11 research outputs found

    Experimental study of the delayed threshold phenomenon in a semiconductor laser

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    An experimental study of the delayed threshold phenomenon in a Vertical Extended Cavity Semiconductor Emitting Laser is carried out. Under modulation of the pump power, the laser intensity exhibits a hysteresis behavior in the vicinity of the threshold. The temporal width of this hysteresis is measured as a function of the modulation frequency, and is proved to follow the predicted scaling law. A model based on the rate equations is derived and used to analyze the experimental observations. A frequency variation of the laser around the delayed threshold and induced by the phase-amplitude coupling is predicted and estimated


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    A política doméstica e as relações internacionais com freqüência são inextricavelmente vinculadas; todavia,as teorias existentes (particularmente as estatocêntricas) não levam adequadamente em consideraçõestais vínculos. Quando os líderes nacionais devem obter as ratificações (formais ou informais) dos membrosde seus parlamentos para um acordo internacional, seus comportamentos em negociações refletem os imperativossimultâneos tanto de um jogo de política doméstica quanto de um jogo de política internacional.Usando exemplos de cúpulas econômicas ocidentais, das negociações do Canal do Panamá e do Tratado deVersalhes, dos programas de estabilização do Fundo Monetário Internacional, da Comunidade Européia ede muitos outros contextos diplomáticos, o artigo oferece uma teoria da ratificação. Ele enfatiza o papel daspreferências, coalizões, instituições e práticas domésticas, das estratégias e táticas dos negociadores, daincerteza, das reverberações domésticas das pressões externas e o papel dos interesses do negociador-chefe.Essa teoria de “jogos de dois níveis” também pode ser aplicável a muitos outros fenômenos políticos, taiscomo a dependência, os comitês legislativos e as coalizões multipartidárias

    Influence of random fluctuations on delayed bifurcations:the case of additive white noise

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    The influence of additive white noise on the delay of a bifurcation point in the presence of a swept control parameter has been studied by analog experiment and digital simulation. Measurements of the time taken for the second moment [x^2(t)] to reach a given threshold are in excellent agreement with the calculations of Zeghlache, Mandel, and Van den Broeck [Phys, Rev. A 40, 286 (1989)). It is demonstrated, however, that the mean first-passage time (MFPT) for x^2(t) to attain the same threshold, corresponding to the quantity that is usually determined in laser experiments, can be markedly different. It may be either larger or smaller, depending on the conditions under which the measurements are made. A calculation of the MFPT is presented and shown to be in excellent agreement with the experimental measurements and to reduce, in the relevant limit, to the theoretical results previously published by Torrent and San Miguel [Phys. Rev. A 38, 245 (1988)]

    Analysing Territorial Policies in Western Europe. The Case of France, Germany, Italy, and Spain

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    Analysing territorial policies in Western Europe.

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