7,430 research outputs found

    Determination of surface resistance and magnetic penetration depth of superconducting YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) thin films by microwave power transmission measurements

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    A novel waveguide power transmission measurement technique was developed to extract the complex conductivity of superconducting thin films at microwave frequencies. The microwave conductivity was taken of two laser ablated YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) thin films on LaAlO3 with transition temperatures of approx. 86.3 and 82 K, respectively, in the temperature range 25 to 300 K. From the conductivity values, the penetration depth was found to be approx. 0.54 and 0.43 micron, and the surface resistance (R sub s) to be approx. 24 and 36 micro-Ohms at 36 GHz and 76 K for the two films under consideration. The R sub s values were compared with those obtained from the change in the Q-factor of a 36 GHz Te sub 011-mode (OFHC) copper cavity by replacing one of its end walls with the superconducting sample. This technique allows noninvasive characterization of high transition temperature superconducting thin films at microwave frequencies

    Average Reaction Cross Sections for 74- to 112-MeV α Particles on \u3csup\u3e127\u3c/sup\u3eI and \u3csup\u3e133\u3c/sup\u3eCs

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    The average reaction cross section for 74- to 112-MeV α particles on 127I and 133Cs was measured by a new method using a magnetic spectrograph and a CsI scintillation detector. The result, σR=2220±50 mb, is in good agreement with optical model calculations and finite-range microscopic calculations. Zero-range microscopic calculations underpredict σR by about 10%, while strong absorption theories overpredict σR by large amounts

    Millimeter wave transmission studies of YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films in the 26.5 to 40.0 GHz frequency range

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    Millimeter wave transmission measurements through YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) thin films on MgO, ZrO2 and LaAlO3 substrates, are reported. The films (approx. 1 micron) were deposited by sequential evaporation and laser ablation techniques. Transition temperatures T sub c, ranging from 89.7 K for the Laser Ablated film on LaAlO3 to approximately 72 K for the sequentially evaporated film on MgO, were obtained. The values of the real and imaginary parts of the complex conductivity, sigma 1 and sigma 2, are obtained from the transmission data, assuming a two fluid model. The BCS approach is used to calculate values for an effective energy gap from the obtained values of sigma sub 1. A range of gap values from 2 DELTA o/K sub B T sub c = 4.19 to 4.35 was obtained. The magnetic penetration depth is evaluated from the deduced values of sigma 2. These results are discussed together with the frequency dependence of the normalized transmission amplitude, P/P sub c, below and above T sub c

    Millimeter wave surface resistance of RBa2Cu3O(7-delta) (R=Y,Eu,Dy,Sm,Er) superconductors

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    The measurements are reported of the millimeter wave surface resistance R(sub s) at 58.6 GHz of bulk samples of RBa2Cu3O(7-delta) (R = Y,Eu,Dy,Sm,Er) and of YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) superconducting films, in the temperature range from 20 to 300 K. The bulk samples were prepared by cold pressing the powders of RBa2Cu3O(7-delta) into one in. disks. The powders were prepared by several sinterings in one atmosphere of oxygen at 925 C, with grindings between sinterings, to obtain the superconducting phase. The thin films were deposited on SrTiO3 and LaGaO3 substrates by pulsed laser ablation. Each sample was measured by replacing the end wall of a gold-plated Te sub 013 circular mode copper cavity with the sample and determining the cavity quality factor . From the difference in the Q-factor of the cavity, with and without the sample, the R(sub s) of the sample was determined

    Electromagnetic Casimir piston in higher dimensional spacetimes

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    We consider the Casimir effect of the electromagnetic field in a higher dimensional spacetime of the form M×NM\times \mathcal{N}, where MM is the 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime and N\mathcal{N} is an nn-dimensional compact manifold. The Casimir force acting on a planar piston that can move freely inside a closed cylinder with the same cross section is investigated. Different combinations of perfectly conducting boundary conditions and infinitely permeable boundary conditions are imposed on the cylinder and the piston. It is verified that if the piston and the cylinder have the same boundary conditions, the piston is always going to be pulled towards the closer end of the cylinder. However, if the piston and the cylinder have different boundary conditions, the piston is always going to be pushed to the middle of the cylinder. By taking the limit where one end of the cylinder tends to infinity, one obtains the Casimir force acting between two parallel plates inside an infinitely long cylinder. The asymptotic behavior of this Casimir force in the high temperature regime and the low temperature regime are investigated for the case where the cross section of the cylinder in MM is large. It is found that if the separation between the plates is much smaller than the size of N\mathcal{N}, the leading term of the Casimir force is the same as the Casimir force on a pair of large parallel plates in the (4+n)(4+n)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. However, if the size of N\mathcal{N} is much smaller than the separation between the plates, the leading term of the Casimir force is 1+h/21+h/2 times the Casimir force on a pair of large parallel plates in the 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime, where hh is the first Betti number of N\mathcal{N}. In the limit the manifold N\mathcal{N} vanishes, one does not obtain the Casimir force in the 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime if hh is nonzero.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Volume Fractions of the Kinematic "Near-Critical" Sets of the Quantum Ensemble Control Landscape

