21 research outputs found

    Potential Impact of Mediterranean Aquaculture on the Wild Predatory Bluefish

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    Aquaculture impacts on wild populations of fish have been considered principally due to farm escapes. The Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix, which exhibits two distinct genetic units in the Mediterranean Sea, is a voracious predator and is attracted to aquaculture cages to prey on farmed fish, particularly Gilthead Seabream Sparus aurata and European Sea Bass Dicentrarchus labrax. We compared the genetic diversity of adult Bluefish caught inside one aquaculture farm located in Spanish waters of the western Mediterranean Sea with reference individuals of East and West Mediterranean stocks from the open sea. Bluefish were genetically assigned to their putative origin using seven microsatellite loci and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I as molecular markers. As expected, most of the individuals caught from inside the fish farm cages were assigned to the local genetic population. However, between 7.14% and 11.9% of individuals were assigned to the distant and different genetic unit inhabiting Turkish waters, the East Mediterranean stock. The genetic membership of those individuals revealed some degree of interbreeding between the East and West Mediterranean Bluefish stocks. All results suggest that aquaculture acts as an attractor for Bluefish and could affect genetic diversity as well as phylogeography of this fish and maybe other similar species that aggregate around marine fish farms.We are very grateful to T. Ceyhan for providing the Bluefish samples from Turkey. The study was supported by the MICINN CGL-2009-08279 Grant (Spain) and the Asturian Grant GRUPIN2014-093. Laura Miralles held a PCTI Grant from the Asturias Regional Government, referenced BP 10-004. This is a contribution from the Marine Observatory of Asturias

    Tracking the antibody immunome in sporadic colorectal cancer by using antigen self-assembled protein arrays

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    © 2021 by the authors.Sporadic Colorectal Cancer (sCRC) is the third leading cause of cancer death in the Western world, and the sCRC patients presenting with synchronic metastasis have the poorest prognosis. Genetic alterations accumulated in sCRC tumor cells translate into mutated proteins and/or abnormal protein expression levels, which contribute to the development of sCRC. Then, the tumor-associated proteins (TAAs) might induce the production of auto-antibodies (aAb) via humoral immune response. Here, Nucleic Acid Programmable Protein Arrays (NAPPArray) are employed to identify aAb in plasma samples from a set of 50 sCRC patients compared to seven healthy donors. Our goal was to establish a systematic workflow based on NAPPArray to define differential aAb profiles between healthy individuals and sCRC patients as well as between non-metastatic (n = 38) and metastatic (n = 12) sCRC, in order to gain insight into the role of the humoral immune system in controlling the development and progression of sCRC. Our results showed aAb profile based on 141 TAA including TAAs associated with biological cellular processes altered in genesis and progress of sCRC (e.g., FSCN1, VTI2 and RPS28) that discriminated healthy donors vs. sCRC patients. In addition, the potential capacity of discrimination (between non-metastatic vs. metastatic sCRC) of 7 TAAs (USP5, ML4, MARCKSL1, CKMT1B, HMOX2, VTI2, TP53) have been analyzed individually in an independent cohort of sCRC patients, where two of them (VTI2 and TP53) were validated (AUC ~75%). In turn, these findings provided novel insights into the immunome of sCRC, in combination with transcriptomics profiles and protein antigenicity characterizations, wich might lead to the identification of novel sCRC biomarkers that might be of clinical utility for early diagnosis of the tumor. These results explore the immunomic analysis as potent source for biomarkers with diagnostic and prognostic value in CRC. Additional prospective studies in larger series of patients are required to confirm the clinical utility of these novel sCRC immunomic biomarkers.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII) for the grants: FIS PI14/01538, FIS PI17/01930 and CB16/12/00400. We also acknowledge Fondos FEDER (EU) “Una manera de hacer Europa” and Junta Castilla-León (COVID19 grant COV20EDU/00187). Fundación Solórzano FS/38-2017. The Proteomics Unit belongs to ProteoRed, PRB3-ISCIII, supported by grant PT17/0019/0023, of the PE I + D + I 2017-2020, funded by ISCIII and FEDER. CNPq-National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Brazil) (306258/2019-6) and FAPERJ-Foundation for Research Support of Rio de Janeiro State for the financial support (E-26/201.670/2017 and 210.379/2018). M. González-González is supported by MINECOPTA2019-017870-I.A. Landeira-Viñuela is supported by VIII Centenario-USAL PhD Program. P.J.-V. is supported by JCYL PhD Program and scholarship JCYL-EDU/601/2020. P.D. and E.B. are supported by a JCYL-EDU/346/2013 Ph.D. scholarship

    Interactions between bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix (L.) and coastal sea-cage farms in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Coastal sea-cage farms aggregate large concentrations of pelagic and demersal fish. The large numbers of cultured fish and aggregated wild fish often attract a range of marine mammal predators which may break into cages and attack the cultured fish. To date, predation by a finfish species within sea-cages has not been documented. In the Mediterranean Sea, the bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix (L.) aggregates around sea-cage farms and enters into cages to predate on the cultured fish. We obtained information about the effects of bluefish predation on aquaculture production through a questionnaire that was completed by fish farmers in Spain, Italy, Malta, Turkey, Greece and Cyprus. In addition, we identified the abundance, size and stomach contents of bluefish aggregated around three fish farms on the coast of Spain through visual counts, and from captured bluefish both inside and outside of the sea-cages. Bluefish occurred around fish farms in Spain, Italy, Malta and Turkey. Farmers in SE Spain reported its presence only inside seabream (Sparus aurata) cages, while in Turkey bluefish were reported from inside seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and seabream cages. Greatest aggregated biomass of bluefish reached 1049 and 3191 kg at the Altea and Guardamar farms, respectively, with abundance peaking at 4500 individuals at both farms. Size structures differed markedly between farms, with smaller individuals aggregating at Altea. Stomach content analysis revealed that bluefish on the outside of sea-cages consumed pelagic species such as Sardinella aurita and Trachurus mediterraneus, while they predated on seabream once they incurred into cages, often consuming only the tails of many fish. The interaction of bluefish with sea-cage aquaculture is, at present, a problem of local concern restricted to some areas of the Mediterranean Sea, but its widespread distribution suggests this piscivore may be a problematic predator in other regions