592 research outputs found

    The influence of gyroscopic forces on the dynamic behavior and flutter of rotating blades

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    The structural dynamics of a cantilever turbomachine blade mounted on a spinning and precessing rotor are investigated. Both stability and forced vibration are considered with a blade model that increases in complexity (and verisimilitude) from a spring-restrained point mass, to a uniform cantilever, to a twisted uniform cantilever turbomachine blade mounted on a spinning and precessing rotor are investigated. Both stability and forced vibration are considered with a blade model that increases in complexity (and verisimilitude) from a spring-restrained point mass, to a uniform cantilever, to a twisted uniform cantilever, to a tapered twisted cantilever of arbitrary cross-section. In every instance the formulation is from first principles using a finite element based on beam theory. Both ramp-type and periodic-type precessional angular displacements are considered. In concluding, forced vibrating and flutter are studied using the final and most sophisticated structural model. The analysis of stability is presented and a number of numerical examples are worked out

    Quasiflats in hierarchically hyperbolic spaces

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    The rank of a hierarchically hyperbolic space is the maximal number of unbounded factors in a standard product region. For hierarchically hyperbolic groups, this coincides with the maximal dimension of a quasiflat. Examples for which the rank coincides with familiar quantities include: the dimension of maximal Dehn twist flats for mapping class groups, the maximal rank of a free abelian subgroup for right-angled Coxeter and Artin groups, and, for the Weil--Petersson metric, the rank is the integer part of half the complex dimension of Teichm\"{u}ller space. We prove that any quasiflat of dimension equal to the rank lies within finite distance of a union of standard orthants (under a mild condition satisfied by all natural examples). This resolves outstanding conjectures when applied to various examples. For mapping class group, we verify a conjecture of Farb; for Teichm\"{u}ller space we answer a question of Brock; for CAT(0) cubical groups, we handle special cases including right-angled Coxeter groups. An important ingredient in the proof is that the hull of any finite set in an HHS is quasi-isometric to a CAT(0) cube complex of dimension bounded by the rank. We deduce a number of applications. For instance, we show that any quasi-isometry between HHSs induces a quasi-isometry between certain simpler HHSs. This allows one, for example, to distinguish quasi-isometry classes of right-angled Artin/Coxeter groups. Another application is to quasi-isometric rigidity. Our tools in many cases allow one to reduce the problem of quasi-isometric rigidity for a given hierarchically hyperbolic group to a combinatorial problem. We give a new proof of quasi-isometric rigidity of mapping class groups, which, given our general quasiflats theorem, uses simpler combinatorial arguments than in previous proofs.Comment: 58 pages, 6 figures. Revised according to referee comments. This is the final pre-publication version; to appear in Duke Math. Jou

    Asymptotic dimension and small-cancellation for hierarchically hyperbolic spaces and groups

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    We prove that all hierarchically hyperbolic spaces have finite asymptotic dimension and obtain strong bounds on these dimensions. One application of this result is to obtain the sharpest known bound on the asymptotic dimension of the mapping class group of a finite type surface: improving the bound from exponential to at most quadratic in the complexity of the surface. We also apply the main result to various other hierarchically hyperbolic groups and spaces. We also prove a small-cancellation result namely: if GG is a hierarchically hyperbolic group, HGH\leq G is a suitable hyperbolically embedded subgroup, and NHN\triangleleft H is "sufficiently deep" in HH, then G/NG/\langle\langle N\rangle\rangle is a relatively hierarchically hyperbolic group. This new class provides many new examples to which our asymptotic dimension bounds apply. Along the way, we prove new results about the structure of HHSs, for example: the associated hyperbolic spaces are always obtained, up to quasi-isometry, by coning off canonical coarse product regions in the original space (generalizing a relation established by Masur--Minsky between the complex of curves of a surface and Teichm\"{u}ller space).Comment: Minor revisions in Section 6. This is the version accepted for publicatio

    Vehicle Navigation Service Based on Real-Time Traffic Information

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    GNSS-assisted vehicle navigation services are nowadays very common in most of the developed countries. However, most of those services are either delivered through proprietary technologies, or fall short in flexibility because of the limited capability to couple road information with real-time traffic information. This paper presents the motivations and a brief summary of a vehicle navigation service based on real-time traffic information, delivered through an open protocol that is currently under standardization in the Open Mobile Alliance forum

