116 research outputs found

    Principles of Formation in Modern Urban Sculpture

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    DergiPark: 799337bmsdModern forms of urban sculpture are so diverse that they no longer correspond to the typical features of the monumental and monumental-decorative type of urban art. In this regard, the article is devoted to the consideration and formulation of advanced principles in the shaping of modern urban sculpture: the principle of adaptation of the traditional form, the principle of abstract-conceptual modeling, the principle of using the finished form and the principle of creation non-material reality...Çağdaş kentsel heykel biçimleri, o kadar çeşitlidir ki artık tipik olarak sunulan anıtsal ve anıtsal ve dekoratif kentsel sanat türüne karşılık gelmezler. Bu bağlamda makale, çağdaş kent heykelinin şekillendirilmesinde modern ilkelerin dikkate alınması ve formüle edilmesine adanmıştır: geleneksel biçime uyarlama ilkesi, soyut-kavramsal modelleme ilkesi, bitmiş biçimi kullanma ilkesi ve somut olmayan gerçeklik yaratma ilkesi. Enstalasyonlar, arazi sanatı, eylemcilik, anıtlar ve anıtsal kent heykelleri gibi modern eğilimlerin ortaya çıkmasıyla artık türlerinde tek değiller ve kentsel sanatta, sonsuz sayıda yeni ve karmaşık olarak tanımlanmış kentsel heykel türleri vardır. Görev, başlangıçta çağdaş kent heykelinin eğilimlerini anlama probleminde oluşum ilkelerini formüle etmektir, çünkü ilkelerin kendileri bir kentsel nesnenin belirli bir imajını oluşturmak için kavram ve görevleri içerir

