30,838 research outputs found

    Electronic phase-locked-loop speed control system is stable

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    Phase locked-loop circuit is used for playback motors in digital tape recorders where the reproducer output remains in exact synchronism with an external reference clock over extended periods. It removes the motor dynamics from the control loop so that the loop is stable without damping

    Synchronous servo loop control system Patent

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    Design and development of synchronous servo loop control syste

    Quantifying statistical uncertainty in the attribution of human influence on severe weather

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    Event attribution in the context of climate change seeks to understand the role of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions on extreme weather events, either specific events or classes of events. A common approach to event attribution uses climate model output under factual (real-world) and counterfactual (world that might have been without anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions) scenarios to estimate the probabilities of the event of interest under the two scenarios. Event attribution is then quantified by the ratio of the two probabilities. While this approach has been applied many times in the last 15 years, the statistical techniques used to estimate the risk ratio based on climate model ensembles have not drawn on the full set of methods available in the statistical literature and have in some cases used and interpreted the bootstrap method in non-standard ways. We present a precise frequentist statistical framework for quantifying the effect of sampling uncertainty on estimation of the risk ratio, propose the use of statistical methods that are new to event attribution, and evaluate a variety of methods using statistical simulations. We conclude that existing statistical methods not yet in use for event attribution have several advantages over the widely-used bootstrap, including better statistical performance in repeated samples and robustness to small estimated probabilities. Software for using the methods is available through the climextRemes package available for R or Python. While we focus on frequentist statistical methods, Bayesian methods are likely to be particularly useful when considering sources of uncertainty beyond sampling uncertainty.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl

    General linewidth formula for steady-state multimode lasing in arbitrary cavities

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    A formula for the laser linewidth of arbitrary cavities in the multimode non-linear regime is derived from a scattering analysis of the solutions to semiclassical laser theory. The theory generalizes previous treatments of the effects of gain and openness described by the Petermann factor. The linewidth is expressed using quantities based on the non-linear scattering matrix, which can be computed from steady-state ab initio laser theory; unlike previous treatments, no passive cavity or phenomenological parameters are involved. We find that low cavity quality factor, combined with significant dielectric dispersion, can cause substantial deviations from the Schawlow-Townes-Petermann theory.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Minimization via duality

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    We show how to use duality theory to construct minimized versions of a wide class of automata. We work out three cases in detail: (a variant of) ordinary automata, weighted automata and probabilistic automata. The basic idea is that instead of constructing a maximal quotient we go to the dual and look for a minimal subalgebra and then return to the original category. Duality ensures that the minimal subobject becomes the maximally quotiented object

    Interatomic Methods for the Dispersion Energy Derived from the Adiabatic Connection Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem

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    Interatomic pairwise methods are currently among the most popular and accurate ways to include dispersion energy in density functional theory (DFT) calculations. However, when applied to more than two atoms, these methods are still frequently perceived to be based on \textit{ad hoc} assumptions, rather than a rigorous derivation from quantum mechanics. Starting from the adiabatic connection fluctuation-dissipation (ACFD) theorem, an exact expression for the electronic exchange-correlation energy, we demonstrate that the pairwise interatomic dispersion energy for an arbitrary collection of isotropic polarizable dipoles emerges from the second-order expansion of the ACFD formula. Moreover, for a system of quantum harmonic oscillators coupled through a dipole--dipole potential, we prove the equivalence between the full interaction energy obtained from the Hamiltonian diagonalization and the ACFD correlation energy in the random-phase approximation. This property makes the Hamiltonian diagonalization an efficient method for the calculation of the many-body dispersion energy. In addition, we show that the switching function used to damp the dispersion interaction at short distances arises from a short-range screened Coulomb potential, whose role is to account for the spatial spread of the individual atomic dipole moments. By using the ACFD formula we gain a deeper understanding of the approximations made in the interatomic pairwise approaches, providing a powerful formalism for further development of accurate and efficient methods for the calculation of the dispersion energy

    Three-dimensional flows in slowly-varying planar geometries

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    We consider laminar flow in channels constrained geometrically to remain between two parallel planes; this geometry is typical of microchannels obtained with a single step by current microfabrication techniques. For pressure-driven Stokes flow in this geometry and assuming that the channel dimensions change slowly in the streamwise direction, we show that the velocity component perpendicular to the constraint plane cannot be zero unless the channel has both constant curvature and constant cross-sectional width. This result implies that it is, in principle, possible to design "planar mixers", i.e. passive mixers for channels that are constrained to lie in a flat layer using only streamwise variations of their in-plane dimensions. Numerical results are presented for the case of a channel with sinusoidally varying width

    A Magnetohydrodynamic Nonradiative Accretion Flow in Three Dimensions

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    We present a global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) three dimensional simulation of a nonradiative accretion flow originating in a pressure supported torus. The evolution is controlled by the magnetorotational instability which produces turbulence. The flow forms a nearly Keplerian disk. The total pressure scale height in this disk is comparable to the vertical size of the initial torus. Gas pressure dominates only near the equator; magnetic pressure is more important in the surrounding atmosphere. A magnetically dominated bound outflow is driven from the disk. The accretion rate through the disk exceeds the final rate into the hole, and a hot torus forms inside 10 r_g. Hot gas, pushed up against the centrifugal barrier and confined by magnetic pressure, is ejected in a narrow, unbound, conical outflow. The dynamics are controlled by magnetic turbulence, not thermal convection, and a hydrodynamic alpha model is inadequate to describe the flow. The limitations of two dimensional MHD simulations are also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ApJ Letters. For web version and mpeg animations see http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~jh8h/nraf
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