1,973 research outputs found

    Orbital-controlled magnetic transition between gapful and gapless phases in the Haldane system with t2g-orbital degeneracy

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    In order to clarify a key role of orbital degree of freedom in the spin S=1 Haldane system, we investigate ground-state properties of the t2g-orbital degenerate Hubbard model on the linear chain by using numerical techniques. Increasing the Hund's rule coupling in multi-orbital systems, in general, there occurs a transition from an antiferromagnetic to a ferromagnetic phase. We find that the antiferromagnetic phase is described as the Haldane system with spin gap, while in the ferromagnetic phase, there exists the gapless excitation with respect to orbital degree of freedom. Possible relevance of the present results to actual systems is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spin, charge, and orbital correlations in the one-dimensional t2g-orbital Hubbard model

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    We present the zero-temperature phase diagram of the one-dimensional t2g-orbital Hubbard model, obtained using the density-matrix renormalization group and Lanczos techniques. Emphasis is given to the case for the electron density n=5 corresponding to five electrons per site, of relevance for some Co-based compounds. However, several other cases for electron densities between n=3 and 6 are also studied. At n=5, our results indicate a first-order transition between a paramagnetic (PM) insulator phase and a fully-polarized ferromagnetic (FM) state by tuning the Hund's coupling. The results also suggest a transition from the n=5 PM insulator phase to a metallic regime by changing the electron density, either via hole or electron doping. The behavior of the spin, charge, and orbital correlation functions in the FM and PM states are also described in the text and discussed. The robustness of these two states varying parameters suggests that they may be of relevance in more realistic higher dimensional systems as well.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Magnetically Regulated Star Formation in 3D: The Case of Taurus Molecular Cloud Complex

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    We carry out three-dimensional MHD simulations of star formation in turbulent, magnetized clouds, including ambipolar diffusion and feedback from protostellar outflows. The calculations focus on relatively diffuse clouds threaded by a strong magnetic field capable of resisting severe tangling by turbulent motions and retarding global gravitational contraction in the cross-field direction. They are motivated by observations of the Taurus molecular cloud complex (and, to a lesser extent, Pipe Nebula), which shows an ordered large-scale magnetic field, as well as elongated condensations that are generally perpendicular to the large-scale field. We find that stars form in earnest in such clouds when enough material has settled gravitationally along the field lines that the mass-to-flux ratios of the condensations approach the critical value. Only a small fraction (of order 1% or less) of the nearly magnetically-critical, condensed material is turned into stars per local free-fall time, however. The slow star formation takes place in condensations that are moderately supersonic; it is regulated primarily by magnetic fields, rather than turbulence. The quiescent condensations are surrounded by diffuse halos that are much more turbulent, as observed in the Taurus complex. Strong support for magnetic regulation of star formation in this complex comes from the extremely slow conversion of the already condensed, relatively quiescent C18^{18}O gas into stars, at a rate two orders of magnitude below the maximum, free-fall value. We analyze the properties of dense cores, including their mass spectrum, which resembles the stellar initial mass function.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Spin-Peierls transition of the first order in S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains

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    We investigate a one-dimensional S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model coupled to a lattice distortion by a quantum Monte Carlo method. Investigating the ground state energy of the static bond-alternating chain, we find that the instability to a dimerized chain depends on the value of the spin-phonon coupling, unlike the case of S=1/2. The spin state is the dimer state or the uniform Haldane state depending on whether the lattice distorts or not, respectively. At an intermediate value of the spin-phonon coupling, we find the first-order transition between the two states. We also find the coexistence of the two states.Comment: 7 pages, 12 eps figures embedded in the text; corrected typos, replaced figure

    The Dynamical State fo the Starless Dense Core FeSt 1-457: A Pulsating Globule?

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    High resolution molecular line observations of CS, HCO+, C18O and N2H+ were obtained toward the starless globule FeSt 1-457 in order to investigate its kinematics and chemistry. The HCO+ and CS spectra show clear self-reversed and asymmetric profiles across the face of the globule. The sense of the observed asymmetry is indicative of the global presence of expansion motions in the outer layers of the globule. These motions appear to be subsonic and significantly below the escape velocity of the globule. Comparison of our observations with near-infrared extinction data indicate that the globule is gravitationally bound. Taken together these considerations lead us to suggest that the observed expansion has its origin in an oscillatory motion of the outer layers of the globule which itself is likely in a quasi-stable state near hydrostatic equilibrium. Analysis of the observed linewidths of CO and N2H+ confirm that thermal pressure is the dominant component of the cloud's internal support. A simple calculation suggests that the dominant mode of pulsation would be an l = 2 mode with a period of 0.3 Myr. Deformation of the globule due to the large amplitude l = 2 oscillation may be responsible for the double-peaked structure of the core detected in high resolution extinction maps. Detailed comparison of the molecular-line observations and extinction data provides evidence for significant depletion of C18O and perhaps HCO+ while N2H+ may be undepleted to a cloud depth of about 40 magnitudes of visual extinction.Comment: to appear in ApJ vol 665 20 August 2007