    METIS research advances towards the 5G mobile and wireless system definition

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    [EN] The Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty-twenty Information Society (METIS) project is laying the foundations of Fifth Generation (5G) mobile and wireless communication system putting together the point of view of vendors, operators, vertical players, and academia. METIS envisions a 5G system concept that efficiently integrates new applications developed in the METIS horizontal topics and evolved versions of existing services and systems. This article provides a first view on the METIS system concept, highlights the main features including architecture, and addresses the challenges while discussing perspectives for the further research work.Part of this work has been performed in the framework of the FP7 project ICT-317669 METIS, which is partly funded by the European Commission. The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues in METIS with special thanks to Petar Popovski, Peter Fertl, David Gozalvez-Serrano, Andreas Hoglund, Zexian Li, and Krystian Pawlak. Also thanks to Josef Eichinger and Malte Schellmann for the fruitful discussions during the revision of this article.Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Mange, G.; Braun, V.; Tullberg, H.; Zimmermann, G.; Bulakci, O. (2015). METIS research advances towards the 5G mobile and wireless system definition. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2015(53):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13638-015-0302-9S116201553Cisco, in Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2014–2019 White Paper, February 2015. http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/service-provider/visual-networking-index-vni/white_paper_c11-520862.pdfMETIS, in Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty-twenty Information Society, EU 7th Framework Programme project, http://www.metis2020.com .ICT-317669 METIS project, in Scenarios, requirements and KPIs for 5G mobile and wireless system, Deliverable D1.1, May 2013, https://www.metis2020.com/documents/deliverables/B Ahlgren, C Dannewitz, C Imbrenda, D Kutscher, B Ohlman, A survey of information-centric networking. IEEE Commun Mag 50(7), 26–36 (2012)A Osseiran, F Boccardi, V Braun, K Kusume, P Marsch, M Maternia, O Queseth, M Schellmann, H Schotten, H Taoka, H Tullberg, MA Uusitalo, B Timus, M Fallgren, Scenarios for the 5G mobile and wireless communications: the vision of the METIS project. IEEE Commun Mag 52(5), 26–35 (2014)D Gomez-Barquero, D Calabuig, JF Monserrat, N Garcia and J Perez-Romero, Hopfield neural network - based approach for joint dynamic resource allocation in heterogeneous wireless networks, in Proceedings 64th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Montreal. 2006JF Monserrat, P Sroka, G Auer, J Cabrejas, D Martin-Sacristan, A Mihovska, R Rossi, A. Saul, R. Schoenen, Advanced Radio Resource Management for IMT-Advanced in WINNER+ (II), in Proc. Future Network and Mobile Summit, pp.1-9, June 2010.F Boccardi, RW Heath, A Lozano, TL Marzetta, P Popovski, Five disruptive technology directions for 5G. IEEE Commun Mag 52(2), 74–80 (2014)JG Andrews, S Buzzi, C Wan, SV Hanly, A Lozano, ACK Soong, JC Zhang, What will 5G be? IEEE J Sel Area Comm 32(6), 1065–1082 (2014)MN Tehrani, M Uysal, H Yanikomeroglu, Device-to-device communication in 5G cellular networks: challenges, solutions, and future directions. IEEE Commun Mag 52(5), 86–92 (2014)N Bhushan, L Junyi, D Malladi, R Gilmore, D Brenner, A Damnjanovic, R Sukhavasi, C Patel, S Geirhofer, Network densification: the dominant theme for wireless evolution into 5G. IEEE Commun Mag 52(2), 82–89 (2014)K Okino, T Nakayama, C Yamazaki, H Sato, Y Kusano, Pico Cell Range Expansion with Interference Mitigation toward LTE-Advanced Heterogeneous Networks, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2011.P Mugen, L Dong, W Yao, L Jian Li, C Hsiao-Hwa, Self-configuration and self-optimization in LTE-advanced heterogeneous networks. IEEE Commun Mag 51(5), 36–45 (2013)I Siomina, D Yuan, Load Balancing in Heterogeneous LTE: Range Optimization via Offset and Load-coupling Characterization, in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conference on Communications (ICC). June 2012.KI Pedersen, Y Wang, B Soret, F Frederiksen, eICIC Functionality and Performance for LTE HetNet Co-Channel Deployments, in Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf, Sep 2012X Gu, X Deng, Q Li, L Zhang, W Li, Capacity Analysis and Optimization in Heterogeneous Network with Adaptive Cell Range Control, Int. J. Antennas. Propag. 2014(215803), 10 (2014)K Smiljkovikj, P Popovski, L Gavrilovska, Analysis of the Decoupled Access for DL and UL in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks, in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, in press, doi:10.1109/LWC.2015.2388676.P Agyapong, M. Iwamura, D. Staehle, W. Kiess, A. Benjebbour, Design considerations for a 5G network architecture. IEEE Commun Mag 52(11), 65–75 (2014)L Yan, X Fang, Reliability Evaluation of 5G C/U-plane Decoupled Architecture for High-speed Railway. EURASIP J Wirel Commun Netw 2014, 127 (2014)B Zafar, S Gherekhloo, M Haardt, Analysis of multihop relaying networks: communication between range-limited and cooperative nodes. IEEE Veh Technol Mag 7(3), 40–47 (2012)Study on Mobile Relay for Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA), 3GPP TR 36.836, V2.0.2, July 2013.A Krendzel, LTE-A Mobile Relay Handling: Architecture Aspects, in Proc. of the 19th European Wireless Conference (EW), Guildford, UK, pp. 1–6, 2013.M Khanfouci, Y Sui, A Papadogiannis, and M Färber, Moving Relays and Mobility aspects, ARTIST4G project deliverable D3.5c-v2.0, 2012.F Haider, M Dianati, and R Tafazolli, A Simulation Based Study of Mobile Femtocell