58 research outputs found

    Dielectric and electrochemical properties of sustainable concrete

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    It is planned to improve the durability of reinforced concrete structures and the total or partial replacement of their components by the use of recyclable materials; as strategies to contribute to the concrete industry sustainability. The electrical resistivity and its relationship with the microstructure and electrochemical corrosion resistance in reinforced concrete manufactured with sustainable characteristics, that is, with recycled aggregates and supplementary cementitious materials; was evaluated in this study. The electrical resistivity in reinforced concretes is closely related to the microstructure of the cementitious matrix, and with the pore structure and distribution. As a consequence of the their components nature, it is assumed that the proposed sustainable concretes present different microstructure and porosity than the conventional concretes; because of this, the electrical and electrochemical response of those systems was analyzed with the help of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy technique.Postprint (published version

    Helping WWTP managers to address the volatile methylsiloxanes issue-Behaviour and complete mass balance in a conventional plant

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    Volatile methylsiloxanes (VMSs) are a group of additives employed in different consumer products that can affect the quality of the biogas produced in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The main objective of this study is to understand the fate of different VMSs along the treatment process of a WWTP located in Aveiro (Portugal). Thus, wastewater, sludge, biogas, and air were sampled in different units for two weeks. Subsequently, these samples were extracted and analyzed by different environment-friendly protocols to obtain their VMS (L3-L5, D3-D6) concentrations and profiles. Finally, considering the different matrix flows at every sampling moment, the mass distribution of VMSs within the plant was estimated. The levels of ∑VMSs were similar to those showed in the literature (0.1-50 μg/L in entry wastewater and 1-100 μg/g dw in primary sludge). However, the entry wastewater profile showed higher variability in D3 concentrations (from non detected to 49 μg/L) than found in previous studies (0.10-1.00 μg/L), likely caused by isolated releases of this compound that could be related to industrial sources. Outdoor air samples showed a prevalence of D5, while indoor air locations were characterized by a predominance of D3 and D4. Differences in sources and the presence of an indoor air filtration system may explain this divergence. Biogas was characterized by ∑VMSs concentrations (8.00 ± 0.22 mg/m3) above the limits recommended by some engine manufacturers and mainly composed of D5 (89%). Overall, 81% of the total incoming mass of VMSs is reduced along the WWTP, being the primary decanter and the secondary treatment responsible for the highest decrease (30.6% and 29.4% of the initial mass, respectively). This reduction, however, is congener dependant. The present study demonstrates the importance of extending sampling periods and matrices (i.e., sludge and air) to improve sample representativity, time-sensitivity, and the accuracy of mass balance exercises.This work was financially supported by: (i) Projects LA/P/0045/2020 (ALiCE – Associated Laboratory in Chemical Engineering) and UIDB/00511/2020 and UIDP/00511/2020 (LEPABE – Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy), funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC); (ii) Project LANSILOT (PTDC/CTA-AMB/32084/2017; POCI-01–0145-FEDER-032084), funded by FEDER through COMPETE2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizaçao(POCI) and by national funds (PIDDAC) through FCT/MCTES; (iii) Project “HealthyWaters – Identification, Elimination, Social Awareness and Education of Water Chemical and Biological Micropollutants with Health and Environmental Implications” (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000069), co-financed by Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE 2020), through Portugal 2020 and FEDER; (iv) N. Ratola thanks FCT for the financial support of his work contract through the Scientific Employment Stimulus -Institutional Call - [CEECINST/00049/2018]; (v) G. Pantuzza thanks FCT PhD programme for Grant 2020.07815.BD, supported under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement and European Social Fund (ESF); (vi) V. Homem thanks national funds through FCT, under the Scientific Employment Stimulus—Individual Call - CEECIND/00676/2017. The authors wish to thank the help of the staff at the WWTP in the design of the sampling strategy and the collection of the samples.S

    Identification of midgut membrane proteins from different instars of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) that bind to Cry1Ac toxin.

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    Helicoverpa armigera is a polyphagous pest sensitive to Cry1Ac protein from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The susceptibility of the different larval instars of H. armigera to Cry1Ac protoxin showed a significant 45-fold reduction in late instars compared to early instars. A possible hypothesis is that gut surface proteins that bind to Cry1Ac differ in both instars, although higher Cry toxin degradation in late instars could also explain the observed differences in susceptibility. Here we compared the Cry1Ac-binding proteins from second and fifth instars by pull-down assays and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry analysis (LC-MS/MS). The data show differential protein interaction patterns of Cry1Ac in the two instars analyzed. Alkaline phosphatase, and other membrane proteins, such as prohibitin and an anion selective channel protein were identified only in the second instar, suggesting that these proteins may be involved in the higher toxicity of Cry1Ac in early instars of H. armigera. Eleven Cry1Ac binindg proteins were identified exclusively in late instar larvae, like different proteases such as trypsin-like protease, azurocidin-like proteinase, and carboxypeptidase. Different aminopeptidase N isofroms were identified in both instar larvae. We compared the Cry1Ac protoxin degradation using midgut juice from late and early instars, showing that the midgut juice from late instars is more efficient to degrade Cry1Ac protoxin than that of early instars, suggesting that increased proteolytic activity on the toxin could also explain the low Cry1Ac toxicity in late instars

    Sulfate attack and reinforcement corrosion in concrete with recycled concrete aggregates and supplementary cementing materials

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    As strategies to contribute to the concrete industry sustainability, reinforced concrete was fabricated using recycled concrete coarse aggregate and replacing partially portland cement with supplementary cementing materials as fly ash and silica fume. On test specimens, partially immersed in 3.5% Na2SO4 aqueous solution, the effect of the recycled and supplementary materials against sulfate attack and reinforcement corrosion was evaluated. For such aim, weight loss of concrete and corrosion potentials, corrosion current density of reinforcement were determined by means of electrochemical techniques as open circuit potential and linear polarization resistance, respectivelyPostprint (published version

