3,518 research outputs found

    On The 5D Extra-Force according to Basini-Capozziello-Leon Formalism and five important features: Kar-Sinha Gravitational Bending of Light, Chung-Freese Superluminal Behaviour, Maartens-Clarkson Black Strings, Experimental measures of Extra Dimensions on board International Space Station(ISS) and the existence of the Particle ZZ due to a Higher Dimensional spacetime

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    We use the Conformal Metric as described in Kar-Sinha work on Gravitational Bending of Light in a 5D Spacetime to recompute the equations of the 5D Force in Basini-Capozziello-Leon Formalism and we arrive at a result that possesses some advantages. The equations of the Extra Force as proposed by Leon are now more elegant in Conformal Formalism and many algebraic terms can be simplified or even suppressed. Also we recompute the Kar-Sinha Gravitational Bending of Light affected by the presence of the Extra Dimension and analyze the Superluminal Chung-Freese Features of this Formalism describing the advantages of the Chung-Freese BraneWorld when compared to other Superluminal spacetime metrics(eg:Warp Drive) and we describe why the Extra Dimension is invisible and how the Extra Dimension could be made visible at least in theory.We also examine the Maartens-Clarkson Black Holes in 5D(Black Strings) coupled to massive Kaluza-Klein graviton modes predicted by Extra Dimensions theories and we study experimental detection of Extra Dimensions on-board LIGO and LISA Space Telescopes.We also propose the use of International Space Station(ISS) to measure the additional terms(resulting from the presence of Extra Dimensions) in the Kar-Sinha Gravitational Bending of Light in Outer Space to verify if we really lives in a Higher Dimensional Spacetime.Also we demonstrate that Particle ZZ can only exists if the 5D spacetime exists.Comment: Withdrawn: author no longer wishes to post work on arXi

    Solar Radiation Pressure and Deviations from Keplerian Orbits

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    Newtonian gravity and general relativity give exactly the same expression for the period of an object in circular orbit around a static central mass. However, when the effects of the curvature of spacetime and solar radiation pressure are considered simultaneously for a solar sail propelled satellite, there is a deviation from Kepler's third law. It is shown that solar radiation pressure affects the period of this satellite in two ways: by effectively decreasing the solar mass, thereby increasing the period, and by enhancing the effects of other phenomena, rendering some of them detectable. In particular, we consider deviations from Keplerian orbits due to spacetime curvature, frame dragging from the rotation of the sun, the oblateness of the sun, a possible net electric charge of the sun, and a very small positive cosmological constant.Comment: 4 pages, minor typo corrected, additional comment

    Quantum fluctuations for drag free geodesic motion

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    The drag free technique is used to force a proof mass to follow a geodesic motion. The mass is protected from perturbations by a cage, and the motion of the latter is actively controlled to follow the motion of the proof mass. We present a theoretical analysis of the effects of quantum fluctuations for this technique. We show that a perfect drag free operation is in principle possible at the quantum level, in spite of the back action exerted on the mass by the position sensor.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX, minor change

    Trapping of strangelets in the geomagnetic field

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    Strangelets coming from the interstellar medium (ISM) are an interesting target to experiments searching for evidence of this hypothetic state of hadronic matter. We entertain the possibility of a {\it trapped} strangelet population, quite analogous to ordinary nuclei and electron belts. For a population of strangelets to be trapped by the geomagnetic field, these incoming particles would have to fulfill certain conditions, namely having magnetic rigidities above the geomagnetic cutoff and below a certain threshold for adiabatic motion to hold. We show in this work that, for fully ionized strangelets, there is a narrow window for stable trapping. An estimate of the stationary population is presented and the dominant loss mechanisms discussed. It is shown that the population would be substantially enhanced with respect to the ISM flux (up to two orders of magnitude) due to quasi-stable trapping.Comment: 10 pp., 5 figure

    On the possibility of measuring relativistic gravitational effects with a LAGEOS-LAGEOS II-OPTIS-mission

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    In this paper we wish to preliminary investigate if it would be possible to use the orbital data from the proposed OPTIS mission together with those from the existing geodetic passive SLR LAGEOS and LAGEOS II satellites in order to perform precise measurements of some general relativistic gravitoelectromagnetic effects, with particular emphasis on the Lense-Thirring effect.Comment: Abridged version. 16 pages, no figures, 1 table. First results from the GGM01C Earth gravity model. GRACE data include

