583 research outputs found

    Institutional histories, seasonal floodplains (mares), and livelihood impacts of fish stocking in the Inner Niger River Delta of Mali

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    The Community-based Fish Culture in Seasonal Floodplains and Irrigation Systems (CBFC) project is a five year research project supported by the Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), with the aim of increasing productivity of seasonally occurring water bodies through aquaculture. The project has been implemented in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Mali and Vietnam, where technical and institutional options for community based aquaculture have been tested. The project began in 2005 and was completed in March 2010. The seasonally flooded depressions in the Inner Niger Delta (known as mares) represent a critical fishery resource for the inhabitants of the village of Komio, and at present, access is open to all residents. A proposal to build stocked fish enclosures in the main village mare presents potential benefits and risks. On one hand, overall productivity in the mare could be significantly increased, providing important sources of protein and cash during the annual drought period, when few livelihood activities can be performed and when village livelihoods are at their most vulnerable. Enhanced productivity in mares may also decrease local household pressures for seasonal labor migration. On the other hand, a resulting increase in the value of these mares may encourage elite capture of project benefits or rentseeking by certain village leaders of the landowning Marka ethnic group. Using qualitative interviews and focus group discussions, the study provides evidence of how local institutional and leadership capacity for equitable common property resource management have evolved since the introduction of irrigated farming systems (known as PΘrimΦtres IrriguΘs Villageois or PIVs) in the 1990s.Fishing rights, River fisheries, Livelihoods

    Spatiotemporal chaos induces extreme events in an extended microcavity laser

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    Extreme events such as rogue wave in optics and fluids are often associated with the merging dynamics of coherent structures. We present experimental and numerical results on the physics of extreme events appearance in a spatially extended semiconductor microcavity laser with intracavity saturable absorber. This system can display deterministic irregular dynamics only thanks to spatial coupling through diffraction of light. We have identified parameter regions where extreme events are encountered and established the origin of this dynamics in the emergence of deterministic spatiotemporal chaos, through the correspondence between the proportion of extreme events and the dimension of the strange attractor

    Developpement des systemes de production innovants d’association mais/legumineuses dans la zone subhumide du Mali

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    Parmi les 3 piliers de l’intégration agriculture-élevage (traction animale, fumure organique, cultures fourragères) diffusés en Afrique de l’Ouest, seules les cultures fourragères ont été peu adoptées. Pourtant, les associations maïs/légumineuses ont l’avantage d’améliorer la production et l’alimentation animale. Elles représentent une alternative dans la gestion des risques et des incertitudes pour les agro-éleveurs, confrontés aux changements globaux (climatiques, pression foncière, dégradation des ressources naturelles). L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer la contribution des associations maïs/légumineuses dans l’amélioration de la production de maïs grain et le bilan fourrager des exploitations agricoles. Le dispositif en blocs dispersés chez 10 producteurs, a consisté en 3 traitements, T1 (maïs seul), T2 (maïs/ niébé) et T3 (maïs/mucuna) durant 2 campagnes agricoles. En 2013 - 2014, les rendements de maïs grain ont été de 2433 kg/ha et en biomasse 2597 kgMS/ha. Par contre, en 2014 - 2015 les rendements ont été de 1932 kg/ha de maïs grain et de 5134 kgMS/ha de biomasse. Les besoins en matière sèche pour 90 jours de supplémentation ont été de 4,62 UBT en 2013 - 2014 et de 9,13 UBT en 2014 - 2015. Ces résultats montrent la contribution des associations maïs/légumineuses dans l’amélioration du rendement de maïs grain et de fourrages dans la zone subhumide au Mali.Mots clés : légumineuses, maïs, fourrage, Mal

    Effets du remplacement de la farine de poisson par les termites (Macrotermes Sp.) sur l’evolution ponderale et les caracteristiques de carcasse de la volaille locale au Burkina Faso

