31 research outputs found

    Pemberian Pupuk Kascing dan Urin Sapi pada Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) di Main Nursery

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    The research aimed to determine the effect of interaction giving of vermicompost fertilizer and cow urine to the growth of oil palm seeds (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) and get a suitable combination for the growth of oil palm seedlings in main nursery. The research was conducted from April to July 2015. The research used to completely randomized design (CRD) factorial consisting of two factors . The first factor is vermicompost fertilizer consists of 4 levels: vermicompost fertilizer dose of 0 g/plant, vermicompost fertilizer dose of 25 g/plant, vermicompost fertilizer dose of 50 g/plant and vermicompost fertilizer dose of 75 g/plant. The second factor is the concentration of cow urine consists of 4 levels: cow urine concentrations of 0%, cow urine concentration of 20%, cow urine concentration of 30%/ and cow urine concentration of 40%. From two factors then obtained 16 combined treatment with 3 replications. Parameters measured were increase of seed high, increase of midrib number, increase of hump circumference, root volume, root crown ratio and dry seeds weight. The data were analyzed using ANOVA followed by Duncan further test at 5% level. The results of the research showed that application vermicompost fertilizer and cow urine on oil palm seed there is interaction between giving of vermicompost fertilizer and cow urine on increase of seed high and increase of hump circumference. Combination treatment of vermicompost fertilizer dose with 125 g/plant and cow urine concentration of 40 % showed the best results of all observed parameters


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    Batok Kelapa merupakan salah satu bahan yang dapat diproses dalam pembuatan asap cair. Proses produksi arang dari batok kelapa secara tradisional yaitu dengan metode drum klin berpotensi menimbulkan polusi udara. Mesin penyulingan asap cair berbasis mikrokontroller bertujuan untuk membantu para pembuat arang dalam meminimalisisr dampak kesehatan akibat polusi udara dari asap serta menambah pendapatan berupa produk asap cair. Hasil pengujian prototipe diharapkan dapat meningkatan hasil produksi asap cair yaitu membandingkan menggunakan media air dengan temperatur ± 29°C dan menggunakan  refrigerasi yangmana temperatur air diturunkan sampai 15°C dengan pengontrolan mikrokontoller-Arduino UNO. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian di Desa Tanjung Lago Kabupaten Banyuasin diperoleh produk berupa asap cair tanpa sistem refrijerasi sebanyak 203 ml dan penyulingan dengan menggunakan sistem refrijerasi sebanyak 375 ml asap cair


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     Alat penyulingan asap cair berbasis microkontroller bertujuan untuk membantu para petani yang memproduksi asap cair dimana pada asap cair digunakan untuk pembekuan getah karet agar dapat meningkatkan hasil pembuatan asap cair dengan menggunakan aplikasi teknologi refrijerasi yang basis pengontrolannya menggunakan hardware arduino yang di program dengan menggunakan aplikasi matlab sehingga berdampak positif dalam proses pemasaran hasil penjualan asap cari yang sebelumnya menggunakan air yang bersuhu ± 29°C. Proses perancangan alat memanfaat bantuan perangkat lunak CAD sedangkan untuk pembuatan menggunakan mesin mesin bor, mesin gerinda tangan, mesin las listrik dan alat perkakas tangan. Setelah dilakukan pembuatan, prototipe alat akan dilakukan uji coba pada laboratorium untuk melihat fungsi kerja alat


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    Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini dengan tema “Penerapan dan Sosialisasi Kompor Gasifikasi Penghasil Biomassa Dari Sekam Padi”. Adapun, tujuan yang diharapkan dari Program PKM ini adalah kemandirian masyarakat dapat berkembang dalam pembuatan biomassa secara tradisional yaitu dengan metode drum klin, sehingga proses pengelola yang dihasilkan dari pemanfaatan limbah sekam padi, memberikan solusi terbaik bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan bagi masyarakat di sekitar yang berada di BUMP Karya Hidup Sentosa Kecamatan Muara Enim Kabupaten Muara Enim, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Metode pengolahan sekam padi dari hasil pembuatan biomassa dilalui dengan beberapa tahapan. Proses pemilihan mitra dilakukan dengan memilih mitra dengan pertimbangan untuk mitra yang memiliki potensi limbah sekam padi yang belum terolah dengan baik. Kegiatan yang akan dilakukan berupa Pengenalan dan Sosialiasi mengenai Kompor Gasifikasi dalam pengelolaan sekam padi menjadi Biomassa di tempat usaha mitra, agar sekam padi dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat mengenalkan Kompor Gasifikasi ke mitra usaha (BUMP Karya Sentosa) serta hasil kegiatan sosialisai dipublikasikan pada artikel ilmiah dan media massa (cetak dan atau online)


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    Electrical energy is needed by the citizen of Indonesia including in Palembang City. Palembang is growth rapidly, in contrast there is still citizen who has not enjoyed  the electricity especially who is living in Sukamulya Village, Sematang Borang Sub-ditrict. Constructing a Micro Hydro Powerplant is an effort to facilitate an electircity to the area which has not been covered by PT. PLN. Howefer before constructing a hydro  power plant, a study should be conducted in order to estimate the potency of electrical power which could be generated. Therefore the authors have collected some primary datas such as dimension of river, velocity of water and geographical condition. These datas is used to calculate the potency of energy, either in form of potential or kinetic energy. Based on the on-site observation, all locations have no enough elevation difference. Nevertheles the onlyform of  energy which can be converted into electrical energy is kinetic energy, which determined by the river flow velocity. The fastest river flow is found  in Location of B amounting 0.35 m/s. By optimazing the dimension of turbine and considering the efficiency of transmision and generator, it predicts Turbine, located in Location B, can generate electrical energy with the maximum power of 66.26 Watt. Based on the results, the electrical power potency in all locations are low and did not fullfill the requirements. The power can be increased by levelling up the elevation of the upstream. It can be done by constructing a dam which  integrated with irrigation system. Nevertheles it need a future study in order to predict the impacts. Keywords: : Micro Hydro Powerplant, Energy Potency,  River Flow,  Palembang cit