    Detectability of Strange Matter in Heavy Ion Experiments

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    We discuss the properties of two distinct forms of hypothetical strange matter, small lumps of strange quark matter (strangelets) and of hyperon matter (metastable exotic multihypernuclear objects: MEMOs), with special emphasis on their relevance for present and future heavy ion experiments. The masses of small strangelets up to A = 40 are calculated using the MIT bag model with shell mode filling for various bag parameters. The strangelets are checked for possible strong and weak hadronic decays, also taking into account multiple hadron decays. It is found that strangelets which are stable against strong decay are most likely highly negative charged, contrary to previous findings. Strangelets can be stable against weak hadronic decay but their masses and charges are still rather high. This has serious impact on the present high sensitivity searches in heavy ion experiments at the AGS and CERN facilities. On the other hand, highly charged MEMOs are predicted on the basis of an extended relativistic mean-field model. Those objects could be detected in future experiments searching for short-lived, rare composites. It is demonstrated that future experiments can be sensitive to a much wider variety of strangelets.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, uses RevTeX and epsf.st

    A Mission to Explore the Pioneer Anomaly

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    The Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft yielded the most precise navigation in deep space to date. These spacecraft had exceptional acceleration sensitivity. However, analysis of their radio-metric tracking data has consistently indicated that at heliocentric distances of ∌20−70\sim 20-70 astronomical units, the orbit determinations indicated the presence of a small, anomalous, Doppler frequency drift. The drift is a blue-shift, uniformly changing with a rate of ∌(5.99±0.01)×10−9\sim(5.99 \pm 0.01)\times 10^{-9} Hz/s, which can be interpreted as a constant sunward acceleration of each particular spacecraft of aP=(8.74±1.33)×10−10m/s2a_P = (8.74 \pm 1.33)\times 10^{-10} {\rm m/s^2}. This signal has become known as the Pioneer anomaly. The inability to explain the anomalous behavior of the Pioneers with conventional physics has contributed to growing discussion about its origin. There is now an increasing number of proposals that attempt to explain the anomaly outside conventional physics. This progress emphasizes the need for a new experiment to explore the detected signal. Furthermore, the recent extensive efforts led to the conclusion that only a dedicated experiment could ultimately determine the nature of the found signal. We discuss the Pioneer anomaly and present the next steps towards an understanding of its origin. We specifically focus on the development of a mission to explore the Pioneer Anomaly in a dedicated experiment conducted in deep space.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures; invited talk given at the 2005 ESLAB Symposium "Trends in Space Science and Cosmic Vision 2020", 19-21 April 2005, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherland

    Fundamental Physics with the Laser Astrometric Test Of Relativity

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    The Laser Astrometric Test Of Relativity (LATOR) is a joint European-U.S. Michelson-Morley-type experiment designed to test the pure tensor metric nature of gravitation - a fundamental postulate of Einstein's theory of general relativity. By using a combination of independent time-series of highly accurate gravitational deflection of light in the immediate proximity to the Sun, along with measurements of the Shapiro time delay on interplanetary scales (to a precision respectively better than 0.1 picoradians and 1 cm), LATOR will significantly improve our knowledge of relativistic gravity. The primary mission objective is to i) measure the key post-Newtonian Eddington parameter \gamma with accuracy of a part in 10^9. (1-\gamma) is a direct measure for presence of a new interaction in gravitational theory, and, in its search, LATOR goes a factor 30,000 beyond the present best result, Cassini's 2003 test. The mission will also provide: ii) first measurement of gravity's non-linear effects on light to ~0.01% accuracy; including both the Eddington \beta parameter and also the spatial metric's 2nd order potential contribution (never measured before); iii) direct measurement of the solar quadrupole moment J2 (currently unavailable) to accuracy of a part in 200 of its expected size; iv) direct measurement of the "frame-dragging" effect on light by the Sun's gravitomagnetic field, to 1% accuracy. LATOR's primary measurement pushes to unprecedented accuracy the search for cosmologically relevant scalar-tensor theories of gravity by looking for a remnant scalar field in today's solar system. We discuss the mission design of this proposed experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures; invited talk given at the 2005 ESLAB Symposium "Trends in Space Science and Cosmic Vision 2020," 19-21 April 2005, ESTEC, Noodrwijk, The Netherland