    The nature of the dense core population in the pipe nebula: core and cloud kinematics from C18O observations

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    We present molecular-line observations of 94 dark cloud cores identified in the Pipe nebula through near-IR extinction mapping. Using the Arizona Radio Observatory 12m telescope, we obtained spectra of these cores in the J=1-0 transition of C18O. We use the measured core parameters, i.e., antenna temperature, linewidth, radial velocity, radius and mass, to explore the internal kinematics of these cores as well as their radial motions through the larger molecular cloud. We find that the vast majority of the dark extinction cores are true cloud cores rather than the superposition of unrelated filaments. While we identify no significant correlations between the core's internal gas motions and the cores' other physical parameters, we identify spatially correlated radial velocity variations that outline two main kinematic components of the cloud. The largest is a 15pc long filament that is surprisingly narrow both in spatial dimensions and in radial velocity. Beginning in the Stem of the Pipe, this filament displays uniformly small C18O linewidths (dv~0.4kms-1) as well as core to core motions only slightly in excess of the gas sound speed. The second component outlines what appears to be part of a large (2pc; 1000 solar mass) ring-like structure. Cores associated with this component display both larger linewidths and core to core motions than in the main cloud. The Pipe Molecular Ring may represent a primordial structure related to the formation of this cloud.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 14 pages, 11 figures. Complete table at end of documen

    Probing the Galactic cosmic ray flux with submillimeter and gamma ray data

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    The study of Galactic diffuse γ\gamma radiation combined with the knowledge of the distribution of the molecular hydrogen in the Galaxy offers a unique tool to probe the cosmic ray flux in the Galaxy. A methodology to study the level of the cosmic ray "sea" and to unveil target-accelerator systems in the Galaxy, which makes use of the data from the high resolution survey of the Galactic molecular clouds performed with the NANTEN telescope and of the data from gamma-ray instruments, has been developed. Some predictions concerning the level of the cosmic ray "sea" and the γ\gamma-ray emission close to cosmic ray sources for instruments such as Fermi and Cherenkov Telescope Array are presented.Comment: Proceedings of the 4th Heidelberg International Symposium on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronom

    Modeling the gamma-ray emission produced by runaway cosmic rays in the environment of RX J1713.7-3946

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    Diffusive shock acceleration in supernova remnants is the most widely invoked paradigm to explain the Galactic cosmic ray spectrum. Cosmic rays escaping supernova remnants diffuse in the interstellar medium and collide with the ambient atomic and molecular gas. From such collisions gamma-rays are created, which can possibly provide the first evidence of a parent population of runaway cosmic rays. We present model predictions for the GeV to TeV gamma-ray emission produced by the collisions of runaway cosmic rays with the gas in the environment surrounding the shell-type supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946. The spectral and spatial distributions of the emission, which depend upon the source age, the source injection history, the diffusion regime and the distribution of the ambient gas, as mapped by the LAB and NANTEN surveys, are studied in detail. In particular, we find for the region surrounding RX J1713-3946, that depending on the energy one is observing at, one may observe startlingly different spectra or may not detect any enhanced emission with respect to the diffuse emission contributed by background cosmic rays. This result has important implications for current and future gamma-ray experiments.Comment: version published on PAS

    Molecular Clouds as Cosmic-Ray Barometers

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    The advent of high sensitivity, high resolution gamma-ray detectors, together with a knowledge of the distribution of the atomic hydrogen and especially of the molecular hydrogen in the Galaxy on sub-degree scales creates a unique opportunity to explore the flux of cosmic rays in the Galaxy. We here present the new data on the distribution of the molecular hydrogen from a large region of the inner Galaxy obtained by the NANTEN Collaboration. We then introduce a methodology which aims to provide a test bed for current and future gamma-ray observatories to explore the cosmic ray flux at various positions in our Galaxy. In particular, for a distribution of molecular clouds, as provided by the NANTEN survey, and local cosmic ray density as measured at the Earth, we estimate the expected GeV to TeV gamma-ray signal, which can then be compared with observations and use to test the cosmic ray flux.Comment: PASJ (in press