is no significant difference in the lens at the different concentrations. For the growth of the fenugreek stalk, it is noticed that the concentration 0.02 shows a length of 2.83 cm compared to their control which is 2.30 cm. Consequently, chromium at 0.02 mg L-1 stimulates growth, but at 0.2 mg L-1 , it inhibits it. For lens the length of the stems shows also a significant difference compared to their control. So the effect of chromium on germination parameters depends on their concentrations, as well as on the seed response itself. For our research the response of fenugreek compared to the lens at the same concentrations is different

    Cystadénome Papillaire de L’épididyme: Un Nouveau Cas

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    Le cystadénome papillaire de l’épididyme est une tumeur paratesticulaire bénigne rare. Se présentant comme une masse épididymaire uni ou bilatérale. Son association avec le syndrome de Von Hippel-Lindau est fréquente, en particulier dans les lésions bilatérales. Nous rapportons l’observation d’un patient âgé de 36 ans, qui présentait depuis un an des douleurs scrotales gauches, une grosse bourse chronique, sans fièvre ni signes fonctionnels urinaires. L’examen avait mis en évidence une masse testiculaire dure, irrégulière et indolore sans adénopathies inguinales ni masse abdominale. L’échographie scrotale avait montré une masse testiculaire gauche solide hypoéchogène bien limitée de 3 x 2,5 x 2,2 cm. Les marqueurs tumoraux étaient normaux (ßHCG : 2 UI/j, AlphaFoetoProteine : 2,94 UI/l). La masse testiculaire a été explorée à travers une incision inguinale gauche. A la palpation, c’était une tumeur testiculaire dure. Une orchidectomie gauche a été réalisée. L’examen anatomopathologique de la pièce d’exérèse avait conclu à un aspect morphologique et immunohistochimique d’un cystadénome papillaire séreux borderline paratesticulaire sans signe d’invasion. A travers notre observation et les données de la littérature, nous proposons de mieux définir le diagnostic clinique et anatomopathologique ainsi que le traitement de ces tumeurs testiculaires rares.Mots clés : épididyme, cystadénome papillaire

    Post-treatment MRI aspects of photodynamic therapy for prostate cancer

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    OBJECTIVES: Photodynamic therapy is a new focal therapy for prostate cancer. METHODS: In this technique, a photosensitising agent is introduced intravenously, then activated by local laser illumination to induce tumour necrosis. Treatment efficacy is assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We illustrate specific post-treatment MRI aspects at early and late follow-up with pathological correlations. TEACHING POINTS: Dynamic phototherapy is a new and promising focal therapy for prostate cancer. One-week MRI shows increased volume of the treated lobe and large, homogeneous necrosis area. Six-month MRI shows significant changes of the prostate shape and signal. Six-month MRI becomes "base line" appearance for further follow-up or monitoring

    Expanding indication of padeliporfin (WST11) vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy: results of prostate cancer Latin-American multicenter study

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore the proportion of patients with higher risk localized prostate cancer (PCa) that would become safely biopsy negative 12 months after non-thermal focal therapy with padeliporfin vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy (VTP). METHODS: Multicenter study in a scenario of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) ≤20ng/ml and variable PCa target volumes Gleason pattern 3 or low-volume secondary Gleason pattern 4, all patients received VTP, consisting of intravenous 4mg/kg padeliporfin activated by light-diffusing fibers in the prostate. The prostate was biopsied at baseline, months 6 and 12, PSA, patient-reported functional outcomes and quality of life (QoL) questionnaires were recorded at baseline, months 3, 6, and 12 and adverse events (AE) throughout the study. RESULTS: In the intention-to-treat population (n=81), the proportion of patients with negative biopsies at month 12 was 74% (60/81 patients; 95% CI: 63.1%,83.2%). In the per-protocol population, the proportion was 79% (58/73 patients; 95% CI: 68.4%,88.0%). Questionnaire results indicated a slight improvement in urinary function and limited deterioration in sexual function. No difference in QoL was observed over time. A total of 42/81 (52%) patients reported mild or moderate and 4 of 81 (4.9%) experienced serious AE, all resolved without sequelae. No phototoxicity, cardiovascular event, fistula or prolonged urinary incontinence, secondary cancer or death was reported. CONCLUSIONS: Results support the efficacy, safety, and QoL associated with padeliporfin focal treatment for low/intermediate risk localized PCa

    Relationship between molecular properties and degradation mechanisms of organic solar cells based on bis-adducts of phenyl-C61 butyric acid methyl ester

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    Environmental stability remains a major challenge for the commercialisation of organic solar cells and degradation pathways remain poorly understood. Designing materials for improved device stability requires an understanding of the relationship between the properties of the donor or acceptor molecule and different degradation mechanisms. Here we study the correlations between various molecular parameters of the fullerene derivative bis-PCBM and the degradation rate of polymer:bis-PCBM organic solar cells, based on the same carbazole-alt-benzothiadiazole polymer, in aerobic and anaerobic conditions. We compare eight high purity bis-PCBM isomers with different electronic, chemical and packing properties along with PCBM and the mixture of bis isomers. In the case of aerobic photodegradation, we find that device degradation rate is positively correlated to the LUMO energy of the bis-PCBM isomer and to the degree of crystallinity of the isomer, while the correlation of degradation with driving force for epoxide formation is unclear. These results support the idea that in these samples, aerobic photodegradation proceeds via superoxide formation by the photogenerated polaron on the fullerene, followed by further chemical reaction. In the absence of air, photodegradation rate is correlated with molecular structure, supporting the mechanism of microstructural degradation via fullerene dimerization. The approach and findings presented here show how control of specific molecular parameters through chemical design can serve as a strategy to enhance stability of organic solar cells
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