552 research outputs found

    Review Essay: Creating third spaces: youth, schooling and difference

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    Managing ambiguity: between markets and managerialism - a case study of 'middle' managers in further education

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    Advocates of devolved and market oriented Education reform, point to the benefits from self determination which enhance both teacher and managerial autonomy. Critics refer, on the other hand, to the ways in which running education institutions on business and accounting principles have introduced a new managerialism (Clarke et al, 1994; Pollitt, 1990; Clarke and Newman, 1997), which has driven a wedge between lecturers and senior manager interests. In Further Education, according to Elliott (1996a), this finds expression in conflict between lecturers in defence of professional and pedagogic values, and senior managers promoting the managerial bottom line (Randle and Brady, 1994). The danger in polarising such interests in this way is that it presents a plausible, if not oversimplified, analysis of organisational behaviour as market forces permeate FE. If this paper concurs with many critics on the effects of the new managerialism, it departs company from a prevailing determinism which assumes an over controlled view of the FE workplace (Seddon and Brown, 1997). Despite evidence of widespread casualisation and depro-fessionalisation in FE, this paper examines changing managerial cultures in the FE workplace, in this case among academic ‘middle’ managers, which suggests that managerialism is not as complete or uncontested as is often portrayed. The paper draws on an ESRC research project conducted by the authors (ESRC no. R000236713), looking at Changing Teaching and Managerial Cultures in FE, at a time when the sector is emerging from a series of funding crises associated with redundancies, industrial action, mismanagement and low morale at college level

    The protests in Turkey: urban warfare in 'rebel cities'

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    Vehicle test report: Battronic pickup truck

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    An electric pickup truck was tested to characterize certain parameters and to provide baseline data that can be used for the comparison of improved batteries that may be incorporated into the vehicle at a later time. The vehicle tests were concentrated on the electrical drive subsystem; i.e., the batteries, controller, and motor. The tests included coastdowns to characterize the road load and range evaluations for both cyclic and constant speed conditions. A qualitative evaluation of the vehicle's performance was made by comparing its constant speed range performance with other vehicles

    Deep Observation of the Giant Radio Lobes of Centaurus A with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

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    The detection of high energy (HE) {\gamma}-ray emission up to about 3 GeV from the giant lobes of the radio galaxy Centaurus A has been recently reported by the Fermi-LAT Collaboration based on ten months of all-sky survey observations. A data set more than three times larger is used here to study the morphology and photon spectrum of the lobes with higher statistics. The larger data set results in the detection of HE {\gamma}-ray emission (up to about 6 GeV) from the lobes with a significance of more than 10 and 20 {\sigma} for the North and the South lobe, respectively. Based on a detailed spatial analysis and comparison with the associated radio lobes, we report evidence for a substantial extension of the HE {\gamma}-ray emission beyond the WMAP radio image in the case of the Northern lobe of Cen A. We reconstruct the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the lobes using radio (WMAP) and Fermi-LAT data from the same integration region. The implications are discussed in the context of hadronic and leptonic scenarios

    Back Pay in Employment Discrimination Cases

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    This Special Project examines the back pay decisions and analyzes the problems that have confronted the courts dealing with this remedy for employment discrimination in the context of Title VII and section 1981. Because of the enormity of the issues that have arisen in Stage I of the proceedings, however, and the extensive coverage given those problems by the courts and commentators, the Special Project will deal only with the recovery stage, or Stage II, of the litigation. Consequently, the reader should assume that liability for employment discrimination has already been established in each of the cases discussed below. Before reaching the various procedural and substantive issues surrounding back pay awards, however, the Project, in part II, presents an over-view of the statutory authority for back pay including the legislative history of Title VII and section 1981. Part II also discusses the development of the appropriate standard for the exercise of judicial discretion in awarding back pay. Part III examines the parties liable for the payment of back pay. In part IV the Project explores presumptive eligibility for back pay and in part V considers possible grounds on which a defendant may seek to rebut the presumption. Parts VI and VII discuss the proof-of-claim procedure that must be followed by discriminatees claiming back pay and the procedure for determining individual awards. Part VIII then identifies and analyzes the various problems facing courts in allocating the burdens of proof that plaintiffs and defendants must meet before the court can determine individual awards. Following the discussion of the order and allocation of the burdens of proof, part IX outlines the various methods used by the courts to compute individual back pay awards and also discusses other issues such as the elements includable and deductible, the mitigation requirement,and the limitation periods for back pay. In part X the Special Project examines the problems that may arise when the parties agree to a settlement of back pay claims

    Multilingual gendered identities: female undergraduate students in London talk about heritage languages

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    In this paper I explore how a group of female university students, mostly British Asian and in their late teens and early twenties, perform femininities in talk about heritage languages. I argue that analysis of this talk reveals ways in which the participants enact ‘culturally intelligible’ gendered subject positions. This frequently involves negotiating the norms of ‘heteronormativity’, constituting femininity in terms of marriage, motherhood and maintenance of heritage culture and language, and ‘girl power’, constituting femininity in terms of youth, sassiness, glamour and individualism. For these young women, I ask whether higher education can become a site in which they have the opportunities to explore these identifications and examine other ways of imagining the self and what their stories suggest about ‘doing being’ a young British Asian woman in London

    Exploratory investigation of drivers of attainment in ethnic minority adult learners

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    There is evidence that ethnic minority learners in further education in England either under-achieve or are under-represented because they face various inhibitors connected to their ethnicity. Motivators may be in place, however, which increase attainment specifically for some ethnic groups. This exploratory study intends to examine what works and what does not among South Asian (Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage) females and black male adult learners in FE. A mixed-method study was carried out using questionnaires and focus groups with 68 ethnic minority students in three further education colleges in England. The combination of the results showed that being a member of a minority culture and/or religion may increase feelings of isolation in academic settings; teaching staff who are knowledgeable about the student’s culture increase feelings of inclusion; and role models are crucially important. Results are discussed in light of British data of school experiences of ethnic minority learners

    Earthquakes, cancer and cultures of fear: qualifying as a Skills for Life teacher in an uncertain economic climate

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    The Skills for Life (SfL) initiative followed the Moser Report (1999) and incarnated a Third Way agenda that sought to address England's perceived adult skills deficit. SfL marked a large investment in adult education but also a distinct shift to a more focused, instrumentalist role for Further Education (FE) in England. A new structure of teacher standards and qualifications underpinned this development with its own, newly devised and matriculated knowledge base. Teachers emerged from these new programmes with subject specialisms in Literacy, Numeracy and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). The landscape that these ‘new professionals' have entered is one that suggests the autonomy of colleges within a competitive market, but this disguises a funding methodology that facilitates ongoing centralised policy intervention. In the last two years policy makers have used this funding methodology to shift monies decisively towards 14-19 provision and away from adult education. This article draws on qualitative data from a study into the experiences of pre and in-service SfL teachers in the final stages of qualification. The data explore the impact of these latest movements in the FE market on these student teachers who are qualifying in some of the newest subjects in FE