772 research outputs found

    Beam-Ion Acceleration during Edge Localized Modes in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak

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    The acceleration of beam ions during edge localized modes (ELMs) in a tokamak is observed for the first time through direct measurements of fast-ion losses in low collisionality plasmas. The accelerated beamion population exhibits well-localized velocity-space structures which are revealed by means of tomographic inversion of the measurement, showing energy gains of the order of tens of keV. This suggests that the ion acceleration results from a resonant interaction between the beam ions and parallel electric fields arising during the ELM. Orbit simulations are carried out to identify the mode-particle resonances responsible for the energy gain in the particle phase space. The observation motivates the incorporation of a kinetic description of fast particles in ELM models and may contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for particle acceleration, ubiquitous in astrophysical and space plasmas.H2020 Marie- Sklodowska Curie programme (Grant No. 708257)Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad. FIS2015-69362-

    Fast ion energy distribution from third harmonic radio frequency heating measured with a single crystal diamond detector at the Joint European Torus

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    Neutron spectroscopy measurements with a single crystal diamond detector have been carried out at JET, for the first time in an experiment aimed at accelerating deuterons to MeV energies with radio frequency heating at the third harmonic. Data are interpreted by means of the expected response function of the detector and are used to extract parameters of the highly non-Maxwellian distribution function generated in this scenario. A comparison with observations using a time of flight and liquid scintillator neutron spectrometers is also presented. The results demonstrate the capability of diamond detectors to contribute to fast ion physics studies at JET and are of more general relevance in view of the application of such detectors for spectroscopy measurements in the neutron camera of next step tokamak devices.EURATOM 63305

    Bioactive composition and sensory evaluation of innovative spaghetti supplemented with free or α-cyclodextrin chlatrated pumpkin oil extracted by supercritical CO2

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    The feasibility of producing durum wheat pasta enriched with a lipophilic phytocomplex, extracted using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2), from ripe pumpkin, as free oil or as ready-to-mix oil/α-cyclodextrins (α-CDs)powder, was explored. Four types of pasta were prepared: (i)control spaghetti (S-CTRL); (ii)spaghetti supplemented with α-CDs (S-α-CD); (iii)spaghetti supplemented with pumpkin oil (S-Oil)and (iv)spaghetti supplemented with the pumpkin oil/α-CD powder (S-Oil/α-CD). The chemical, antioxidant, textural and sensory attributes of the different pasta were evaluated and compared. S-Oil and S-Oil/α-CD spaghetti were significantly enriched with phytosterols, squalene, carotenoids, tocochromanols and unsaturated fatty acids. Spaghetti containing α-CDs were slightly improved in terms of fiber content. Oil chlatration increased the stability of some bioactives during pasta production and ameliorated poor textural and sensory characteristics of the cooked spaghetti compared with S-Oil sample. S-Oil/α-CD spaghetti might be accepted by customers, if the potential health benefits were also explained

    High-definition velocity-space tomography of fast-ion dynamics

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    Velocity-space tomography of the fast-ion distribution function in a fusion plasma is usually a photon-starved tomography method due to limited optical access and signal-to-noise ratio of fast-ion Dα (FIDA) spectroscopy as well as the strive for high-resolution images. In high-definition tomography, prior information makes up for this lack of data. We restrict the target velocity space through the measured absence of FIDA light, impose phase-space densities to be non-negative, and encode the known geometry of neutral beam injection (NBI) sources. We further use a numerical simulation as prior information to reconstruct where in velocity space the measurements and the simulation disagree. This alternative approach is demonstrated for four-view as well as for two-view FIDA measurements. The high-definition tomography tools allow us to study fast ions in sawtoothing plasmas and the formation of NBI peaks at full, half and one-third energy by time-resolved tomographic movies

    Modelling performed for predictions of fusion power in JET DTE2: overview and lessons learnt

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    For more than a decade, an unprecedented predict-first activity has been carried in order to predict the fusion power and provide guidance to the second Deuterium–Tritium (D–T) campaign performed at JET in 2021 (DTE2). Such an activity has provided a framework for a broad model validation and development towards the D–T operation. It is shown that it is necessary to go beyond projections using scaling laws in order to obtain detailed physics based predictions. Furthermore, mixing different modelling complexity and promoting an extended interplay between modelling and experiment are essential towards reliable predictions of D–T plasmas. The fusion power obtained in this predict-first activity is in broad agreement with the one finally measured in DTE2. Implications for the prediction of fusion power in future devices, such as ITER, are discussed

    Dual sightline measurements of MeV range deuterons with neutron and gamma-ray spectroscopy at JET

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    Observations made in a JET experiment aimed at accelerating deuterons to the MeV range by third harmonic radio-frequency (RF) heating coupled into a deuterium beam are reported. Measurements are based on a set of advanced neutron and gamma-ray spectrometers that, for the first time, observe the plasma simultaneously along vertical and oblique lines of sight. Parameters of the fast ion energy distribution, such as the high energy cut-off of the deuteron distribution function and the RF coupling constant, are determined from data within a uniform analysis framework for neutron and gamma-ray spectroscopy based on a one-dimensional model and by a consistency check among the individual measurement techniques. A systematic difference is seen between the two lines of sight and is interpreted to originate from the sensitivity of the oblique detectors to the pitch-angle structure of the distribution around the resonance, which is not correctly portrayed within the adopted one dimensional model. A framework to calculate neutron and gamma-ray emission from a spatially resolved, two-dimensional deuteron distribution specified by energy/pitch is thus developed and used for a first comparison with predictions from ab initio models of RF heating at multiple harmonics. The results presented in this paper are of relevance for the development of advanced diagnostic techniques for MeV range ions in high performance fusion plasmas, with applications to the experimental validation of RF heating codes and, more generally, to studies of the energy distribution of ions in the MeV range in high performance deuterium and deuterium-tritium plasmas.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.Postprint (author's final draft
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