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    An estimate is derived for the volume fraction of a subset CϵP={U:∣∣gradJ(U)∣≤ϵ}⊂U(N)C_{\epsilon}^{P} = \{U : ||grad J(U)|\leq {\epsilon}\}\subset\mathrm{U}(N) in the neighborhood of the critical set CP≃U(n)PU(m)C^{P}\simeq\mathrm{U}(\mathbf{n})P\mathrm{U}(\mathbf{m}) of the kinematic quantum ensemble control landscape J(U) = Tr(U\rho U' O), where UU represents the unitary time evolution operator, {\rho} is the initial density matrix of the ensemble, and O is an observable operator. This estimate is based on the Hilbert-Schmidt geometry for the unitary group and a first-order approximation of ∣∣gradJ(U)∣∣2||grad J(U)||^2. An upper bound on these near-critical volumes is conjectured and supported by numerical simulation, leading to an asymptotic analysis as the dimension NN of the quantum system rises in which the volume fractions of these "near-critical" sets decrease to zero as NN increases. This result helps explain the apparent lack of influence exerted by the many saddles of JJ over the gradient flow.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    Forced Symmetry Breaking from SO(3) to SO(2) for Rotating Waves on the Sphere

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    We consider a small SO(2)-equivariant perturbation of a reaction-diffusion system on the sphere, which is equivariant with respect to the group SO(3) of all rigid rotations. We consider a normally hyperbolic SO(3)-group orbit of a rotating wave on the sphere that persists to a normally hyperbolic SO(2)-invariant manifold M(ϵ)M(\epsilon). We investigate the effects of this forced symmetry breaking by studying the perturbed dynamics induced on M(ϵ)M(\epsilon) by the above reaction-diffusion system. We prove that depending on the frequency vectors of the rotating waves that form the relative equilibrium SO(3)u_{0}, these rotating waves will give SO(2)-orbits of rotating waves or SO(2)-orbits of modulated rotating waves (if some transversality conditions hold). The orbital stability of these solutions is established as well. Our main tools are the orbit space reduction, Poincare map and implicit function theorem

    Sensitivity curves for spaceborne gravitational wave interferometers

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    To determine whether particular sources of gravitational radiation will be detectable by a specific gravitational wave detector, it is necessary to know the sensitivity limits of the instrument. These instrumental sensitivities are often depicted (after averaging over source position and polarization) by graphing the minimal values of the gravitational wave amplitude detectable by the instrument versus the frequency of the gravitational wave. This paper describes in detail how to compute such a sensitivity curve given a set of specifications for a spaceborne laser interferometer gravitational wave observatory. Minor errors in the prior literature are corrected, and the first (mostly) analytic calculation of the gravitational wave transfer function is presented. Example sensitivity curve calculations are presented for the proposed LISA interferometer. We find that previous treatments of LISA have underestimated its sensitivity by a factor of 3\sqrt{3}.Comment: 27 pages + 5 figures, REVTeX, accepted for publication in Phys Rev D; Update reflects referees comments, figure 3 clarified, figure 5 corrected for LISA baselin

    The Biot-Savart operator and electrodynamics on subdomains of the three-sphere

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    We study steady-state magnetic fields in the geometric setting of positive curvature on subdomains of the three-dimensional sphere. By generalizing the Biot-Savart law to an integral operator BS acting on all vector fields, we show that electrodynamics in such a setting behaves rather similarly to Euclidean electrodynamics. For instance, for current J and magnetic field BS(J), we show that Maxwell's equations naturally hold. In all instances, the formulas we give are geometrically meaningful: they are preserved by orientation-preserving isometries of the three-sphere. This article describes several properties of BS: we show it is self-adjoint, bounded, and extends to a compact operator on a Hilbert space. For vector fields that act like currents, we prove the curl operator is a left inverse to BS; thus the Biot-Savart operator is important in the study of curl eigenvalues, with applications to energy-minimization problems in geometry and physics. We conclude with two examples, which indicate our bounds are typically within an order of magnitude of being sharp.Comment: 24 pages (was 28 pages) Revised to include a new introduction, a detailed example, and results about helicity; other changes for readabilit

    Shallow Convection on Day 261 of GATE: Mesoscale Arcs

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    On 18 September 1974, a cloud cluster growing in the GATE [Global Atmospheric Research Program] ship array was examined using aircraft flying close to one another at different heights, the geostationary satellite SMS-1, and radar, rawinsonde and ship data, with a view to elucidating mechanisms of convection. In this paper we concentrate analysis on cloudy convection in the moist layer. In and above southerly surface monsoon flow approaching the cluster, clouds indigenous to the moist layer took the form of rows of tiny cumulus, and of arcs of cumulus mediocris, with patterns different from those of deeper clouds. From satellite visible images, arcs were traced for periods exceeding 2 h. Airborne photography showed that the arcs were composed of many small clouds. Radar data showed that they originated after precipitation. Apparently, throughout their life cycle, they perpetuated the pattern of an initiating dense downdraft. Eventually they yielded isolated cumulus congestus, again bearing precipitation. Aircraft recorded the distribution of thermodynamic quantities and winds at altitudes within the mixed layer, and at 537 and 1067 m. These data indicated that the arcs persisted as mesoscale circulations driven by release of latent heat in the clouds, rather than being driven by the original density current at the surface. The cloudy circulations were vigorous near and above cloud base, becoming weaker upward through altitude 1 km. The entire mesoscale circulation systems were of horizontal scale roughly 40 km. The mesoscale cloud patterns of the moist layer appeared to play a primary role in heat transfer upward within this layer, and contributed to the forcing of showering midtropospheric cloud
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