361 research outputs found

    PVM/PARIX progress report

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    On the complexity of task allocation

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    Young Individuals Are More Stable and Stand More Upright When Using Rollator Assistance During Standing up and Sitting Down

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    Four-wheeled walkers or rollators are often used to assist older individuals in maintaining an independent life by compensating for muscle weakness and reduced movement stability. However, limited biomechanical studies have been performed to understand how rollator support affects posture and stability, especially when standing up and sitting down. Therefore, this study examined how stability and posture change with varying levels of rollator support and on an unstable floor. The aim was to collect comprehensive baseline data during standing up and sitting down in young participants. In this study, 20 able-bodied, young participants stood up and sat down both 1) unassisted and assisted using a custom-made robot rollator simulator under 2) full support and 3) touch support. Unassisted and assisted performances were analyzed on normal and unstable floors using balance pads with a compliant surface under each foot. Using 3D motion capturing and two ground-embedded force plates, we compared assistive support and floor conditions for movement duration, the relative timing of seat-off, movement stability (center of pressure (COP) path length and sway area), and posture after standing up (lower body sagittal joint angles) using ANOVA analysis. The relative event of seat-off was earliest under full support compared to touch and unassisted conditions under normal but not under unstable floor conditions. The duration of standing up and sitting down did not differ between support conditions on normal or unstable floors. COP path length and sway area during both standing up and sitting down were lowest under full support regardless of both floor conditions. Hip and knee joints were least flexed under full support, with no differences between touch and unassisted in both floor conditions. Hence, full rollator support led to increased movement stability, while not slowing down the movement, during both standing up and sitting down. During standing up, the full support led to an earlier seat-off and a more upright standing posture when reaching a stable stance. These results indicate that rollator support when handles are correctly aligned does not lead to the detrimental movement alterations of increased forward-leaning. Future research aims to verify these findings in older persons with stability and muscle weakness deficiencies

    The Role of Community in Understanding Involvement in Community Energy Initiatives

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    Community energy initiatives are set up by volunteers in local communities to promote sustainable energy behaviors and help to facilitate a sustainable energy transition. A key question is what motivates people to be involved in such initiatives. We propose that next to a stronger personal motivation for sustainable energy, people’s perception that their community is motivated to engage in sustainable energy and their involvement in the community (i.e., community identification and interpersonal contact) may affect their initiative involvement. We tested this proposition with a questionnaire study among inhabitants of seven local communities (N = 439). Results suggested that community factors are uniquely related to initiative involvement (willingness to actively participate and attendance of an initiative meeting) next to personal sustainable energy motivations. In particular, stronger community identification and more interpersonal contact with other community members increased the likelihood that people become involved in a community initiative, but the perception of the sustainable energy motivation of one’s community was not uniquely related to initiative involvement. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of these findings
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