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    The high cost and the accessibility of animal protein sources is a major issue in poultry farming in Burkina Faso. The present study aimed to assess the suitability of two termite species as feed for traditional chicken (Gallus domesticus) and guinea fowl (Numida meleagris), comparatively to commercial fishmeal available in this country. The study was carried out during eight weeks in Burkina Faso on ninety chickens and ninety guinea fowls, sixteen weeks old. Two termite species (dry Macrotermes subhyalinus and fresh Macrotermes bellicosus) and commercial fishmeal for poultry feed formulation that is available in the country were used as animal protein ingredients in three feeding management regimes. The birds were allocated to the three feeding treatments, with two replicates per treatment: i) treatment 1 (R1) with a diet including 2.5% of dried termites; ii) treatment 2 (R2) diet with no animal protein ingredient included, but with fresh termites given separately and the amount was depending on the daily capture; iii) treatment 3 (R3) diet including 2.5% of fishmeal. The results showed an average daily feed consumption of 65.5 g per bird. Average daily gain (ADG) for chickens was 7.7 g, 7.8 g and 7.5 g for treatment R1, R2 and R3, respectively. ADG for guinea fowl was 5.64g, 5.34 g and 5.35 g for R1, R2 and R3, respectively. Carcass characteristics studied on male guinea fowl showed a mean carcass percentage of 66.4%. Data on the taste and tenderness showed that R1 and R2 gave a better taste to guinea fowl meat, while R3 and R2 gave more tender meat. Average dry matter contents of the thighs were 42.4%, 41.8% and 40.6% for the groups R1, R2 and R3, respectively. No significant difference (p>0.05) was observed between treatments for all the parameters. Thus, dry and fresh Macrotermes spp. can be suitable animal protein ingredients that can substitute fishmeal in traditional chickens and guinea fowl feeding in rural area.Keywords: termites, fishmeal, feeding, local poultry, live weight performances, Burkina Fas

    Yam Daabo interventions’ effects on postpartum family planning use in Burkina Faso at 24 months after childbirth

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    Introduction After testing the interventions for improving the prevalence of contraceptive use, very few studies have measured the long-term effects thereafter the end of the implementation. This study aimed to measure Yam Daabo interventions’ effects on contraceptive use in Burkina Faso at twelve months after completion of the intervention. Methods Yam Daabo was a two-group, multi-intervention, single-blind, cluster randomized controlled trial. Interventions comprised refresher training for the provider, a counseling tool, supportive supervision, availability of contraceptive services 7 days a week, client appointment cards, and invitation letters for partners. We used generalized linear mixed-effects models (log Poisson) to compare the modern contraceptive prevalence at 12 months post-intervention in the two groups. We collected data between September and November 2018. We conducted an intention-to-treat analysis and adjusted the prevalence ratios on cluster effects and unbalanced baseline characteristics. Results Twelve months after the completion of the Yam Daabo trial, we interviewed 87.4% (485 out of 555 women with available data at 12 months, that is, 247/276 in the intervention group (89.5%) and 238/279 in the control group (85.3%). No difference was observed in the use of hormonal contraceptive methods between the intervention and control groups (adjusted prevalence ratio = 1.21; 95% confidence interval [CI] = [0.91–1.61], p = 0.191). By contrast, women in the intervention group were more likely to use long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) than those in the control group (adjusted prevalence ratio = 1.35; 95% CI = [1.08–1.69], p = 0.008). Conclusion Twelve months after completion of the intervention, we found no significant difference in hormonal contraceptive use between women in the intervention and their control group counterparts. However, women in the intervention group were significantly more likely to use long-acting reversible contraceptives than those in the control group. Trial registration The trial registration number at the Pan African Clinical Trials Registry is PACTR201609001784334. The date of the first registration is 27/09/2016

    Interleukin-10 and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor II are potential biomarkers of Plasmodium falciparum infections in pregnant women: a case-control study from Nanoro, Burkina Faso

