20 research outputs found

    Root-emitted volatile organic compounds: can they mediate belowground plant-plant interactions?

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    peer reviewedBackground Aboveground, plants release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that act as chemical signals between neighbouring plants. It is now well documented that VOCs emitted by the roots in the plant rhizosphere also play important ecological roles in the soil ecosystem, notably in plant defence because they are involved in interactions between plants, phytophagous pests and organisms of the third trophic level. The roles played by root-emitted VOCs in between- and within-plant signalling, however, are still poorly documented in the scientific literature. Scope Given that (1) plants release volatile cues mediating plant-plant interactions aboveground, (2) roots can detect the chemical signals originating from their neighbours, and (3) roots release VOCs involved in biotic interactions belowground, the aim of this paper is to discuss the roles of VOCs in between- and within-plant signalling belowground. We also highlight the technical challenges associated with the analysis of root-emitted VOCs and the design of experiments targeting volatile-mediated root-root interactions. Conclusions We conclude that root-root interactions mediated by volatile cues deserve more research attention and that both the analytical tools and methods developed to study the ecological roles played by VOCs in interplant signalling aboveground can be adapted to focus on the roles played by root-emitted VOCs in between- and within-plant signalling

    Sampling Natural Biofilms: A New Route to Build Efficient Microbial Anodes.

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    Electrochemically active biofilms were constructed on graphite anodes under constant polarization at −0.1V vs saturated calomel reference (SCE) with 10 mM acetate as substrate. The reactors were inoculated with three different microbial samples that were drawn from exactly the same place in a French Atlantic coastal port (i) by scraping the biofilm that had formed naturally on the surface of a floating bridge, (ii) by taking marine sediments just under the floating bridge, and (iii) by taking nearby beach sand. Current densities of 2.0 A/m2 were reached using the biofilm sample as inoculum while only 0.4 A/m2 and 0.8 A/m2 were obtained using the underlying sediments and the beach sand, respectively. The structure of bacterial communities forming biofilms was characterized by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis, and revealed differences between samples with the increase in relative intensities of some bands and the appearance of others. Bacteria close related to Bacteroidetes, Halomonas, and Marinobacterium were retrieved only from the efficient EA-biofilms formed from natural biofilms, whereas, bacteria close related to Mesoflavibacter were predominant on biofilm formed from sediments. The marine biofilm was selected as the inoculum to further optimize the microbial anode. Epifluorescence microscopy and SEM confirmed that maintaining the electrode under constant polarization promoted rapid settlement of the electrode surface by a bacterial monolayer film. The microbial anode was progressively adapted to the consumption of acetate by three serial additions of substrate, thus improving the Coulombic efficiency of acetate consumption from 31 to 89%. The possible oxidation of sulfide played only a very small part in the current production and the biofilm was not able to oxidize hydrogen. Graphite proved to be more efficient than dimensionally stable anode (DSA) or stainless steel but this result might be due to differences in the surface roughness rather than the intrinsic features of the materials. Finally, a maximal current density of 7.9A/m2 was reached with 10 mM acetate after only 8 days of biofilm formation at −0.1V/SCE. These results are among the best performance values reported in the literature. Using natural biofilms as inoculum should, consequently, be a new, very promising way to rapidly build more efficient microbial electrodes than those produced when the inoculum is drawn from bulk environments

    Functionally Redundant Cellobiose-Degrading Soil Bacteria Respond Differentially to Oxygen ▿†

