63 research outputs found

    Substitutions near the hemagglutinin receptor-binding site determine the antigenic evolution of influenza A H3N2 viruses in U.S. swine

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    Swine influenza A virus is an endemic and economically important pathogen in pigs, with the potential to infect other host species. The hemagglutinin (HA) protein is the primary target of protective immune responses and the major component in swine influenza A vaccines. However, as a result of antigenic drift, vaccine strains must be regularly updated to reflect currently circulating strains. Characterizing the cross-reactivity between strains in pigs and seasonal influenza virus strains in humans is also important in assessing the relative risk of interspecies transmission of viruses from one host population to the other. Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay data for swine and human H3N2 viruses were used with antigenic cartography to quantify the antigenic differences among H3N2 viruses isolated from pigs in the United States from 1998 to 2013 and the relative cross-reactivity between these viruses and current human seasonal influenza A virus strains. Two primary antigenic clusters were found circulating in the pig population, but with enough diversity within and between the clusters to suggest updates in vaccine strains are needed. We identified single amino acid substitutions that are likely responsible for antigenic differences between the two primary antigenic clusters and between each antigenic cluster and outliers. The antigenic distance between current seasonal influenza virus H3 strains in humans and those endemic in swine suggests that population immunity may not prevent the introduction of human viruses into pigs, and possibly vice versa, reinforcing the need to monitor and prepare for potential incursions

    Estimativa de parĆ¢metros genĆ©ticos, correlaƧƵes fenotĆ­picas e ambientais no girassol do cerrado do Distrito Federal.

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    O propĆ³sito deste trabalho foi avaliar a estimativa de parĆ¢metros genĆ©ticos, correlaƧƵes fenotipicas e ambientais no girassol do Cerrado do Distrito Federal. Os caracteres analisados foram: rendimento de grĆ£os, tamanho do capĆ­tulo, peso de mil aquĆŖnios, altura de plantas e dias para floraĆ§Ć£o inicial. Foram constatadas diferenƧas altamente significativas entre os genĆ³tipos para todas as caracterĆ­sticas morfoagronĆ“micas avaliadas. Para o coeficiente CVr a maioria dos valores foram superior a 1 nos dois anos considerados, indicando que para a maioria dos caracteres aferidos hĆ” a possibilidade de ĆŖxito na seleĆ§Ć£o fenotĆ­pica uma vez que a variĆ¢ncia genĆ©tica superou a ambiental. Na herdabilidade, a maior estimativa verificada foi para o carĆ”ter PMA (98,76%) em 2013 e para DFI (99,68%) em 2014. Foram constatadas diferenƧas altamente significativas entre os genĆ³tipos para todas as caracterĆ­sticas morfoagronĆ“micas avaliadas. O alto coeficiente de variaĆ§Ć£o genĆ©tico destaca a possibilidade de obter ganhos genĆ©ticos para todas as caracterĆ­sticas analisadas salvo em tamanho de capitulo. Materiais genĆ©ticos com potencial para as caracterĆ­sticas agronĆ“micas pesquisadas foram identificados no trabalho, podem ser indicadas ao sistema de produĆ§Ć£o irrigado no Cerrado. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to estimate genetic parameters, phenotypic and environmental correlations in sunflower of Brazilian savannah. The characters analyzed were: grain yield, chapter length, weight of a thousand achenes, plant height and days to start flowering. Highly significant differences were observed among genotypes for all morphoagronomic characteristics evaluated. For the most CVr coefficient values were higher than 1 in the two years under consideration, indicating that for the majority of measured characters there is the possibility of successful phenotypic selection once the genetic variance exceeded the environmental. The heritability estimate was the highest for the PMA character (98,76%) in 2013 and DFI (99,68%) in 2014. Highly significant differences were observed among genotypes for all morphoagronomic characteristics evaluated. The high coefficient of genetic variation show the possibility of obtaining genetic gain for all examined characteristics except in chapter length. Genetic material with potential for the researched agronomic characteristics were identified in the work, can be indicated to the irrigated production system in the Brazilian savannah

    Comportamento temporal de genĆ³tipos de girassol no cerrado do Distrito Federal em safrinha de 2014 e 2015.

