21 research outputs found

    Ueber Entbindung bei Myelitis

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    Der faradische Leitungswiderstand des menschlichen Körpers

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    Невропатологія и гинекологія. Критическое сопоставленіе их физіологическихъ и патологическихъ отношеній

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    Авторъ далъ краткій очеркъ тѣхъ нервныхъ путей, которые имѣютъ отношеніе къ женской половой сферѣ. Между женскими половыми органами и нервной системой существуетъ очень тѣсная анатомическая связь. Благодаря этой связи заболѣванія одной системы отражаются на заболѣваніяхъ другой и обратно. Женскіе половые органы получаютъ нервы какъ отъ симпатической, такъ и отъ спинно-мозговой системы, причемъ внутренніе органы, какъ матка, яичники и трубы снабжаются исключительно симпатической системой; внѣшніе же половые органы снабжаются и той, и другой. Волокна обоихъ системъ образуютъ между собой тѣсныя сплетенія

    Fluessigkristallmaterialien und elektrooptische Effekte fuer hochinformative Displays Schlussbericht

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    With 44 refs., 4 tabs. and 69 figs.SIGLECopy held by FIZ Karlsruhe; available from UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Alzheimer and vascular brain disease: Senile dementia

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    Alois Alzheimer is best known for his description of a novel disease, subsequently named after him. However, his wide range of interests also included vascular brain diseases. He described Senile dementia, a highly heterogeneous condition, and was able not only to distinguish it from syphilitic brain disease, but also to discriminate two clinicopathological subtypes, that may be labeled a "arteriosclerotic subtype", comparable to the present clinicopathological continuum of "Vascular cognitive impairment", and another as a "neurodegenerative subtype", characterized by primary [cortical] ganglion cell [nerve cells] degeneration, possibly foreshadowing a peculiar presenile disease that he was to describe some years later and would carry his name. He also considered the possibility of a senile presentation of this disease subtype, which was described by Oskar Fischer a short time later. Considering the clinicopathological overlapping features of the "arteriosclerotic subtype" of Senile dementia with Arteriosclerotic atrophy of the brain, it might be possible to consider that both represent a single condition