10 research outputs found

    Science and culture in education : a teacher training course

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    "Science and Culture in Education" is a teacher training course attended by pre- and in-service teachers at the School of Primary Education at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The course has a design inspired by the history and philosophy of science, uses narratives (movies from the international cinema, documentary films, cartoons etc.) to bring forward the main issues for discussion and is supported by an educational wiki. The three parts of the course focus on: a) scientific events that have influenced and have been influenced by culture, b) legends and scientific explanations and c) science and art. The study and analysis of the projects that pre- and in-service teachers develop and the discussions they communicate on the wiki reveals interesting parameters concerning their appreciation of the cultural interrelations of science and society

    Science and culture in education : a teacher training course

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    "Science and Culture in Education" is a teacher training course attended by pre- and in-service teachers at the School of Primary Education at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The course has a design inspired by the history and philosophy of science, uses narratives (movies from the international cinema, documentary films, cartoons etc.) to bring forward the main issues for discussion and is supported by an educational wiki. The three parts of the course focus on: a) scientific events that have influenced and have been influenced by culture, b) legends and scientific explanations and c) science and art. The study and analysis of the projects that pre- and in-service teachers develop and the discussions they communicate on the wiki reveals interesting parameters concerning their appreciation of the cultural interrelations of science and society

    O ensino de teorias físicas mediante uma estrutura histórico-filosófica The teaching of physics theories in a historical-philosophical structure

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    A contribuição da História e Filosofia da Ciência para o ensino de Física tem sido tema de várias pesquisas preocupadas com a conexão dessas três áreas, particularmente com a explicitação da relação história-filosofia-cognição. Nosso trabalho se insere no contexto do desenvolvimento de referenciais teóricos que auxiliem na criação de instrumentos de aperfeiçoamento de uma capacidade analítica para a implementação de uma aprendizagem de conceitos e teorias físicas de forma estruturada, articulada e integrada, e que demonstrem a organicidade da relação citada. Esse processo envolve a identificação e caracterização de modelos científicos por uma reconstrução histórico-filosófica que pressupõe a superação dessa modelagem - uma prototeoria - para a obtenção de uma teoria abrangente. Como exemplar de análise, apresentamos uma aplicação ao estudo concernente ao entendimento do decaimento b, que leva à primeira identificação das interações fracas, e é direcionada a estudantes de graduação ou à formação de professores em serviço.<br>The role of History and Philosophy of Science for Physics teaching has been theme of several worried researches with the correlation of those three areas, particularly with explicit relationship history-philosophy-cognition. Our research is inserting in the context of the development of theoretical references for the creation of instruments to improve an analytic capacity which implements a learning of concepts and physical theories in a structured, articulated and integrated mode. These involve the identification and characterization of scientific models by historical-philosophical reconstruction which presupposes the overcome of that modeling - a prototheory -for the obtaining of an universal theory. As exemplar of analysis, we present an application to the study of bdisintegration (first identification of weak interaction) addressed for undergraduate students or in-service teacher education