598 research outputs found

    MILES extended: Stellar population synthesis models from the optical to the infrared

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    We present the first single-burst stellar population models which covers the optical and the infrared wavelength range between 3500 and 50000 Angstrom and which are exclusively based on empirical stellar spectra. To obtain these joint models, we combined the extended MILES models in the optical with our new infrared models that are based on the IRTF (Infrared Telescope Facility) library. The latter are available only for a limited range in terms of both age and metallicity. Our combined single-burst stellar population models were calculated for ages larger than 1 Gyr, for metallicities between [Fe/H] = -0.40 and 0.26, for initial mass functions of various types and slopes, and on the basis of two different sets of isochrones. They are available to the scientific community on the MILES web page. We checked the internal consistency of our models and compared their colour predictions to those of other models that are available in the literature. Optical and near infrared colours that are measured from our models are found to reproduce the colours well that were observed for various samples of early-type galaxies. Our models will enable a detailed analysis of the stellar populations of observed galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, published in A&

    Probabilistic assessment of footbridge response to single walkers

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    Among the load scenarios considered for the serviceability assessment of human-induced footbridge vibration, is that of the transient action of a single pedestrian or a small group of pedestrians. Although such action is stochastic due to the variability of gait parameters, available Codes and Guidelines all assume it is deterministic and equal to that coming from the “worst pedestrian ever” for the given footbridge. This approach is sound from an engineering point of view but does not allow control of the probability of failure. The present work deals with a reliability-based procedure for the serviceability assessment of the footbridge peak characteristic accelerations due to pedestrian induced actions. Based on the results obtained incorporating the effects of the inter-subject variability of gait parameters and of the uncertainties in footbridge dynamic properties, a design response spectrum is proposed for both vertical and lateral vibrations. The proposed procedure lends itself for immediate Code implementation

    Load-carrying capacity of compressed wall-like RC columns strengthened with FRP

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    The analytical prediction of the effectiveness of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) in the confinement of a rectangular reinforced concrete (RC) column with a high aspect ratio (wall-like) still has an uncertain solution. In this paper, a numerical investigation of the axial response of RC wall-like columns strengthened with FRP systems was developed. Analytical solutions proposed in the literature for the assessment of the axial load capacity were presented and compared with each other and with the available experimental results. Moreover, non-linear finite element analysis was carried out, and the results were discussed, providing a simple model for the assessment of the axial compressive strength of wall-like RC columns strengthened with FRP

    A magnetically suspended linearly driven cryogenic refrigerator

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    This paper described a novel Stirling cycle cryogenic refrigerator which was designed, fabricated and successfully tested at Philips Laboratories. The prominent features of the machine are an electro-magnetic bearing system, a pair of moving magnet linear motors, and clearance seals with a 25 mu m radial gap. The all-metal and ceramic construction eliminates long-term organic contamination of the helium working fluid. The axial positions of the piston and displacer are electronically controlled, permitting independent adjustment of the amplitude of each and their relative phase relationship during operation. A simple passive counterbalance reduces axial vibrations. The design of the refrigerator system components is discussed and a comparison is made between performance estimates and measured results

    A statistical approach for rain intensity differentiation using Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager observations

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    Abstract. This study exploits the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG)–Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) observations to evaluate the rain class at high spatial and temporal resolutions and, to this aim, proposes the Rain Class Evaluation from Infrared and Visible observation (RainCEIV) technique. RainCEIV is composed of two modules: a cloud classification algorithm which individuates and characterizes the cloudy pixels, and a supervised classifier that delineates the rainy areas according to the three rainfall intensity classes, the non-rainy (rain rate value < 0.5 mm h-1) class, the light-to-moderate rainy class (0.5 mm h−1 ≤ rain rate value < 4 mm h-1), and the heavy–to-very-heavy-rainy class (rain rate value ≥ 4 mm h-1). The second module considers as input the spectral and textural features of the infrared and visible SEVIRI observations for the cloudy pixels detected by the first module. It also takes the temporal differences of the brightness temperatures linked to the SEVIRI water vapour channels as indicative of the atmospheric instability strongly related to the occurrence of rainfall events. The rainfall rates used in the training phase are obtained through the Precipitation Estimation at Microwave frequencies, PEMW (an algorithm for rain rate retrievals based on Atmospheric Microwave Sounder Unit (AMSU)-B observations). RainCEIV's principal aim is that of supplying preliminary qualitative information on the rainy areas within the Mediterranean Basin where there is no radar network coverage. The results of RainCEIV have been validated against radar-derived rainfall measurements from the Italian Operational Weather Radar Network for some case studies limited to the Mediterranean area. The dichotomous assessment related to daytime (nighttime) validation shows that RainCEIV is able to detect rainy/non-rainy areas with an accuracy of about 97% (96%), and when all the rainy classes are considered, it shows a Heidke skill score of 67% (62%), a bias score of 1.36 (1.58), and a probability of detection of rainy areas of 81% (81%)

