338 research outputs found

    The ARIEL Instrument Control Unit design for the M4 Mission Selection Review of the ESA's Cosmic Vision Program

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    The Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey mission (ARIEL) is one of the three present candidates for the ESA M4 (the fourth medium mission) launch opportunity. The proposed Payload will perform a large unbiased spectroscopic survey from space concerning the nature of exoplanets atmospheres and their interiors to determine the key factors affecting the formation and evolution of planetary systems. ARIEL will observe a large number (>500) of warm and hot transiting gas giants, Neptunes and super-Earths around a wide range of host star types, targeting planets hotter than 600 K to take advantage of their well-mixed atmospheres. It will exploit primary and secondary transits spectroscopy in the 1.2-8 um spectral range and broad-band photometry in the optical and Near IR (NIR). The main instrument of the ARIEL Payload is the IR Spectrometer (AIRS) providing low-resolution spectroscopy in two IR channels: Channel 0 (CH0) for the 1.95-3.90 um band and Channel 1 (CH1) for the 3.90-7.80 um range. It is located at the intermediate focal plane of the telescope and common optical system and it hosts two IR sensors and two cold front-end electronics (CFEE) for detectors readout, a well defined process calibrated for the selected target brightness and driven by the Payload's Instrument Control Unit (ICU).Comment: Experimental Astronomy, Special Issue on ARIEL, (2017

    Linoleic acid improves PIEZO2 dysfunction in a mouse model of Angelman Syndrome

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    Angelman syndrome (AS) is a neurogenetic disorder characterized by intellectual disability and atypical behaviors. AS results from loss of expression of the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBE3A from the maternal allele in neurons. Individuals with AS display impaired coordination, poor balance, and gait ataxia. PIEZO2 is a mechanosensitive ion channel essential for coordination and balance. Here, we report that PIEZO2 activity is reduced in Ube3a deficient male and female mouse sensory neurons, a human Merkel cell carcinoma cell line and female human iPSC-derived sensory neurons with UBE3A knock-down, and de-identified stem cell-derived neurons from individuals with AS. We find that loss of UBE3A decreases actin filaments and reduces PIEZO2 expression and function. A linoleic acid (LA)-enriched diet increases PIEZO2 activity, mechano-excitability, and improves gait in male AS mice. Finally, LA supplementation increases PIEZO2 function in stem cell-derived neurons from individuals with AS. We propose a mechanism whereby loss of UBE3A expression reduces PIEZO2 function and identified a fatty acid that enhances channel activity and ameliorates AS-associated mechano-sensory deficits.This work was supported by the Neuroscience Institute at UTHSC (Research Associate Matching Salary Support to J.L.), the Federico Baur endowed chair in Nanotechnology (to F.J.S.-V., 0020206BA1), a pilot research award from the Foundation for Prader-Willi Research (to L.T.R.), the Neuroscience Institute Research Supports Grant 2020 program (to V.V., and J.F.C.-M.), and the National Institutes of Health (R01GM133845 to V.V. and R01GM125629 to J.F.C.-M.)

    Machine Fault Detection Based on Filter Bank Similarity Features Using Acoustic and Vibration Analysis

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    Vibration and acoustic analysis actively support the nondestructive and noninvasive fault diagnostics of rotating machines at early stages. Nonetheless, the acoustic signal is less used because of its vulnerability to external interferences, hindering an efficient and robust analysis for condition monitoring (CM). This paper presents a novel methodology to characterize different failure signatures from rotating machines using either acoustic or vibration signals. Firstly, the signal is decomposed into several narrow-band spectral components applying different filter bank methods such as empirical mode decomposition, wavelet packet transform, and Fourier-based filtering. Secondly, a feature set is built using a proposed similarity measure termed cumulative spectral density index and used to estimate the mutual statistical dependence between each bandwidth-limited component and the raw signal. Finally, a classification scheme is carried out to distinguish the different types of faults. The methodology is tested in two laboratory experiments, including turbine blade degradation and rolling element bearing faults. The robustness of our approach is validated contaminating the signal with several levels of additive white Gaussian noise, obtaining high-performance outcomes that make the usage of vibration, acoustic, and vibroacoustic measurements in different applications comparable. As a result, the proposed fault detection based on filter bank similarity features is a promising methodology to implement in CM of rotating machinery, even using measurements with low signal-to-noise ratio

    Reflexiones universitarias. San Pedro Valencia: renovación urbana, saneamiento ambiental y emprendimientos turísticos. Otoño 2015

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    Los trabajos que aquí se presentan se elaboraron por las y los estudiantes como parte de las actividades del Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional (PAP) “San Pedro Valencia: renovación urbana, saneamiento ambiental y emprendimientos turísticos”, durante el periodo de Otoño de 2015. A lo largo del periodo los autores compartieron sus reflexiones en torno a su percepción sobre el contexto en el que actúa el PAP; sobre las alternativas posibles a la problemática detectada y lo que significa pensar una alternativa; sobre los sujetos con los que se ha interactuado a lo largo de la experiencia de trabajo y sobre el papel del profesionista y del ciudadano en un mundo como el que nos tocó vivir. La obra está compuesta por reflexiones personales de las y los estudiantes que, explorando estas temáticas, comparten sus aprendizajes y observaciones de forma vívida.ITESO, A.C

    Analysis of age-related left ventricular collagen remodeling in living donors: Implications in arrhythmogenesis