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento agronĆ“mico de genĆ³tipos de girassol no Cerrado do Distrito Federal, foram conduzidos ensaios na safrinha dos anos de 2014 e 2015, na estaĆ§Ć£o experimental da Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina, DF. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetiƧƵes, e foram avaliados 12 genĆ³tipos de girassol: HLA 2015, NTC 90, SYN 065, M734, BRS G44, HLA 2014, BRS G45, BRS G43, HLA 2013, HLA 2017, BRS G46, HLA 2016. As caracterĆ­sticas avaliadas foram rendimento de grĆ£os, tamanho do capitulo, peso de mil aquĆŖnios, altura de plantas e dias de floraĆ§Ć£o inicial. DiferenƧas significativas foram encontradas para as caracterĆ­sticas avaliadas. Os genĆ³tipos que se destacaram em relaĆ§Ć£o ao rendimento de grĆ£os foram HLA 2014 (3.161 kg ha-1) e a testemunha M743 (3.212 kg ha-1). AlĆ©m disso, o ensaio do ano 2014 apresentou uma mĆ©dia de rendimento maior (2.829 kg ha-1) e mais precoces (63,10 dias) em relaĆ§Ć£o a 2015. O trabalho permitiu a identificaĆ§Ć£o de materiais promissores para exploraĆ§Ć£o em programas de melhoramento genĆ©tico. Abstract: Aiming the evaluation on agronomic behavior of sunflower genotypes in the Brazilian savannah, experiments were carried on in the second crop of 2014 and 2015 at Centro de Pesquisa AgropecuĆ”ria dos Cerrados (Embrapa), Planaltina, DF. A complete randomized block design was used with four replications and 12 genotypes of sunflower were analyzed: HLA 2015, NTC 90, SYN 065, M734, BRS G44, HLA 2014, BRS G45, BRS G43, HLA 2013, HLA 2017, BRS G46, HLA 2016.The evaluated characteristics were grain yield, head, weight thousand achenes, plant height, and flowering time. Significant differences were found in all evaluated characteristics. The genotypes that stood out in seed yield were HLA 2014 (3161 kg ha-1) and M743 (3212 kg ha-1). Besides, the 2014 experiment presented a seed yield average higher (2829 kg ha-1), and earlier flowering (63,10 days) when compared to 2015 experiment. This study allowed the identification of promising materials to explore in breeding programs

    Qualidade de sementes de girassol na safrinha do Distrito Federal.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, atravĆ©s de diferentes testes, a qualidade fisiolĆ³gica de sementes de girassol na safrinha do Distrito Federal. Os testes foram realizados no LaboratĆ³rio de Sementes da Faculdade de Agronomia e VeterinĆ”ria ? FAV, da Universidade de BrasĆ­lia - UnB, Campus UniversitĆ”rio Darcy Ribeiro, BrasĆ­lia, DF, em 2014. Foram realizados testes de germinaĆ§Ć£o padrĆ£o em areia e em papel, peso da matĆ©ria verde e da matĆ©ria seca, envelhecimento acelerado, condutividade elĆ©trica e lixiviados de potĆ”ssio. Foram encontradas diferenƧas significativas entre os genĆ³tipos para as todas as caracterĆ­sticas avaliadas. Dentre os genĆ³tipos avaliados, os hĆ­bridos que se destacaram quanto a qualidades fisiolĆ³gicas desejĆ”veis pelos testes de germinaĆ§Ć£o, condutividade elĆ©trica e lixiviaĆ§Ć£o de potĆ”ssio foram BRS G42 e SYN 045. Materiais genĆ©ticos foram identificados no trabalho para possĆ­vel exploraĆ§Ć£o em programas de melhoramento. Abstract: This study aims to evaluate, through different tests, the seed physiological quality of sunflower in the second crop in the Brazilian savannah. The tests were carried on in the Seed Laboratory of Veterinary and Agriculture Faculty of University of Brasilia, in 2014. The tests were seedling emergence in sand and paper, green and dry matter weight, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leached. Related to the evaluated characteristics, significant differences were found between genotypes. Among them, the hybrids that stood out for the physiologic characteristics through the germination test, electric conductivity and potassium leaching were BRS G42 and SYN 045. Genetic materials were identified in this study for a possible exploration in breeding programs

    Determination of Conformational Equilibria in Proteins Using Residual Dipolar Couplings

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    In order to carry out their functions, proteins often undergo significant conformational fluctuations that enable them to interact with their partners. The accurate characterization of these motions is key in order to understand the mechanisms by which macromolecular recognition events take place. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy offers a variety of powerful methods to achieve this result. We discuss a method of using residual dipolar couplings as replica-averaged restraints in molecular dynamics simulations to determine large amplitude motions of proteins, including those involved in the conformational equilibria that are established through interconversions between different states. By applying this method to ribonuclease A, we show that it enables one to characterize the ample fluctuations in interdomain orientations expected to play an important functional role

    Trends in template/fragment-free protein structure prediction

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    Predicting the structure of a protein from its amino acid sequence is a long-standing unsolved problem in computational biology. Its solution would be of both fundamental and practical importance as the gap between the number of known sequences and the number of experimentally solved structures widens rapidly. Currently, the most successful approaches are based on fragment/template reassembly. Lacking progress in template-free structure prediction calls for novel ideas and approaches. This article reviews trends in the development of physical and specific knowledge-based energy functions as well as sampling techniques for fragment-free structure prediction. Recent physical- and knowledge-based studies demonstrated that it is possible to sample and predict highly accurate protein structures without borrowing native fragments from known protein structures. These emerging approaches with fully flexible sampling have the potential to move the field forward
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