954 research outputs found

    Kinetic ferromagnetism on a kagome lattice

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    We study strongly correlated electrons on a kagome lattice at 1/6 and 1/3 filling. They are described by an extended Hubbard Hamiltonian. We are concerned with the limit |t|<<V<<U with hopping amplitude t, nearest-neighbor repulsion V and on-site repulsion U. We derive an effective Hamiltonian and show, with the help of the Perron-Frobenius theorem, that the system is ferromagnetic at low temperatures. The robustness of ferromagnetism is discussed and extensions to other lattices are indicated.Comment: 4 pages, 2 color eps figures; updated version published in Phys. Rev. Lett.; one reference adde

    Physical interpretation of the Wigner rotations and its implications for relativistic quantum information

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    We present a new treatment for the spin of a massive relativistic particle in the context of quantum information based on a physical interpretation of the Wigner rotations, obtaining different results in relation to the previous works. We are lead to the conclusions that it is not possible to define a reduced density matrix for the particle spin and that the Pauli-Lubanski (or similar) spin operators are not suitable to describe measurements where spin couples to an electromagnetic field in the measuring apparatus. These conclusions contradict the assumptions made by most of the previous papers on the subject. We also propose an experimental test of our formulation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Several changes were made on the text. One extra example was include

    Quality and stability of different seafood products treated with high hydrostatic pressure (HPP) intended for raw consumption

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    The consumption of raw fish has rapidly increased in recent years, but being a highly perishable product, it is characterised by a very short microbiological shelf life. High hydrostatic pressure (HPP) processing is a non -thermal technology has emerged recently as a promising alternative to thermal processing for food pasteurization capable of maintaining fresh-like characteristics and nutritional value. However, the induced changes in product quality should be assessed carefully. The present research aimed to investigate the effect of HPP on different seafood products, namely grey mullet, tiger prawn and rose shrimp, intended for raw consumption. Three pres-sure levels (400, 500 and 600 MPa) were applied for 10 min. During refrigerated storage, microbiological quality, chemical parameters, colour and texture and fat oxidation were analysed. Results showed that the application of lower pressure was able to inactivate E. coli, pseudomonas and/or positive coagulase staphylococci; however, they were able to recover during storage. In addition, the application of 600-MPa pressure extended the microbio-logical shelf life by up to 30 days. For all samples, general whitening occurred while the texture was affected in a different way for the three considered species. Fat oxidation was only minimally affected and remained quite low during storage

    Effects of novel modified atmosphere packaging on lipid quality and stability of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) fillets

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    Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) is an efficient method to increase shelf-life of fishery products by inhibiting bacterial growth and oxidative reactions. Beside the traditional gases used for MAP, novel gases such as argon (Ar) and nitrous oxide (N2O) were approved for food use in the European Union. The present research investigates the effect of MAP with unconventional gas mixtures, that previously positively affected microbial shelf-life, on colour, lipid oxidation and sensorial characteristics of sardine fillets during storage. Four atmosphere conditions were tested: Air (20.8% O2/79.2% N2), N2 (30% CO2/70% N2), N2O (30% CO2/70% N2O) and Ar (30% CO2/70% Ar). Samples were stored for 12&nbsp;days at 3&nbsp;°C. Results showed that the removal of oxygen significantly inhibited the oxidation process; however, most of the investigated parameters related to fat oxidation did not show any improvement, except for a slight decrease in lipid hydrolysis and improvement in sensory properties in the packaging containing Ar