    Propiedades dieléctricas y electroquímicas de concretos sustentables

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    Como estrategias para contribuir en la sustentabilidad de la industria del concreto se está proyectando mejorar la durabilidad de las estructuras de concreto reforzado y el reemplazo parcial o total de sus ingredientes por materiales reciclables. En este estudio se evaluó la resistividad eléctrica y su relación con la microestructura y resistencia a la corrosión electroquímica de concretos reforzados fabricados con características de sustentabilidad, es decir, con agregados reciclados y materiales cementantes suplementarios. La resistividad eléctrica del concreto está íntimamente relacionada con la microestructura de la matriz cementante y con la estructura y distribución de poros. Por la naturaleza de sus ingredientes, es de suponerse que los concretos sustentables propuestos presentan diferente microestructura y porosidad que el concreto convencional, motivo por el cual se analizó la respuesta eléctrica y electroquímica de dichos sistemas mediante la técnica de espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estudio físico, químico y microestructural de geopolímeros base ceniza volante

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    En este trabajo se analizó el comportamiento físico, químico y microestructural de la ceniza volante activada alcalinamente. Para ello fueron utilizados diferentes tamaños de partícula de ceniza volante (CV), obtenidos por molienda manual, mezcladas con NaOH y curadas durante 7, 14 y 28 días. Las técnicas de caracterización utilizadas fueron: TGA, FTIR, MEB, adsorción física de gases y pruebas de resistencia a compresión, además del software NIVision Assistant. Los resultados muestran que la disminución de tamaño de partículas, favoreció la geopolimerización del gel N-A-S-H y mejoró las propiedades cementantes en los geopolímeros, logrando resistencias a compresión hasta de 23 MPa, por otro lado, se indica mediante análisis de imagen, que los porcentajes de porosidad en cada uno de los morteros evaluados disminuyen conforme se alejan de la zona de transición interfacial (ZTI), los cuales se corroboran con los resultados de porosimetría. (ANGLÈS) In this paper was analyzed the physical, chemical and microstructural behavior of alkali activated fly ash. This comparison was used with different particle sizes of fly ash (CV), obtained by manual milling, mixed with NaOH and cured for 7, 14 and 28 days. The characterization techniques used: TGA, FTIR, SEM, physical adsorption of gases and compressive strength tests, as well NIVision Assistant software. The results show that decreasing particle size favored NASH gel Geopolymerization and improved cementitious properties in geopolymer, achieving compressive strengths up to 23 MPa. On the other hand, indicated by image analysis, the percentages of porosity in each of the mortars evaluated decrease as they move away from the interfacial transition zone (ZTI), these results are corroborated by porosimetry method.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Regeneración de campus para la creación de un laboratorio vivo de sostenibilidad ("living lab") en el Campus de Excelencia Internacional de Moncloa

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    La Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) a través de su Centro de Innovación en Tecnología para el Desarrollo Humano (itdUPM) está propiciando la generación de conciencia, conocimiento y soluciones innovadoras que contribuyen al cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a través de un edificio que sirve como laboratorio de prueba para nuevas tecnologías verdes y como plataforma de ideación colaborativa y activación social

    Using Biotic Interaction Networks for Prediction in Biodiversity and Emerging Diseases

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    Networks offer a powerful tool for understanding and visualizing inter-species ecological and evolutionary interactions. Previously considered examples, such as trophic networks, are just representations of experimentally observed direct interactions. However, species interactions are so rich and complex it is not feasible to directly observe more than a small fraction. In this paper, using data mining techniques, we show how potential interactions can be inferred from geographic data, rather than by direct observation. An important application area for this methodology is that of emerging diseases, where, often, little is known about inter-species interactions, such as between vectors and reservoirs. Here, we show how using geographic data, biotic interaction networks that model statistical dependencies between species distributions can be used to infer and understand inter-species interactions. Furthermore, we show how such networks can be used to build prediction models. For example, for predicting the most important reservoirs of a disease, or the degree of disease risk associated with a geographical area. We illustrate the general methodology by considering an important emerging disease - Leishmaniasis. This data mining methodology allows for the use of geographic data to construct inferential biotic interaction networks which can then be used to build prediction models with a wide range of applications in ecology, biodiversity and emerging diseases

    Assessing the congruence of thermal niche estimations derived from distribution and physiological data. A test using diving beetles.

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    A basic aim of ecology is to understand the determinants of organismal distribution, the niche concept and species distribution models providing key frameworks to approach the problem. As temperature is one of the most important factors affecting species distribution, the estimation of thermal limits is crucially important for inferring range constraints. It is expectable that thermal physiology data derived from laboratory experiments and species' occurrences may express different aspects of the species' niche. However, there is no study systematically testing this prediction in a given taxonomic group while controlling by potential phylogenetic inertia. We estimate the thermal niches of twelve Palaearctic diving beetles species using physiological data derived from experimental analyses in order to examine the extent to which these coincided with those estimated from distribution models based on observed occurrences. We found that thermal niche estimates derived from both approaches lack general congruence, and these results were similar before and after controlling by phylogeny. The congruence between potential distributions obtained from the two different procedures was also explored, and we found again that the percentage of agreement were not very high (~60%). We confirm that both thermal niche estimates derived from geographical and physiological data are likely to misrepresent the true range of climatic variation that these diving beetles are able to tolerate, and so these procedures could be considered as incomplete but complementary estimations of an inaccessible reality