492 research outputs found

    Research and Education of the Gifted in the Year 2000 and Beyond

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    Noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation modulates spatial memory in young healthy adults

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    Research and Education of the Gifted in the Year 2000 and Beyond

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    Transmission electron microscopy investigation of segregation and critical floating-layer content of indium for island formation in InGaAs

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    We have investigated InGaAs layers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs(001) by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence spectroscopy. InGaAs layers with In-concentrations of 16, 25 and 28 % and respective thicknesses of 20, 22 and 23 monolayers were deposited at 535 C. The parameters were chosen to grow layers slightly above and below the transition between the two- and three-dimensional growth mode. In-concentration profiles were obtained from high-resolution TEM images by composition evaluation by lattice fringe analysis. The measured profiles can be well described applying the segregation model of Muraki et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 61 (1992) 557]. Calculated photoluminescence peak positions on the basis of the measured concentration profiles are in good agreement with the experimental ones. Evaluating experimental In-concentration profiles it is found that the transition from the two-dimensional to the three-dimensional growth mode occurs if the indium content in the In-floating layer exceeds 1.1+/-0.2 monolayers. The measured exponential decrease of the In-concentration within the cap layer on top of the islands reveals that the In-floating layer is not consumed during island formation. The segregation efficiency above the islands is increased compared to the quantum wells which is explained tentatively by strain-dependent lattice-site selection of In. In addition, In0.25Ga0.75As quantum wells were grown at different temperatures between 500 oC and 550 oC. The evaluation of concentration profiles shows that the segregation efficiency increases from R=0.65 to R=0.83.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, sbmitted in Phys. Rev.

    Scales of Seafloor Sediment Resuspension in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

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    Seafloor sediment resuspension events of different scales and magnitudes and the resulting deep (\u3e1,000 m) benthic nepheloid layers were investigated in the northern Gulf of Mexico during Fall 2012 to Summer 2013. Time-series data of size-specific in-situ settling speeds of marine snow in the benthic nepheloid layer (moored flux cameras), particle size distributions (profiling camera), currents (various current meters) and stacked time-series flux data (sediment traps) were combined to recognize resuspension events ranging from small-scale local, to small-scale far-field to hurricane-scale. One smallscale local resuspension event caused by inertial currents was identified based on local high current speeds (\u3e10 cm s–1) and trap data. Low POC content combined with high lithogenic silica flux at 30 m above bottom (mab) compared to the flux at 120 mab, suggested local resuspension reaching 30 mab, but not 120 mab. Another similar event was detected by the changes in particle size distribution and settling speeds of particles in the benthic nepheloid layer. Flux data indicated two other small-scale events, which occurred at some distance, rather than locally. Inertia-driven resuspension of material in shallower areas surrounding the traps presumably transported this material downslope leaving a resuspension signal at 120 mab, but not at 30 mab. The passage of hurricane Isaac left a larger scale resuspension event that lasted a few days and was recorded in both traps. Although hurricanes cause large-scale events readily observable in sediment trap samples, resuspension events small in temporal and spatial scale are not easily recognizable in trapped material as they tend to provide less material and become part of the background signal in the long-term averaged trap samples. We suggest that these small-scale resuspension events, mostly unnoticed in conventional time-series sampling, play an important role in the redistribution and ultimate fate of sediment distribution on the seafloor

    Marine Phytoplankton Temperature versus Growth Responses from Polar to Tropical Waters – Outcome of a Scientific Community-Wide Study

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    "It takes a village to finish (marine) science these days" Paraphrased from Curtis Huttenhower (the Human Microbiome project) The rapidity and complexity of climate change and its potential effects on ocean biota are challenging how ocean scientists conduct research. One way in which we can begin to better tackle these challenges is to conduct community-wide scientific studies. This study provides physiological datasets fundamental to understanding functional responses of phytoplankton growth rates to temperature. While physiological experiments are not new, our experiments were conducted in many laboratories using agreed upon protocols and 25 strains of eukaryotic and prokaryotic phytoplankton isolated across a wide range of marine environments from polar to tropical, and from nearshore waters to the open ocean. This community-wide approach provides both comprehensive and internally consistent datasets produced over considerably shorter time scales than conventional individual and often uncoordinated lab efforts. Such datasets can be used to parameterise global ocean model projections of environmental change and to provide initial insights into the magnitude of regional biogeographic change in ocean biota in the coming decades. Here, we compare our datasets with a compilation of literature data on phytoplankton growth responses to temperature. A comparison with prior published data suggests that the optimal temperatures of individual species and, to a lesser degree, thermal niches were similar across studies. However, a comparison of the maximum growth rate across studies revealed significant departures between this and previously collected datasets, which may be due to differences in the cultured isolates, temporal changes in the clonal isolates in cultures, and/or differences in culture conditions. Such methodological differences mean that using particular trait measurements from the prior literature might introduce unknown errors and bias into modelling projections. Using our community-wide approach we can reduce such protocol-driven variability in culture studies, and can begin to address more complex issues such as the effect of multiple environmental drivers on ocean biota.EL and MKT were in part supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grants DEB-0845932 and OCE-0928819. TAR and KAW were supported by NSF grant OCE-0727227. UP was supported by NSF grants OCE-0926711 and OCE-1041038. PWB and RS were supported by the New Zealand Royal Society Marsden Fund and the Ministry of Science and Innovation. RMK and KH were in part supported by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Monitoring and Event Response for Harmful Algal Blooms (MERHAB) grant NA04NOS4780239 and NSF grant OCE-0238347. DAH and FX-F were supported by NSF grants OCE-0942379, OCE-0962309, and OCE-117030687. MRM was partially supported by NSF grant OCE-0722395 and a NOAA The Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB) grant NA06NO54780246. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Effect of type and concentration of ballasting particles on sinking rate of marine snow produced by the Appendicularian Oikopleura dioica

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    Ballast material (organic, opal, calcite, lithogenic) is suggested to affect sinking speed of aggregates in the ocean. Here, we tested this hypothesis by incubating appendicularians in suspensions of different algae or Saharan dust, and observing the sinking speed of the marine snow formed by their discarded houses. We show that calcite increases the sinking speeds of aggregates by ~100% and lithogenic material by ~150% while opal only has a minor effect. Furthermore the effect of ballast particle concentration was causing a 33 m d(-1) increase in sinking speed for a 5×10(5) ”m(3) ml(-1) increase in particle concentration, near independent on ballast type. We finally compare our observations to the literature and stress the need to generate aggregates similar to those in nature in order to get realistic estimates of the impact of ballast particles on sinking speeds

    Time-resolved single-particle x-ray scattering reveals electron-density as coherent plasmonic-nanoparticle-oscillation source

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    Dynamics of optically-excited plasmonic nanoparticles are presently understood as a series of sequential scattering events, involving thermalization processes after pulsed optical excitation. One important step is the initiation of nanoparticle breathing oscillations. According to established experiments and models, these are caused by the statistical heat transfer from thermalized electrons to the lattice. An additional contribution by hot electron pressure has to be included to account for phase mismatches that arise from the lack of experimental data on the breathing onset. We used optical transient-absorption spectroscopy and time-resolved single-particle x-ray-diffractive imaging to access the excited electron system and lattice. The time-resolved single-particle imaging data provided structural information directly on the onset of the breathing oscillation and confirmed the need for an additional excitation mechanism to thermal expansion, while the observed phase-dependence of the combined structural and optical data contrasted previous studies. Therefore, we developed a new model that reproduces all our experimental observations without using fit parameters. We identified optically-induced electron density gradients as the main driving source.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures, 1 supporting information document include