    Quality Indicators for Global Benchmarking of Localized Prostate Cancer Management

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    PURPOSE: To develop a core set of clinical indicators that enables international benchmarking of localised prostate cancer management using data available in the TrueNTH Global Registry. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An international expert panel completed an online survey and participated in a face-to-face meeting. Participants included urologists (n=3), radiation oncologists (n=3), psychologists (n=2), medical oncologist (n=1), nurse (n=1) and an epidemiologist (n=1) with prostate cancer expertise from seven countries. Current guidelines on prostate cancer treatment and potential quality indicators were identified from a literature review. These potential indicators were refined and developed through a modified Delphi process, during which each panellist independently and repeatedly rated each indicator based on its importance (satisfying the indicator demonstrates a provision of high-quality care) and feasibility (likelihood that data being used to construct the indicator could be collected at a population level). The main outcome measure was items with panel agreement (disagreement index<1), median importance ≥8.5 and median feasibility ≥9. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: s: Thirty-three indicators received endorsement from the expert panel. These 33 prostate cancer quality indicators assess care relating to diagnosis (n=7), primary treatment (n=7), salvage treatment (n=1) and health outcomes (n=18). In summary, we have developed a set of quality indicators for measuring prostate cancer care from numerous international evidence-based clinical guidelines. These indicators will be pilot tested in the TrueNTH Global Registry. Reports comparing indicator performance will subsequently be distributed to participating sites, with the purpose of improving the consistency and quality of prostate cancer management on a global basis

    XBP1-Independent UPR Pathways Suppress C/EBP-β Mediated Chondrocyte Differentiation in ER-Stress Related Skeletal Disease

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    Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (MCDS) involves dwarfism and growth plate cartilage hypertrophic zone expansion resulting from dominant mutations in the hypertrophic zone collagen, Col10a1. Mouse models phenocopying MCDS through the expression of an exogenous misfolding protein in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in hypertrophic chondrocytes have demonstrated the central importance of ER stress in the pathology of MCDS. The resultant unfolded protein response (UPR) in affected chondrocytes involved activation of canonical ER stress sensors, IRE1, ATF6, and PERK with the downstream effect of disrupted chondrocyte differentiation. Here, we investigated the role of the highly conserved IRE1/XBP1 pathway in the pathology of MCDS. Mice with a MCDS collagen X p.N617K knock-in mutation (ColXN617K) were crossed with mice in which Xbp1 was inactivated specifically in cartilage (Xbp1CartΔEx2), generating the compound mutant, C/X. The severity of dwarfism and hypertrophic zone expansion in C/X did not differ significantly from ColXN617K, revealing surprising redundancy for the IRE1/XBP1 UPR pathway in the pathology of MCDS. Transcriptomic analyses of hypertrophic zone cartilage identified differentially expressed gene cohorts in MCDS that are pathologically relevant (XBP1-independent) or pathologically redundant (XBP1-dependent). XBP1-independent gene expression changes included large-scale transcriptional attenuation of genes encoding secreted proteins and disrupted differentiation from proliferative to hypertrophic chondrocytes. Moreover, these changes were consistent with disruption of C/EBP-β, a master regulator of chondrocyte differentiation, by CHOP, a transcription factor downstream of PERK that inhibits C/EBP proteins, and down-regulation of C/EBP-β transcriptional co-factors, GADD45-β and RUNX2. Thus we propose that the pathology of MCDS is underpinned by XBP1 independent UPR-induced dysregulation of C/EBP-β-mediated chondrocyte differentiation. Our data suggest that modulation of C/EBP-β activity in MCDS chondrocytes may offer therapeutic opportunities

    Establishing a global quality of care benchmark report.

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    BACKGROUND: The Movember funded TrueNTH Global Registry (TNGR) aims to improve care by collecting and analysing a consistent dataset to identify variation in disease management, benchmark care delivery in accordance with best practice guidelines and provide this information to those in a position to enact change. We discuss considerations of designing and implementing a quality of care report for TNGR. METHODS: Eleven working group sessions were held prior to and as reports were being built with representation from clinicians, data managers and investigators contributing to TNGR. The aim of the meetings was to understand current data display approaches, share literature review findings and ideas for innovative approaches. Preferred displays were evaluated with two surveys (survey 1: 5 clinicians and 5 non-clinicians, 83% response rate; survey 2: 17 clinicians and 18 non-clinicians, 93% response rate). RESULTS: Consensus on dashboard design and three data-display preferences were achieved. The dashboard comprised two performance summary charts; one summarising site's relative quality indicator (QI) performance and another to summarise data quality. Binary outcome QIs were presented as funnel plots. Patient-reported outcome measures of function score and the extent to which men were bothered by their symptoms were presented in bubble plots. Time series graphs were seen as providing important information to supplement funnel and bubble plots. R Markdown was selected as the software program principally because of its excellent analytic and graph display capacity, open source licensing model and the large global community sharing program code enhancements. CONCLUSIONS: International collaboration in creating and maintaining clinical quality registries has allowed benchmarking of process and outcome measures on a large scale. A registry report system was developed with stakeholder engagement to produce dynamic reports that provide user-specific feedback to 132 participating sites across 13 countries

    The Last Chance:Kebangkitan Industri Stategis Indonesia

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    Independensi Penuntutan Umum dalam penyusunan Surat Tuntutan

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    Hal 371-39