1,274 research outputs found

    The Structure of a Low-Metallicity Giant Molecular Cloud Complex

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    To understand the impact of low metallicities on giant molecular cloud (GMC) structure, we compare far infrared dust emission, CO emission, and dynamics in the star-forming complex N83 in the Wing of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Dust emission (measured by Spitzer as part of the S3MC and SAGE-SMC surveys) probes the total gas column independent of molecular line emission and traces shielding from photodissociating radiation. We calibrate a method to estimate the dust column using only the high-resolution Spitzer data and verify that dust traces the ISM in the HI-dominated region around N83. This allows us to resolve the relative structures of H2, dust, and CO within a giant molecular cloud complex, one of the first times such a measurement has been made in a low-metallicity galaxy. Our results support the hypothesis that CO is photodissociated while H2 self-shields in the outer parts of low-metallicity GMCs, so that dust/self shielding is the primary factor determining the distribution of CO emission. Four pieces of evidence support this view. First, the CO-to-H2 conversion factor averaged over the whole cloud is very high 4-11 \times 10^21 cm^-2/(K km/s), or 20-55 times the Galactic value. Second, the CO-to-H2 conversion factor varies across the complex, with its lowest (most nearly Galactic) values near the CO peaks. Third, bright CO emission is largely confined to regions of relatively high line-of-sight extinction, A_V >~ 2 mag, in agreement with PDR models and Galactic observations. Fourth, a simple model in which CO emerges from a smaller sphere nested inside a larger cloud can roughly relate the H2 masses measured from CO kinematics and dust.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures (including appendix), accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Quantifying non-star formation associated 8um dust emission in NGC 628

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    Combining Ha and IRAC images of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 628, we find that between 30-43% of its 8um dust emission is not related to recent star formation. Contributions from dust heated by young stars are separated by identifying HII regions in the Ha map and using these areas as a mask to determine the 8um dust emission that must be due to heating by older stars. Corrections are made for sub-detection-threshold HII regions, photons escaping from HII regions and for young stars not directly associated to HII regions (i.e. 10-100 Myr old stars). A simple model confirms this amount of 8um emission can be expected given dust and PAH absorption cross-sections, a realistic star-formation history, and the observed optical extinction values. A Fourier power spectrum analysis indicates that the 8um dust emission is more diffuse than the Ha emission (and similar to observed HI), supporting our analysis that much of the 8um-emitting dust is heated by older stars. The 8um dust-to-Ha emission ratio declines with galactocentric radius both within and outside of HII regions, probably due to a radial increase in disk transparency. In the course of this work, we have also found that intrinsic diffuse Ha fractions may be lower than previously thought in galaxies, if the differential extinction between HII regions and diffuse regions is taken into account.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted in Ap

    The Small Magellanic Cloud Investigation of Dust and Gas Evolution (SMIDGE): The Dust Extinction Curve from Red Clump Stars

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    We use Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of red clump stars taken as part of the Small Magellanic Cloud Investigation of Dust and Gas Evolution (SMIDGE) program to measure the average dust extinction curve in a ~ 200 pc x 100 pc region in the southwest bar of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). The rich information provided by our 8-band ultra-violet through near-infrared photometry allows us to model the color-magnitude diagram of the red clump accounting for the extinction curve shape, a log-normal distribution of AVA_{V}, and the depth of the stellar distribution along the line of sight. We measure an extinction curve with R475=A475/(A475−A814)R_{475} = A_{475}/(A_{475}-A_{814}) = 2.65 ±\pm 0.11. This measurement is significantly larger than the equivalent values of published Milky Way RVR_{V} = 3.1 (R475=1.83R_{475} = 1.83) and SMC Bar RVR_{V} = 2.74 (R475=1.86R_{475} = 1.86) extinction curves. Similar extinction curve offsets in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) have been interpreted as the effect of large dust grains. We demonstrate that the line-of-sight depth of the SMC (and LMC) introduces an apparent "gray" contribution to the extinction curve inferred from the morphology of the red clump. We show that no gray dust component is needed to explain extinction curve measurements when a full-width half-max depth of 10 ±\pm 2 kpc in the stellar distribution of the SMC (5 ±\pm 1 kpc for the LMC) is considered, which agrees with recent studies of Magellanic Cloud stellar structure. The results of our work demonstrate the power of broad-band HST imaging for simultaneously constraining dust and galactic structure outside the Milky Way.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The remnant of SN1987A revealed at (sub-)mm wavelengths