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    Background: Diagnosis of malaria in pregnancy is problematic due to the low sensitivity of conventional diagnostic tests (rapid diagnostic test and microscopy), which is exacerbated due to low peripheral parasite densities, and lack of clinical symptoms. In this study, six potential biomarkers to support malaria diagnosis in pregnancy were evaluated.Methods: Blood samples were collected from pregnant women at antenatal clinic visits and at delivery. Microscopy and real-time PCR were performed for malaria diagnosis and biomarker analyses were performed by ELISA (interleukin 10, IL-10; tumor necrosis factor-α, TNF-α; soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor II, sTNF-RII; soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1, sFlt-1; leptin and apolipoprotein B, Apo-B). A placental biopsy was collected at delivery to determine placental malaria.Results: IL-10 and sTNF-RII were significantly higher at all time-points in malaria-infected women (p < 0.001). Both markers were also positively associated with parasite density (p < 0.001 and p = 0.003 for IL-10 and sTNF-RII respectively). IL-10 levels at delivery, but not during pregnancy, were negatively associated with birth weight. A prediction model was created using IL-10 and sTNF-RII cut-off points. For primigravidae the model had a sensitivity of 88.9% (95%CI 45.7–98.7%) and specificity of 83.3% (95% CI 57.1–94.9%) for diagnosing malaria during pregnancy. For secundi- and multigravidae the sensitivity (81.8% and 56.5% respectively) was lower, while specificity (100.0% and 94.3% respectively) was relatively high. Sub-microscopic infections were detected in 2 out of 3 secundi- and 5 out of 12 multigravidae.Conclusions: The combination of biomarkers IL-10 and sTNF-RII have the potential to support malaria diagnosis in pregnancy. Additional markers may be needed to increase sensitivity and specificity, this is of particular importance in populations with sub-microscopic infections or in whom other inflammatory diseases are prevalent

    Prévalence de la brucellose, chlamydiose et toxoplasmose chez les petits ruminants au Mali : résultats d’une enquête séro-épidemiologique

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    Au Mali, l’élevage des espèces à cycle court en général et celui des petits ruminants en particulier constitue une source précieuse de revenus et de protéines pour les populations. Cependant, au nombre des contraintes à l’amélioration de la productivité de cet élevage, figurent les pertes en reproduction, dont les causes demeurent mal connues. Les données relatives au rôle de certaines infections microbiennes comme la brucellose à Brucella ovis, chlamydiose et la toxoplasmose sont quasi inexistantes. L’objet de la présente étude a été d’évaluer la prévalence sérologique de ces pathologies, susceptibles de causer des pertes en reproduction chez ces espèces animales. Elle a couvert quatre sites dont Kéniébougou (Cercle de Ségou), Nioro (Cercle de Nioro), Bougouni (Cercle de Bougouni) et Briga (Cercle de Koro), choisis en collaboration étroite avec les services techniques d’encadrement et éleveurs de petits ruminants desdites localités. Au total 872 sérums (368 ovins et 504 caprins) issus des sujets présentant des signes de perte en reproduction ont été testés par la méthode Elisa indirecte. Parmi ceux-ci, 81 (9,28 %) se sont révélés positifs (1,26 % en brucellose à Brucella ovis, 3,55 % en chlamydiose à Chlamydia abortus et 4,47 % en toxoplasmose à Toxoplasma gondii). Les anticorps mis en évidence sont considérés comme d’origine infectieuse, les animaux n’ayant jamais été vaccinés contre les maladies investiguées, ce qui confirme la circulation des agents étiologiques des trois infections abortives parmi les populations de petits ruminants au Mali

    Dynamics of antigenemia and transmission intensity of Wuchereria bancrofti following cessation of mass drug administration in a formerly highly endemic region of Mali

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    Background After seven annual rounds of mass drug administration (MDA) in six Malian villages highly endemic for Wuchereria bancrofti (overall prevalence rate of 42.7%), treatment was discontinued in 2008. Surveillance was performed over the ensuing 5 years to detect recrudescence. Methods Circulating filarial antigen (CFA) was measured using immunochromatographic card tests (ICT) and Og4C3 ELISA in 6–7 year-olds. Antibody to the W. bancrofti infective larval stage (L3) antigen, Wb123, was tested in the same population in 2012. Microfilaraemia was assessed in ICT-positive subjects. Anopheles gambiae complex specimens were collected monthly using human landing catch (HLC) and pyrethrum spray catch (PSC). Anopheles gambiae complex infection with W. bancrofti was determined by dissection and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) of mosquito pools. Results Annual CFA prevalence rates using ICT in children increased over time from 0% (0/289) in 2009 to 2.7% (8/301) in 2011, 3.9% (11/285) in 2012 and 4.5% (14/309) in 2013 (trend χ 2  = 11.85, df =3, P = 0.0006). Wb123 antibody positivity rates in 2013 were similar to the CFA prevalence by ELISA (5/285). Although two W. bancrofti-infected Anopheles were observed by dissection among 12,951 mosquitoes collected by HLC, none had L3 larvae when tested by L3-specific RT-PCR. No positive pools were detected among the mosquitoes collected by pyrethrum spray catch. Whereas ICT in 6–7 year-olds was the major surveillance tool, ICT positivity was also assessed in older children and adults (8–65 years old). CFA prevalence decreased in this group from 4.9% (39/800) to 3.5% (28/795) and 2.8% (50/1,812) in 2009, 2011 and 2012, respectively (trend χ 2  = 7.361, df =2, P = 0.0067). Some ICT-positive individuals were microfilaraemic in 2009 [2.6% (1/39)] and 2011 [8.3% (3/36)], but none were positive in 2012 or 2013. Conclusion Although ICT rates in children increased over the 5-year surveillance period, the decrease in ICT prevalence in the older group suggests a reduction in transmission intensity. This was consistent with the failure to detect infective mosquitoes or microfilaraemia. The threshold of ICT positivity in children may need to be re-assessed and other adjunct surveillance tools considered

