40 research outputs found

    Assessment of the risk of contracting Lyme disease in areas with significant human presence

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    in order to describe seasonal changes in Lyme disease risk rate at three localities in Serbia, a total of 1,542 Ixodes ricinus ticks (493 nymphs; 525 females, and 524 males) were examined from 2003 to 2004. The prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Ixodes ricinus ticks at the Bovan Lake County was higher than the average for European localities (45.9% for adults and 18.8% for nymphs). In Mt. Avala and Kljajicevo counties, adults and nymphs were infected at the following percentages: 26.3 and 10.7; 16.2 and 7.6%, respectively. These outcomes indicate a relatively high risk of the contracting Lyme disease in all investigated areas

    The Analysis of Liquefaction Potential Based on A Comparation of Various Cyclic Resistance Ratio

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    Prambanan Temple located in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is one of the most beautiful temples in the world. One of the potential geo hazards in the region of Prambanan is the earthquake. Geotechnically, the condition of the soil layer in Prambanan Temple consists of fine and uniform sand. Therefore, there is a possibility of liquefaction, if it receives the earthquake load. This study was aimed to investigate the condition of the subgrade of the Prambanan Temple foundation against the potential of liquefaction. Analysis of liquefaction potential in Regions Prambanan was conducted using semi-empirical method which were the cyclic stress ratio and cyclic resistance ratio with data from the field test results, Standard Penetration Test. The calculation of the value of peak ground acceleration was conducted using various empirical formula. The parameters of the liquefaction threat were based on Liquefaction Potential Index, Liquefaction Risk Index and Liquefaction Severity Index. The analysis showed that the peak ground acceleration value based on the 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 was 0,216g. Based on the condition of existing Prambanan temple with ground water level at -12 meters depth was safe against liquefaction threat. In case of an earthquake with greater strength than the 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake, with a PGA of 0.3 to 0.4g and shallow water level (-1 meters), then liquefaction might potentially occur. Keywords: Liquefaction, Cyclic Stress Ratio, Cyclic Resistance Ratio, Peak Ground Acceleration, Prambanan Templ

    2006 November

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    Press releases for November 2006

    Analisis Ketahanan Tanah Dasar Fondasi Candi Prambanan Terhadap Ancaman Likuifaksi Berdasar Simplified Procedure

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    Prambanan temple complex is geologically located above an active fault that stretches from the area of Prambanan, Piyungan, Pleret, Imogiri, and Pundong. This fault is often called the Opak fault. The re-active fault triggered by a magnitude 6.3 earthquake activity that rocked Yogyakarta on May 27, 2006. An earthquake is a natural disaster that can destroy soil structure in its path. One of damage to soil structure caused by the earthquake is liquefaction. This study aims to determine whether the condition of the subgrade foundation Prambanan secure against the threat of liquefaction.This study uses a simplified procedure for estimating the liquefaction potential. Simplified procedure uses a comparison of two variables include seismic force in the soil layer called the cyclic stress ratio and capacity to withstand soil liquefaction is cyclic resistance ratio. The data used are N-SPT is in the court of Prambanan. Data recorded earthquakes that have occurred in Yogyakarta used is a version of USGS years 1957-2016.The results of this study indicate that the value of Factor of Safety (FS)> 1.2 with the existing condition of ground water at a depth of -12.0 meters. It can be concluded that security conditions subgrade foundation Prambanan safe against liquefaction potential

    Hannah Wilke: Bilder vollständiger und unvollständiger Schönheit

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