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    Context: Supernova 1987A (SN1987A) exploded in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Its proximity and rapid evolution makes it a unique case study of the early phases in the development of a supernova remnant. One particular aspect of interest is the possible formation of dust in SN1987A, as SNe could contribute significantly to the dust seen at high redshifts. Aims: We explore the properties of SN1987A and its circumburst medium as seen at mm and sub-mm wavelengths, bridging the gap between extant radio and infrared (IR) observations of respectively the synchrotron and dust emission. Methods: SN1987A was observed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at 3.2 mm in July 2005, and with the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) at 0.87 mm in May 2007. We present the images and brightness measurements of SN1987A at these wavelengths for the first time. Results: SN1987A is detected as an unresolved point source of 11.2 +/- 2.0 mJy at 3.2 mm (5" beam) and 21 +/- 4 mJy at 0.87 mm (18" beam). These flux densities are in perfect agreement with extrapolations of the powerlaw radio spectrum and modified-blackbody dust emission, respectively. This places limits on the presence of free-free emission, which is similar to the expected free-free emission from the ionized ejecta from SN1987A. Adjacent, fainter emission is observed at 0.87 mm extending ~0.5' towards the south-west. This could be the impact of the supernova progenitor's wind when it was still a red supergiant upon a dense medium. Conclusions: We have established a continuous spectral energy distribution for the emission from SN1987A and its immediate surroundings, linking the IR and radio data. This places limits on the contribution from ionized plasma. Our sub-mm image reveals complexity in the distribution of cold dust surrounding SN1987A, but leaves room for freshly synthesized dust in the SN ejecta.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters on 28 April 2011. A better quality figure 1 can be had from http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~jacco/research/SN1987A087mm.ep

    Full-disc 13^{13}CO(1-0) mapping across nearby galaxies of the EMPIRE survey and the CO-to-H2_2 conversion factor

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    Carbon monoxide (CO) provides crucial information about the molecular gas properties of galaxies. While 12^{12}CO has been targeted extensively, isotopologues such as 13^{13}CO have the advantage of being less optically thick and observations have recently become accessible across full galaxy discs. We present a comprehensive new dataset of 13^{13}CO(1-0) observations with the IRAM 30-m telescope of the full discs of 9 nearby spiral galaxies from the EMPIRE survey at a spatial resolution of ∼\sim1.5kpc. 13^{13}CO(1-0) is mapped out to 0.7−1r250.7-1r_{25} and detected at high signal-to-noise throughout our maps. We analyse the 12^{12}CO(1-0)-to-13^{13}CO(1-0) ratio (ℜ\Re) as a function of galactocentric radius and other parameters such as the 12^{12}CO(2-1)-to-12^{12}CO(1-0) intensity ratio, the 70-to-160μ\mum flux density ratio, the star-formation rate surface density, the star-formation efficiency, and the CO-to-H2_2 conversion factor. We find that ℜ\Re varies by a factor of 2 at most within and amongst galaxies, with a median value of 11 and larger variations in the galaxy centres than in the discs. We argue that optical depth effects, most likely due to changes in the mixture of diffuse/dense gas, are favored explanations for the observed ℜ\Re variations, while abundance changes may also be at play. We calculate a spatially-resolved 13^{13}CO(1-0)-to-H2_2 conversion factor and find an average value of 1.0×10211.0\times10^{21} cm−2^{-2} (K.km/s)−1^{-1} over our sample with a standard deviation of a factor of 2. We find that 13^{13}CO(1-0) does not appear to be a good predictor of the bulk molecular gas mass in normal galaxy discs due to the presence of a large diffuse phase, but it may be a better tracer of the mass than 12^{12}CO(1-0) in the galaxy centres where the fraction of dense gas is larger.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA
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