    A novel approach for security function graph configuration and deployment

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    Network virtualization increased the versatility in enforcing security protection, by easing the development of new security function implementations. However, the drawback of this opportunity is that a security provider, in charge of configuring and deploying a security function graph, has to choose the best virtual security functions among a pool so large that makes manual decisions unfeasible. In light of this problem, the paper proposes a novel approach for synthesizing virtual security services by introducing the functionality abstraction. This new level of abstraction allows to work in the virtual level without considering the different function implementations, with the objective to postpone the function selection jointly with the deployment, after the configuration of the virtual graph. This novelty enables to optimize the function selection when the pool of available functions is very large. A framework supporting this approach has been implemented and it showed adequate scalability for the requirements of modern virtual networks

    University transformation and quantification devices

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.Las políticas de Educación Superior en Chile les demandan a las Universidades la instalación de dispositivos de gestión orientados a organizar, cuantificar y monitorear el trabajo académico. Pensando en las implicaciones del uso de estos dispositivos de gestión, este trabajo presenta los resultados de un análisis discursivo de 95 documentos de trabajo (Reglamentos, Bases de concurso, Formularios de acreditación) para conocer las interpelaciones que realiza a la labor universitaria. Mediante el método de análisis de discurso, se caracteriza la actuación de los documentos oficiales que regulan y transforman el trabajo académico. El estudio realizado evidencia que los dispositivos de gestión del Trabajo académico performan el trabajo mediante acciones tales como: establecer jerarquías entre las múltiples tareas de un académico y entre académicos, mediante criterios que no han sido discutidos por la comunidad profesional; objetivar procesos laborales y asumir consensos en torno a ello, desconociendo disputas y desacuerdos actuales; omitir el contexto de producción académica, construyendo una imagen del trabajo como proceso individual; y finalmente instando relaciones laborales individualizadas y competitivas.In Chile, higher education policies have required universities to adopt management tools related to the monitoring and quantification of academic work. Accordingly, this paper presents the results of a documentary study of 95 official documents concerning academic work (Regulations, Scholarship and Grant Application Guidelines and Accreditation Application Forms) in order to understand the regulations pertaining to academic work. Discourse analysis was used to determine how these documents are used in the university environment to regulate and transform the academic work. The present study shows that management tools adopted characterize the academic work through actions such as: establish hierarchies among the multiple tasks of a faculty member and among faculty members using criteria that have not been discussed by the academic community; objectify work processes and reach consensus over them, disregarding current disputes and disagreements; omit the context of academic production creating an image of work as an individual process; and finally urge the establishment of individualizing and competitive work relationships.http://ref.scielo.org/d2c4s

    Tsallis' entropy maximization procedure revisited

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    The proper way of averaging is an important question with regards to Tsallis' Thermostatistics. Three different procedures have been thus far employed in the pertinent literature. The third one, i.e., the Tsallis-Mendes-Plastino (TMP) normalization procedure, exhibits clear advantages with respect to earlier ones. In this work, we advance a distinct (from the TMP-one) way of handling the Lagrange multipliers involved in the extremization process that leads to Tsallis' statistical operator. It is seen that the new approach considerably simplifies the pertinent analysis without losing the beautiful properties of the Tsallis-Mendes-Plastino formalism.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Automated optimal firewall orchestration and configuration in virtualized networks

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    Emerging technologies such as Software-Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization are making the definition and configuration of network services more dynamic, thus making automatic approaches that can replace manual and error-prone tasks more feasible. In view of these considerations, this paper proposes a novel methodology to automatically compute the optimal allocation scheme and configuration of virtual firewalls within a user-defined network service graph subject to a corresponding set of security requirements. The presented framework adopts a formal approach based on the solution of a weighted partial MaxSMT problem, which also provides good confidence about the solution correctness. A prototype implementation of the proposed approach based on the z3 solver has been used for validation, showing the feasibility of the approach for problem instances requiring tens of virtual firewalls and similar numbers of security requirements

    An Efficient Data Exchange Algorithm for Chained Network Functions

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    In-network function chaining often involves the deployment of multiple applications into a single, possibly multi-tenant, middlebox. This approach has gained much interest since new network paradigms, such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV), have been proposed to virtualize resources as well as network functions. In this scenario, it is very common to move data (e.g., packets) from an application to another by means of a switching module that is in charge of chaining network functions in the correct order, also ensuring an adequate level of isolation between any two virtualized components. With this purpose in mind, this paper proposes an efficient algorithm to handle the communication between the internal soft-switch and the heterogeneous network functions that are executed on the same server. Our proposal is designed with the aim of dealing with high speed packet processing, hence an extensive performance evaluation is also provided to prove the goodness of our solution in this context