    Community-based wound management in a rural setting of CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    BACKGROUND: Wounds are a neglected health problem in rural communities of low-income countries, mostly caused by trauma and ulcerative skin diseases including Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and associated with systemic complications and disability. Rural communities have limited access to high quality health services-based wound care. METHODS: We conducted a prospective observational study on wound management at three levels-community (C), health centre (HC), district hospital (DH)-in a rural community of Cote d'Ivoire. Patients with skin wounds actively identified in a house-to-house survey and passively in the health services in a defined area of the Taabo Health and Demographic Surveillance System were asked to participate and followed-up longitudinally. Endpoints were proportion of wounds closed, time to wound closure, wound size over time, frequency of secondary bacterial infection, need for recapturing after follow-up interruption, and duration of treatment stratified by health service level and wound aetiology. RESULTS: We enrolled 561 patients with 923 wounds between May 2019 and March 2020. The observation period ended in March 2021. Median age was 10 years (IQR 7-15), 63.0% of patients were male. Almost all (99.5%, 870/874) wounds closed within the observation period, 5.3% (49/923) were lost to follow-up. Wounds primarily treated in C, HC and DH closed within a median time of 10, 16 and 170 days, respectively. Median time to acute wound and chronic wound closure was 13 and 72 days, respectively. Wounds treated in C, HC and DH presented with secondary bacterial infections in 10.3% (36/350), 31.0% (133/429) and 100% (5/5) of cases, respectively. Recapturing was required in 68.3% (630/923) of wounds with participants reporting wound closure as the main reason for not attending follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: We describe a wound management model based on national and WHO recommendations focusing on early identification and treatment in the community with potential for broad implementation in low-income countries. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registration at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03957447)

    Skin wounds in a rural setting of CĂ´te d'Ivoire: population-based assessment of the burden and clinical epidemiology

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    BACKGROUND: Data on the burden and clinical epidemiology of skin wounds in rural sub-Saharan Africa is scant. The scale of the problem including preventable progression to chronic wounds, disability and systemic complications is largely unaddressed. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study combining active (household-based survey) and passive case finding (health services-based survey) to determine the burden and clinical epidemiology of wounds within the Taabo Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) in rural Cote d'Ivoire. Patients identified with wounds received free care and were invited to participate in the wound management study simultaneously carried out in the survey area. The data were analysed for wound prevalence, stratified by wound and patient characteristics. RESULTS: 3842 HDSS-registered persons were surveyed. Overall wound prevalence derived from combined active and passive case finding was 13.0%. 74.1% (403/544) of patients were below the age of 15 years. Most frequent aetiologies were mechanical trauma (85.3%), furuncles (5.1%), burns (2.9%) and Buruli ulcer (2.2%). Most wounds were acute and smaller than 5 cm2 in size. 22.0% (176/799) of wounds showed evidence of secondary bacterial infection. 35.5% (22/62) of chronic wounds had persisted entirely neglected for years. Buruli ulcer prevalence was 2.3 per 1000 individuals and considerably higher than expected from an annual incidence of 0.01 per 1000 individuals as reported by WHO for Cote d'Ivoire at the time of the study. CONCLUSIONS: Skin wounds are highly prevalent in rural West Africa, where they represent a widely neglected problem. The HDSS-based survey with combined active and passive case finding adopted in this study provides a better estimate than school- and health institution-based surveys which underestimate the frequency of skin wounds and, particularly, of neglected tropical diseases of the skin, such as Buruli ulcer and yaws. A comparison with country-specific WHO data suggests underreporting of Buruli ulcer cases. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registration at ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03957447
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