Assisted LTE Networks, in Proc. Of the 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 2198–2203, 2011F Haider, W Haiming, H Haas, Y Dongfeng, W Haiming, G Xiqi, Y Xiao-Hu, E Hepsaydir, Spectral efficiency enalysis of mobile Femtocell based cellular systems, in Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), Jinan, pp. 347–351, September 2011.ICT-317669 METIS project, Initial report on horizontal topics, first results and 5G system concept, Deliverable D6.2, April 2014, https://www.metis2020.com/documents/deliverables/Study on LTE Device to Device Proximity Services, 3GPP TR 36.843, 2014.V Yazıcı, UC Kozat, M Oguz, Sunay, A new control plane for 5G network architecture with a case study on unified handoff, mobility, and routing management. IEEE Commun Mag 52(11), 76–85 (2014)F Malandrino, C Casetti, C-F Chiasserini, Toward D2D-enhanced heterogeneous networks. IEEE Commun Mag 52(11), 94–100 (2014)A Asadi, Q Wang, V Mancuso, A survey on device-to-Device communication in cellular networks. IEEE Commun Surv Tutor 16(4), 1801–1819 (2014)D Feng, L Lu, YY Wu, GY Li, G Feng, S Li, Device-to-device communications underlaying cellular networks. IEEE Trans Commun 61(8), 3541–3551 (2013)C Xu, L Song, Z Han, Q Zhao, X Wang, X Cheng, B Jiao, Efficiency resource allocation for device-to-device underlay communication systems: a reverse iterative combinatorial auction based approach. IEEE J Sel Area Comm 31(9), 348–358 (2013)S Lingyang, D Niyato, H Zhu, E Hossain, Game-theoretic resource allocation methods for device-to-device communication. IEEE Wireless Commun 21(3), 136–144 (2014)G Aloi, M Di Felice, V Loscrì, P Pace, G Ruggeri, Spontaneous smartphone networks as a user-centric solution for the future internet. IEEE Commun Mag 52(12), 26–33 (2014)PA Frangoudis, GC Polyzos, Security and performance challenges for user-centric wireless networking. IEEE Commun Mag 52(12), 48–55 (2014)ITU-R M.2079, in Technical and operational information for identifying Spectrum for the terrestrial component of future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced, 2006AB MacKenzie, LA DaSilva, Application of signal processing to addressing wireless data demand [in the spotlight]. IEEE Signal Process Mag 29(6), 168–166 (2012)X Cheng, Y Koucheryavy, Y Li, F Zhao, T Znati (ed.), Dynamic Spectrum Access for Throughput, Delay, and Fairness Enhancement In Cognitive Radio Networks, EURASIP J Wirel Commun Netw, November 2014MR Akdeniz, Y Liu, MK Samimi, S Sun, S Rangan, TS Rappaport, E Erkip, Millimeter wave channel modeling and cellular capacity evaluation. IEEE J Sel Area Comm 32(6), 1164–1179 (2014)A Adhikary, E Al Safadi, M Samimi, R Wang, G Caire, TS Rappaport, AF Molisch, Joint spatial division and multiplexing for mm-wave channels. IEEE J Sel Area Comm 32(6), 1239–1255 (2014)K Pentikousis, Y Wang, W Hu, Mobileflow: toward software-defined mobile networks. IEEE Commun Mag 51(7), 44–53 (2013)E3 D2.4. Cognitive Function mapping to Networks Architectures, Standard Engineering and Software Technologies for Cognitive Radios, E3 Project Deliverable 2.4, December 2009.R Wang, H Hu, X Yang, Potentials and challenges of C-RAN supporting Multi-RATs toward 5G mobile networks. IEEE. Access. 2(1187), 1195 (2014)V Jungnickel, K Manolakis, W Zirwas, B Panzner, V Braun, M Lossow, M Sternad, R Apelfrojd, T Svensson, The role of small cells, coordinated multipoint, and massive MIMO in 5G. IEEE Commun Mag 52(5), 44–51 (2014)E Larsson, O Edfors, F Tufvesson, T Marzetta, Massive MIMO for next generation wireless systems. IEEE Commun Mag 52(2), 186–195 (2014)W Roh, S Ji-Yun, P Jeongho, L Byunghwan, L Jaekon, K Yungsoo, C Jaeweon, C Kyungwhoon, F Aryanfar, Millimeter-wave Beamforming as an Enabling Technology for 5G Cellular Communications: Theoretical Feasibility and Prototype Results. IEEE Commun Mag 2(2), 106–113 (2014)AL Swindlehust, E Ayanoglu, P Heydari, F Capolino, Millimeter-wave massive MIMO: the next wireless revolution? IEEE Commun Mag 52(9), 56–62 (2014)L Lu, GY Li, AL Swindlehurst, A Ashikhmin, Z Rui, An overview of massive MIMO: benefits and challenges. IEEE J Sel Top Signal Process 8(5), 742–758 (2014)S Roger, D Calabuig, J Cabrejas, JF Monserrat, Multi-user non-coherent detection for downlink MIMO communication. IEEE Signal Process Lett 21(10), 1225–1229 (2014)X Wang, M Chen, T Taleb, A Ksentini, V Leung, Cache in the air: exploiting content caching and delivery techniques for 5G systems. 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IEEE Commun Mag 51(8), 155–161 (2013)A Manzalini, R Saracco, C Buyukkoc, P Chemuouil, S Kukliński, A Gladisch, M Fukui, W Shen, M Fujiwara, K Shimano, E Dekel, D Soldani, M Ulema, W Cerroni, F Callegati, G Schembra, V Riccobene, C Mas Machuca, A Galis, J Mueller, Software-Defined Networks for Future Networks and Services: Main Technical Challenges and Business Implications, IEEE Workshop SDN4FNS, 1–16, 2013CEPT ECC, in Licensed Shared Access (LSA), ECC Report 205, February 2014IEEE 802.11, in IEEE 802.11-2012 Part11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, IEEE Standard, March 2012D Martín-Sacristán, JF Monserrat, J Cabrejas-Peñuelas, D Calabuig, S Garrigas, N Cardona, On the way towards fourth-generation mobile: 3GPP LTE and LTE-Advanced. EURASIP J Wirel Commun Netw 2009, 10 (2009)ICT-317669 METIS, Final report on architecture, Deliverable D6.4, January 2015, https://www.metis2020.com/documents/deliverables/ICT-317669 METIS, Report on simulation results and evaluations, Deliverable D6.5, February 2015, https://www.metis2020.com/documents/deliverables/Ö Bulakci, Z Ren, C Zhou, J Eichinger, P Fertl, S Stanczak, Dynamic Nomadic Node Selection for Performance Enhancement in Composite Fading/Shadowing Environments, (IEEE VTC 2014-Spring, Seoul, South Korea)ICT-317669 METIS, Final report on network-level solutions, Deliverable D4.3 Version 1, February 201