    The Relationship between Wind Pressure and Pressure Coefficients for the Definition of Wind Loads on Buildings

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    Wind induced pressures on buildings are the product of a velocity pressure and a pressure coefficient. The way in which these two quantities are calculated has changed over the years, and Design Codes have been modified accordingly. This paper tracks the evolution of the approach to wind loading of buildings from the practice in the 1950s, mainly referring to the Swiss Code SIA, to the most recent advances including probabilistic methods, internet databases, and advanced modelling of meteorological phenomena

    Feasibility analysis for floating offshore wind energy

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    Purpose The assessment of the economic feasibility of foating ofshore wind farms (FOWFs) plays an important role in the future possible spreading of this challenging technology in the wind power industry. The use of specifc economic analyses is fundamental to point out the potential of FOWFs and to sustain their technical value. Within this topic, the implementation of the FOWF life cycle cost model and producibility analysis in a geographic information system is developed, with the aim of carrying out a feasibility analysis at the territorial scale, for diferent types of foater. Moreover, a simplifed model for a quick life cycle cost assessment is proposed and calibrated. Methods The available cost model is frst validated comparing the costs of FOWFs based on diferent foaters (Semi-Submersible Platform—SSP, Spar Buoy—SB and Tension Leg Platform—TLP) with corresponding results available in the literature. Then, it is implemented in QGIS to be used for territorial-scale analyses and sensitivity analyses of the cost parameters. A feasibility analysis is developed through the main fnancial parameters. Finally, the results are then&nbsp;used to calibrate a simplifed version of the cost model that depends on three main parameters, namely distance to shore, distance from the port of operation and bathymetry. Results and discussion The FOWF cost values are found to be in good agreement with those coming from analytical methods similar to the one from the authors. However, some discrepancies with those based on average costs are observed. Then, the results of the sensitivity analysis are presented as life cycle cost maps, giving an overall picture of the variation of the total cost of FOWF installations on a reference domain. The results show that among the three types of foaters considered here, the SSP proved to be the most promising one, giving lower costs than the SB and the TLP. Moreover, a good agreement between the results in terms of total cost of FOWFs calculated with the analytical and simplifed models for SSPs, SBs and TLPs is observed. Finally, the feasibility analysis showed that the fnancial parameters are more infuenced by the wind speed than by the cost of the farm. Conclusions The paper aims to provide guidance on how to carry out feasibility analyses of a specifc site for FOWF installation, thus supporting decision-making procedures. The approach and the results presented here are meant for use in the early stage of the decision-making process, as a tool for the assessment of the economic feasibility of FOWFs installation

    Numerical Modelling of the MIT/NREL TLP Wind Turbine and Comparison with the Experimental Results

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    In this study, numerical analysis of a tension leg platform wind turbine is conducted and the responses with focus on surge motions and tendon tension are compared with available experimental test data. The main scope of the study is to establish the numerical model for which the damping coefficients for rigid-body motions are tuned based on the comparison of the sway free decay test results (natural periods and damping ratios) between the numerical and the experimental studies. The differences between the test model properties and the numerical model information have been discussed. Numerical model tuning with available test data resulted with relatively good accordance but also slight to moderate differences in the responses. These differences are credited for the uncertainties in the model testing and the solution methodology of the numerical model. Numerical study is under development with regular and irregular wave analyses and analyses including wind excitation

    Combined MW-IR Precipitation Evolving Technique (PET) of convective rain fields

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    This paper describes a new multi-sensor approach for convective rain cell continuous monitoring based on rainfall derived from Passive Microwave (PM) remote sensing from the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite coupled with Infrared (IR) remote sensing Brightness Temperature (TB) from the Geosynchronous (GEO) orbit satellite. The proposed technique, which we call Precipitation Evolving Technique (PET), propagates forward in time and space the last available rain-rate (RR) maps derived from Advanced Microwave Sounding Units (AMSU) and Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) observations by using IR TB maps of water vapor (6.2 μm) and thermal-IR (10.8 μm) channels from a Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) radiometer. PET is based on two different modules, the first for morphing and tracking rain cells and the second for dynamic calibration IR-RR. The Morphing module uses two consecutive IR data to identify the motion vector to be applied to the rain field so as to propagate it in time and space, whilst the Calibration module computes the dynamic relationship between IR and RR in order to take into account genesis, extinction or size variation of rain cells. Finally, a combination of the Morphing and Calibration output provides a rainfall map at IR space and time scale, and the whole procedure is reiterated by using the last RR map output until a new MW-based rainfall is available. The PET results have been analyzed with respect to two different PM-RR retrieval algorithms for seven case studies referring to different rainfall convective events. The qualitative, dichotomous and continuous assessments show an overall ability of this technique to propagate rain field at least for 2–3 h propagation time