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    Age-related fibrosis in the left ventricle (LV) has been mainly studied in animals by assessing collagen content. Using second-harmonic generation microscopy and image processing, we evaluated amount, aggregation and spatial distribution of LV collagen in young to old pigs, and middle-age and elder living donors. All collagen features increased when comparing adult and old pigs with young ones, but not when comparing adult with old pigs or middle-age with elder individuals. Remarkably, all collagen parameters strongly correlated with lipofuscin, a biological age marker, in humans. By building patient-specific models of human ventricular tissue electrophysiology, we confirmed that amount and organization of fibrosis modulated arrhythmia vulnerability, and that distribution should be accounted for arrhythmia risk assessment. In conclusion, we characterize the age-associated changes in LV collagen and its potential implications for ventricular arrhythmia development. Consistency between pig and human results substantiate the pig as a relevant model of age-related LV collagen dynamics. © 2022 The Author(s

    MINDS. JWST-MIRI Reveals a Dynamic Gas-Rich Inner Disk Inside the Cavity of SY Cha

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    SY Cha is a T Tauri star surrounded by a protoplanetary disk with a large cavity seen in the millimeter continuum but has the spectral energy distribution (SED) of a full disk. Here we report the first results from JWST-MIRI Medium Resolution Spectrometer (MRS) observations taken as part of the MIRI mid-INfrared Disk Survey (MINDS) GTO Program. The much improved resolution and sensitivity of MIRI-MRS compared to Spitzer enables a robust analysis of the previously detected H2O, CO, HCN, and CO2 emission as well as a marginal detection of C2H2. We also report the first robust detection of mid-infrared OH and ro-vibrational CO emission in this source. The derived molecular column densities reveal the inner disk of SY Cha to be rich in both oxygen and carbon bearing molecules. This is in contrast to PDS 70, another protoplanetary disk with a large cavity observed with JWST, which displays much weaker line emission. In the SY Cha disk, the continuum, and potentially the line, flux varies substantially between the new JWST observations and archival Spitzer observations, indicative of a highly dynamic inner disk.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    MINDS. Abundant water and varying C/O across the disk of Sz 98 as seen by JWST/MIRI

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    MIRI/MRS on board the JWST allows us to probe the inner regions of protoplanetary disks. Here we examine the disk around the classical T Tauri star Sz 98, which has an unusually large dust disk in the millimetre with a compact core. We focus on the H2_2O emission through both its ro-vibrational and pure rotational emission. Furthermore, we compare our chemical findings with those obtained for the outer disk from Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations. In order to model the molecular features in the spectrum, the continuum was subtracted and LTE slab models were fitted. The spectrum was divided into different wavelength regions corresponding to H2_2O lines of different excitation conditions, and the slab model fits were performed individually per region. We confidently detect CO, H2_2O, OH, CO2_2, and HCN in the emitting layers. The isotopologue H218^{18}_2O is not detected. Additionally, no other organics, including C2_2H2_2, are detected. This indicates that the C/O ratio could be substantially below unity, in contrast with the outer disk. The H2_2O emission traces a large radial disk surface region, as evidenced by the gradually changing excitation temperatures and emitting radii. The OH and CO2_2 emission are relatively weak. It is likely that H2_2O is not significantly photodissociated; either due to self-shielding against the stellar irradiation, or UV-shielding from small dust particles. The relative emitting strength of the different identified molecular features point towards UV-shielding of H2_2O in the inner disk of Sz 98, with a thin layer of OH on top. The majority of the organic molecules are either hidden below the dust continuum, or not present. In general, the inferred composition points to a sub-solar C/O ratio (<0.5) in the inner disk, in contrast with the larger than unity C/O ratio in the gas in the outer disk found with ALMA.Comment: Submitted to A&A on May 25 2023. 18 pages, 11 figure

    Documento de la Sociedad Española de Hipertensión-Liga Española para la Lucha contra la Hipertensión Arterial (SEH-LELHA) sobre las guías ACC/AHA 2017 de hipertensión arterial

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    The American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA) have recently published their guidelines for the prevention, detection, evaluation, and management of hypertension in adults. The most controversial issue is the classification threshold at 130/80 mmHg, which will allow a large number of patients to be diagnosed as hypertensive who were previously considered normotensive. Blood pressure (BP) is considered normal (<120 mmHg systolic and <80 mmHg diastolic), elevated (120-129 and <80 mmHg), stage 1 (130-139 or 80-89 mmHg), and stage 2 (≥140 or ≥90 mmHg). Out-of-office BP measurements are recommended to confirm the diagnosis of hypertension and for titration of BP-lowering medication. In management, cardiovascular risk would be determinant since those with grade 1 hypertension and an estimated 10-year risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ≥10%, and those with cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and/or diabetes will require pharmacological treatment, the rest being susceptible to non-pharmacological treatment up to the 140/90 mmHg threshold. These recommendations would allow patients with level 1 hypertension and high atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease to benefit from pharmacological therapies and all patients could also benefit from improved non-pharmacological therapies. However, this approach should be cautious because inadequate BP measurement and/or lack of systematic atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease calculation could lead to overestimation in diagnosing hypertension and to overtreatment. Guidelines are recommendations, not impositions, and the management of hypertension should be individualized, based on clinical decisions, preferences of the patients, and an adequate balance between benefits and risks