    Primary neuroendocrine neoplasm of the esophagus – Report of 14 cases from a single institute and review of the literature

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    Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the self-reported foot and ankle score in patients with foot or ankle pain

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to translate the Self-Reported Foot and Ankle Score (SEFAS) into Turkish and to determine the validity and reliability of the translated version in patients with foot or ankle pain. Methods: A total of 98 patients (65 females, 33 males, mean age-39 years, age range 18-65 years) who presented with foot or ankle pain for at least one week were included in the study. SEFAS was translated into Turkish (SEFAS-T) and then back-translated into English by two bilingual translators to ensure the accuracy of translation. To determine the validity of the translated version, SEFAS-T, The Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS), and the Short Form 36 (SF-36) were administered at the first assessment on the same day. SEFAS-T was repeated five days later (Spearmans rho). Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used for assessment of the test re-test reliability, while the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to assess the internal consistency of the questionnaire Results: SEFAS-T showed good test-retest reliability (ICC: 0.887). Item 4 showed poor item total correlation and inter-item correlations. When item 4 was excluded, the Cronbach's alpha value was found as 0.906. SEFAS-T total scores showed correlation with all the FAOS sub-scores (p<0.001) and all the SF-36 components (p <= 0.001) except mental health (rho: 0.149, p: 0.143). The highest correlation was found between SEFAS-T Total Score and the Sports and Recreations subscale of FAOS (rho: 0.796, p<0.001). Conclusion: SEFAS-T seems to be valid and reliable as a measure for foot or ankle pain in Turkish patients

    Surface TREM-1 as a Prognostic Biomarker in Pediatric Sepsis

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    PubMed: 325726932-s2.0-85086771811Objectives: To investigate the association between the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1) levels and prognosis in septic children. Methods: Patients admitted to pediatric intensive care units (PICU) of three tertiary centers were included in this prospective observational study. Serum samples were taken at admission from patients who were hospitalized with sepsis. Results: Of the 87 patients included, 34 (39.1%) had severe sepsis and 53 (60.9%) had septic shock. The median age was 2 y (2 mo to 16 y). TREM-1 values were found to be significantly higher in septic shock patients 129 pg/ml (min 9.85- max 494.90) compared to severe sepsis 105 pg/ml (min 8.21- max 289.17) (p = 0.048). Despite higher TREM-1 levels been measured in non-survivors compared to survivors, it was not statistically significant [168.98 pg/ml (min 9.85- max 494.90) vs. 110.79 pg/ml (min 8.21- max 408.90), (p = 0.075)]. Conclusions: Admission TREM-1 levels were higher in septic shock compared to severe sepsis patients. There was no association between mortality and TREM-1 levels in sepsis. TREM-1 measurements should be used carefully in pediatric sepsis prognosis. © 2020, Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation.Ege ÜniversitesiScientific Projects Department of Ege University supported this work