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    The availability of oxygen (O2) in aerated (i.e., water-unsaturated) soils affects the metabolic activities of aerobic and anaerobic soil prokaryotes that degrade plant-derived saccharides. Fluctuating availabilities of O2 were imposed on agricultural soil slurries supplemented with cellobiose. Slurries were subjected to oxic conditions (48 h), followed by an anoxic period (120 h) and a final oxic period (24 h). Redox potential was stable at 500 mV during oxic periods but decreased rapidly (within 10 h) under anoxic conditions to −330 mV. The consumption of cellobiose occurred without apparent delay at all redox potentials. The metabolic activities of seven previously identified saccharolytic family-level taxa of the investigated soil were measured with newly designed quantitative PCR assays targeting the 16S rRNA. Four taxa responded to the experimental conditions. The amounts of rRNAs of Micrococcaceae and Cellulomonadaceae (Actinobacteria) increased under oxic conditions. In contrast, the RNA contents of Clostridiaceae (cluster I, Firmicutes) and two uncultured family-level-taxa, i.e., “Cellu” and “Sphingo” (both Bacteroidetes) increased under anoxic conditions. That the degradation of cellobiose was independent of the availability of O2 and that redox potentials decreased in response to anaerobic activities indicated that the degradation of cellobiose was linked to functionally redundant cellobiose-degrading taxa capable of altering redox conditions

    Huanglongbing alters the structure and functional diversity of microbial communities associated with citrus rhizosphere

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    The diversity and stability of bacterial communities present in the rhizosphere heavily influence soil and plant quality and ecosystem sustainability. The goal of this study is to understand how ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' (known to cause Huanglongbing, HLB) influences the structure and functional potential of microbial communities associated with the citrus rhizosphere. Clone library sequencing and taxon/group-specific quantitative real-time PCR results showed that ‘Ca. L. asiaticus' infection restructured the native microbial community associated with citrus rhizosphere. Within the bacterial community, phylum Proteobacteria with various genera typically known as successful rhizosphere colonizers were significantly greater in clone libraries from healthy samples, whereas phylum Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, typically more dominant in the bulk soil were higher in ‘Ca. L. asiaticus'-infected samples. A comprehensive functional microarray GeoChip 3.0 was used to determine the effects of ‘Ca. L. asiaticus' infection on the functional diversity of rhizosphere microbial communities. GeoChip analysis showed that HLB disease has significant effects on various functional guilds of bacteria. Many genes involved in key ecological processes such as nitrogen cycling, carbon fixation, phosphorus utilization, metal homeostasis and resistance were significantly greater in healthy than in the ‘Ca. L. asiaticus'-infected citrus rhizosphere. Our results showed that the microbial community of the ‘Ca. L. asiaticus'-infected citrus rhizosphere has shifted away from using more easily degraded sources of carbon to the more recalcitrant forms. Overall, our study provides evidence that the change in plant physiology mediated by ‘Ca. L. asiaticus' infection could elicit shifts in the composition and functional potential of rhizosphere microbial communities. In the long term, these fluctuations might have important implications for the productivity and sustainability of citrus-producing agro-ecosystems

    Root exudates and their molecular interactions with rhizospheric microbes

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    Biologically important plant-microbe interactions are mediated by a wide array of signal compounds rhizodeposited from both plant and microbial species. Root exudates are some of the potentially important low molecular weight compounds secreted from plant roots. They are involved in building a network of biointeractions through several physical, chemical, or biological interactions. Application of bioinoculums has significantly improved growth parameters and yield of many economically valued crops. Root exudates mediate the plant-microbe interactions by colonizing the roots and promoting root growth. Also, root exudates improve chemical and physical characteristics of the rhizospheric soil. Some of the beneficial plant-microbe associations include nitrogen fixation by rhizobium, symbiotic biointeractions with AM (arbuscular mycorrhizal) fungi, and PGPR (plant-growth-promoting Rhizobacteria). These interactions improve plant growth and quality, stress tolerance, and plant defense responses. Root exudates constitute a wide variety of secondary metabolite constituents that help plants to guard against microbial infections, insects, or herbivore attack. Root exudates secreted by plants act as antimicrobial agents to curb various harmful rhizospheric pathogens. In this chapter, we provide a summary of literatures on the significance of plant-microbe interactions in the improvement of plant morphological and biochemical features. Further, detailed information on various types of root exudates and their role in mediating plant-microbe interactions and possible exploration of root exudates as a novel antimicrobial compounds are also discussed