56 research outputs found

    Dissecting distinct proteolytic activities of FMDV Lpro implicates cleavage and degradation of RLR signaling proteins, not its deISGylase/DUB activity, in type I interferon suppression

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    Author summary Outbreaks of the picornavirus foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) have significant consequences for animal health and product safety and place a major economic burden on the global livestock industry. Understanding how this notorious animal pathogen suppresses the antiviral type I interferon (IFN-alpha/beta) response may help to develop countermeasures to control FMDV infections. FMDV suppresses the IFN-alpha/beta response through the activity of its Leader protein (L-pro), a protease that can cleave host cell proteins. L(pro)was also shown to have deubiquitinase and deISGylase activity, raising the possibility that L(pro)suppresses IFN-alpha/beta by removing ubiquitin and/or ISG15, two posttranslational modifications that can regulate the activation, interactions and localization of (signaling) proteins. Here, we show that TBK1 and MAVS, two signaling proteins that are important for activation of IFN-alpha/beta gene transcription, are cleaved by L-pro. By generating L(pro)mutants lacking either of these two activities, we demonstrate that L-pro's ability to cleave signaling proteins, but not its deubiquitination/deISGylase activity, correlates with suppression of IFN-beta gene transcription. The type I interferon response is an important innate antiviral pathway. Recognition of viral RNA by RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) activates a signaling cascade that leads to type I interferon (IFN-alpha/beta) gene transcription. Multiple proteins in this signaling pathway (e.g. RIG-I, MDA5, MAVS, TBK1, IRF3) are regulated by (de)ubiquitination events. Most viruses have evolved mechanisms to counter this antiviral response. The leader protease (L-pro) of foot-and-mouth-disease virus (FMDV) has been recognized to reduce IFN-alpha/beta gene transcription; however, the exact mechanism is unknown. The proteolytic activity of L(pro)is vital for releasing itself from the viral polyprotein and for cleaving and degrading specific host cell proteins, such as eIF4G and NF-kappa B. In addition, L(pro)has been demonstrated to have deubiquitination/deISGylation activity. L-pro's deubiquitination/deISGylation activity and the cleavage/degradation of signaling proteins have both been postulated to be important for reduced IFN-alpha/beta gene transcription. Here, we demonstrate that TBK1, the kinase that phosphorylates and activates the transcription factor IRF3, is cleaved by L(pro)in FMDV-infected cells as well as in cells infected with a recombinant EMCV expressing L-pro.In vitrocleavage experiments revealed that L(pro)cleaves TBK1 at residues 692-694. We also observed cleavage of MAVS in HeLa cells infected with EMCV-L-pro, but only observed decreasing levels of MAVS in FMDV-infected porcine LFPK alpha V beta 6 cells. We set out to dissect L-pro's ability to cleave RLR signaling proteins from its deubiquitination/deISGylation activity, to determine their relative contributions to the reduction of IFN-alpha/beta gene transcription. The introduction of specific mutations, of which several were based on the recently published structure of L(pro)in complex with ISG15, allowed us to identify specific amino acid substitutions that separate the different proteolytic activities of L-pro. Characterization of the effects of these mutations revealed that L-pro's ability to cleave RLR signaling proteins but not its deubiquitination/deISGylation activity correlates with the reduced IFN-beta gene transcription

    Зимостойкость некоторых видов рода Sorbus L. в Донбассе

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    Изучены анатомические особенности годичных побегов Sorbus persica Hedl., S. domestica L. и S. aucuparia L. Определены толщина тканей и степень лигнификации ксилемы. Наиболее развиты покровные и механические ткани у S. aucuparia, годичные побеги полностью вызревшие. У S. persica наблюдается отставание в развитии тканей и степени одревеснения побегов по сравнению с S. aucuparia. Отмечена высокая зимостойкость S. domestica и S. aucuparia и более низкая – S. persica. К перспективным видам отнесены S. domestica и S. aucuparia. Вид – S. persica нецелесообразно вводить в ассортимент декоративных растений юго-востока Украины.The anatomical peculiarities of annual spears of Sorbus persica Hedl., S. domestica L. and S. aucuparia L. were studied. The tissue depth and xylem lignification rate were defined. The tissues of S. aucuparia are most developed and annual spears are fully mature for vegetative period. S. persica lags in terms of tissue development and spear lignification rate compared to S. aucuparia. S. domestica and S. aucuparia revealed winter resistance at high level, whereas S. persica demonstrated it at low level. S. domestica and S. aucuparia are treated as perspective, while S. persica is unreasonable for introduction to the assortment of decorative plants of south-east of Ukraine

    MERS-CoV 4b protein interferes with the NF-κB-dependent innate immune response during infection

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is a novel human coronavirus that emerged in 2012, causing severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), with a case fatality rate of ~36%. When expressed in isolation, CoV accessory proteins have been shown to interfere with innate antiviral signaling pathways. However, there is limited information on the specific contribution of MERS-CoV accessory protein 4b to the repression of the innate antiviral response in the context of infection. We found that MERS-CoV 4b was required to prevent a robust NF-κB dependent response during infection. In wild-type virus infected cells, 4b localized to the nucleus, while NF-κB was retained in the cytoplasm. In contrast, in the absence of 4b or in the presence of cytoplasmic 4b mutants lacking a nuclear localization signal (NLS), NF-κB was translocated to the nucleus leading to the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This indicates that NF-κB repression required the nuclear import of 4b mediated by a specific NLS. Interestingly, we also found that both in isolation and during infection, 4b interacted with α-karyopherin proteins in an NLS-dependent manner. In particular, 4b had a strong preference for binding karyopherin-α4 (KPNA4), which is known to translocate the NF-κB protein complex into the nucleus. Binding of 4b to KPNA4 during infection inhibited its interaction with NF-κB-p65 subunit. Thereby we propose a model where 4b outcompetes NF-κB for KPNA4 binding and translocation into the nucleus as a mechanism of interference with the NF-κB-mediated innate immune response

    Изменчивость биомассы дождевых червей (Lumbricidae) как отклик биоты на различные экологические условия в модельных экспериментах

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    В експерименті вивчено вплив різних варіантів субстратів, які використовують у лісовій рекультивації, підстилок із листя деревних порід та зволоження на представників грунтових сапрофагів (Lumbricidae). Встановлено достовірний вплив субстратів, підстилок та зволоження на збільшення біомаси дощових черв'яків.Influence of various soil blends used in forest rehabilitation, leaf litters of trees, and humidity levels on soil saprophages (Lumbricidae) is experimentally studied. Significant influence of substrates, litters, and humidity levels on the increase of earthworms' biomass has been determined

    Excited-State Dynamics in Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals

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