391 research outputs found

    Auroral evidence of radial transport at Jupiter during January 2014

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    We present Jovian auroral observations from the 2014 January Hubble Space Telescope (HST) campaign and investigate the auroral signatures of radial transport in the magnetosphere alongside contemporaneous radio and Hisaki EUV data. HST FUV auroral observations on day 11 show, for the first time, a significantly superrotating polar spot poleward of the main emission on the dawnside. The spot transitions from the polar to main emission region in the presence of a locally broad, bright dawnside main emission feature and two large equatorward emission features. Such a configuration of the main emission region is also unreported to date. We interpret the signatures as part of a sequence of inward radial transport processes. Hot plasma inflows from tail reconnection are thought to flow planetward and could generate the superrotating spot. The main emission feature could be the result of flow shears from prior hot inflows. Equatorward emissions are observed. These are evidence of hot plasma injections in the inner magnetosphere. The images are thought to be part of a prolonged period of reconnection. Radio emissions measured by Wind suggest that hectometric (HOM) and non-Io decametric (DAM) signatures are associated with the sequence of auroral signatures, which implies a global magnetospheric disturbance. The reconnection and injection interval can continue for several hours

    Prevalence of strong bottom currents in the greater Agulhas system

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    Deep current meter data and output from two high-resolution global ocean circulation models are used to determine the prevalence and location of strong bottom currents in the greater Agulhas Current system. The two models and current meter data are remarkably consistent, showing that benthic storms, with bottom currents greater than 0.2 m s(-1), occur throughout the Agulhas retroflection region south of Africa more than 20% of the time. Furthermore, beneath the mean Agulhas Current core and the retroflection front, bottom currents exceed 0.2 m s(-1) more than 50% of the time, while away from strong surface currents, bottom currents rarely exceed 0.2 m s(-1). Implications for sediment transport are discussed and the results are compared to atmospheric storms. Benthic storms of this strength (0.2 m s(-1)) are comparable to a 9 m s(-1) (Beaufort 5) windstorm, but scaling shows that benthic storms may be less effective at lifting and transporting sediment than dust storms

    The Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS). IV. Evolution of Lya Emitters from z=3.1 to 5.7 in the 1 deg^2 Field: Luminosity Functions and AGN

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    We present luminosity functions (LFs) and various properties of Lya emitters (LAEs) at z=3.1, 3.7, and 5.7, in a 1 deg^2 sky of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) Field. We obtain a photometric sample of 858 LAE candidates based on deep Subaru/Suprime-Cam imaging data, and a spectroscopic sample of 84 confirmed LAEs from Subaru/FOCAS and VLT/VIMOS spectroscopy in a survey volume of ~10^6 Mpc^3 with a limiting Lya luminosity of ~3x10^42 erg/s. We derive the LFs of Lya and UV-continuum (~1500 \AA) for each redshift, taking into account the statistical error and the field-to-field variation. We find that the apparent Lya LF shows no significant evolution between z=3.1 and 5.7 within factors of 1.8 and 2.7 in L* and phi*, respectively. On the other hand, the UV LF of LAEs increases from z=3.1 to 5.7, indicating that galaxies with Lya emission are more common at earlier epochs. We identify six LAEs with AGN activities from our spectra combined with VLA, Spitzer, and XMM-Newton data. Among the photometrically selected LAEs at z=3.1 and 3.7, only ~1 % show AGN activities, while the brightest LAEs with logL(Lya) >~ 43.4-43.6 erg/s appear to always host AGNs. Our LAEs are bluer in UV-continuum color than dropout galaxies, suggesting lower extinction and/or younger stellar populations. Our stacking analyses provide upper limits to the radio luminosity and the f(HeII)/f(Lya) line fraction, and constrain the hidden star formation (+low-luminosity AGN) and the primordial population in LAEs.Comment: 75 pages, 27 figures; ApJS in press. High resolution version at http://www.ociw.edu/~ouchi/work/astroph/sxds_LAEs/ouchi_SXDSLAE_ApJS.pd

    Holographic Approach to Regge Trajectory and Rotating D5 brane

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    We study the Regge trajectories of holographic mesons and baryons by considering rotating strings and D5 brane, which is introduced as the baryon vertex. Our model is based on the type IIB superstring theory with the background of asymptotic AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5. This background is dual to a confining supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (SYM) with gauge condensate, , which determines the tension of the linear potential between the quark and anti-quark. Then the slope of the meson trajectory (αM′\alpha'_{M}) is given by this condensate as αM′=1/π\alpha'_{M}=1/\sqrt{\pi } at large spin JJ. This relation is compatible with the other theoretical results and experiments. For the baryon, we show the importance of spinning baryon vertex to obtain a Regge slope compatible with the one of NN and Δ\Delta series. In both cases, mesons and baryons, the trajectories are shifted to large mass side with the same slope for increasing current quark mass.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Lens Search. II. Statistical lens sample from the third data release

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    We report the first results of our systematic search for strongly lensed quasars using the spectroscopically confirmed quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Among 46,420 quasars from the SDSS Data Release 3 (~4188 deg^2), we select a subsample of 22,683 quasars that are located at redshifts between 0.6 and 2.2 and are brighter than the Galactic extinction-corrected i-band magnitude of 19.1. We identify 220 lens candidates from the quasar subsample, for which we conduct extensive and systematic follow-up observations in optical and near-infrared wavebands, in order to construct a complete lensed quasar sample at image separations between 1" and 20" and flux ratios of faint to bright lensed images larger than 10^(−0.5). We construct a statistical sample of 11 lensed quasars. Ten of these are galaxy-scale lenses with small image separations (~ 1"-2") and one is a large separation (15") system which is produced by a massive cluster of galaxies, representing the first statistical sample of lensed quasars including both galaxy- and cluster-scale lenses. The Data Release 3 spectroscopic quasars contain an additional 11 lensed quasars outside the statistical sample

    Reward probability and timing uncertainty alter the effect of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons on patience

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    Recent experiments have shown that optogenetic activation of serotonin neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) in mice enhances patience in waiting for future rewards. Here, we show that serotonin effect in promoting waiting is maximized by both high probability and high timing uncertainty of reward. Optogenetic activation of serotonergic neurons prolongs waiting time in no-reward trials in a task with 75% food reward probability, but not with 50 or 25% reward probabilities. Serotonin effect in promoting waiting increases when the timing of reward presentation becomes unpredictable. To coherently explain the experimental data, we propose a Bayesian decision model of waiting that assumes that serotonin neuron activation increases the prior probability or subjective confidence of reward delivery. The present data and modeling point to the possibility of a generalized role of serotonin in resolving trade-offs, not only between immediate and delayed rewards, but also between sensory evidence and subjective confidence
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