7,344 research outputs found

    Parallel eigenanalysis of finite element models in a completely connected architecture

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    A parallel algorithm is presented for the solution of the generalized eigenproblem in linear elastic finite element analysis, (K)(phi) = (M)(phi)(omega), where (K) and (M) are of order N, and (omega) is order of q. The concurrent solution of the eigenproblem is based on the multifrontal/modified subspace method and is achieved in a completely connected parallel architecture in which each processor is allowed to communicate with all other processors. The algorithm was successfully implemented on a tightly coupled multiple-instruction multiple-data parallel processing machine, Cray X-MP. A finite element model is divided into m domains each of which is assumed to process n elements. Each domain is then assigned to a processor or to a logical processor (task) if the number of domains exceeds the number of physical processors. The macrotasking library routines are used in mapping each domain to a user task. Computational speed-up and efficiency are used to determine the effectiveness of the algorithm. The effect of the number of domains, the number of degrees-of-freedom located along the global fronts and the dimension of the subspace on the performance of the algorithm are investigated. A parallel finite element dynamic analysis program, p-feda, is documented and the performance of its subroutines in parallel environment is analyzed

    Asteroseismology and calibration of alpha Cen binary system

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    Using the oscillation frequencies of alpha Cen A recently discovered by Bouchy & Carrier, the available astrometric, photometric and spectroscopic data, we tried to improve the calibration of the visual binary system alpha Cen. With the revisited masses of Pourbaix et al. (2002) we do not succeed to obtain a solution satisfying all the seismic observational constraints. Relaxing the constraints on the masses, we have found an age t_alpha Cen=4850+-500 Myr, an initial helium mass fraction Y_i = 0.300+-0.008, and an initial metallicity (Z/X)_i=0.0459+-0.0019, with M_A=1.100+-0.006M_o and M_B=0.907+-0.006M_o for alpha Cen A&B.Comment: accepted for publication as a letter in A&

    Calibrations of alpha Cen A & B

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    Detailed evolutionary models of the visual binary alpha Centauri, including pre main-sequence evolution, have been performed using the masses recently determined by Pourbaix et al. (1999). Models have been constructed using the CEFF equation of state, OPAL opacities, NACRE thermonuclear reaction rates and microscopic diffusion. A chi^2-minimization is performed to derive the most reliable set of modeling parameters wp={t_alpha Cen, Yi, [Fe/H]i, alpha A, alpha B}, where t alpha Cen is the age of the system, Yi the initial helium content, [Fe/H]i the initial metallicity and, alpha A and alpha B the convection parameters of the two components. Using the basic Bohm-Vitense (1958) mixing-length theory of convection, we derive wp BV={2710 Myr, 0.284,0.257, 1.53, 1.57}. We obtain a noticeably smaller age than estimated previously, in agreement with Pourbaix et al. (1999), mainly because of the larger masses. If convective core overshoot is considered we get wp ov={3530 Myr, 0.279,0.264,1.64,1.66}. The use of Canuto & Mazitelli (1991, 1992) convection theory leads to the set wp CM={4086 Myr, 0.271, 0.264, 0.964, 0.986}. Using the observational constraints adopted by Guenther & Demarque (2000), and the basic mixing-length theory, we obtain wp GD={5640 Myr, 0.300, 0.296, 1.86, 1.97} and surface lithium depletions close to their observed values. A seismological analysis of our calibrated models has been performed. The determination of large and small spacings between the frequencies of acoustic oscillations from seismic observations would help to discriminate between the models of alpha Cen computed with different masses and to confirm or rules out the new determination of masses.Comment: accepted for publication by A&

    A theoretical analysis of the electromagnetic environment of the AS330 super Puma helicopter external and internal coupling

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    Numerical techniques such as Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) computer programs, which were first developed to analyze the external electromagnetic environment of an aircraft during a wave illumination, a lightning event, or any kind of current injection, are now very powerful investigative tools. The program called GORFF-VE, was extended to compute the inner electromagnetic fields that are generated by the penetration of the outer fields through large apertures made in the all metallic body. Then, the internal fields can drive the electrical response of a cable network. The coupling between the inside and the outside of the helicopter is implemented using Huygen's principle. Moreover, the spectacular increase of computer resources, as calculations speed and memory capacity, allows the modellization structures as complex as these of helicopters with accuracy. This numerical model was exploited, first, to analyze the electromagnetic environment of an in-flight helicopter for several injection configurations, and second, to design a coaxial return path to simulate the lightning aircraft interaction with a strong current injection. The E field and current mappings are the result of these calculations

    Gyrokinetic Large Eddy Simulations

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    The Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach is adapted to the study of plasma microturbulence in a fully three-dimensional gyrokinetic system. Ion temperature gradient driven turbulence is studied with the {\sc GENE} code for both a standard resolution and a reduced resolution with a model for the sub-grid scale turbulence. A simple dissipative model for representing the effect of the sub-grid scales on the resolved scales is proposed and tested. Once calibrated, the model appears to be able to reproduce most of the features of the free energy spectra for various values of the ion temperature gradient

    Methods for heat transfer and temperature field analysis of the insulated diesel phase 2 progress report

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    This report describes work done during Phase 2 of a 3 year program aimed at developing a comprehensive heat transfer and thermal analysis methodology for design analysis of insulated diesel engines. The overall program addresses all the key heat transfer issues: (1) spatially and time-resolved convective and radiative in-cylinder heat transfer, (2) steady-state conduction in the overall structure, and (3) cyclical and load/speed temperature transients in the engine structure. During Phase 2, radiation heat transfer model was developed, which accounts for soot formation and burn up. A methodology was developed for carrying out the multi-dimensional finite-element heat conduction calculations within the framework of thermodynamic cycle codes. Studies were carried out using the integrated methodology to address key issues in low heat rejection engines. A wide ranging design analysis matrix was covered, including a variety of insulation strategies, recovery devices and base engine configurations. A single cylinder Cummins engine was installed at Purdue University, and it was brought to a full operational status. The development of instrumentation was continued, concentrating on radiation heat flux detector, total heat flux probe, and accurate pressure-crank angle data acquisition

    Preserving the Ocean Circulation: Implications for Climate Policy

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    Climate modelers have recognized the possibility of abrupt climate changes caused by a reorganization of the North Atlantic's current pattern (technically known as a thermohaline circulation collapse). This circulation system now warms north-western Europe and transports carbon dioxide to the deep oceans. The posited collapse of this system could produce severe cooling in north-western Europe, even when general global warming is in progress. In this paper we use a simple integrated assessment model to investigate the optimal policy response to this risk. Adding the constraint of avoiding a thermohaline circulation collapse would significantly reduce the allowable greenhouse gas emissions in the long run along an optimal path. Our analysis implies that relatively small damages associated with a collapse (less than 1 % of gross world product) would justify a considerable reduction of future carbon dioxide emissions.