3,140 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic Policies to Increase Social Mobility and Growth in Bolivia

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    Poverty in Bolivia continues to be among the highest in Latin America despite decades of concerted national and international efforts to reduce it. Bolivia has meticulously followed the recommendations of the Washington consensus at the same time as external aid has been generous and foreign direct investment has boomed. Nevertheless, average productivity and incomes remain at the same low level as they were 50 years ago. This paper suggests that the failure of previous development policies is due to a lack of social mobility in the country. Without social mobility, there is little incentive for people to invest in human and physical capital, and without investment there cannot be productivity growth. In addition, the lack of social mobility implies an inefficient use of human capital, and it hinders the construction of efficient social mechanisms for redistribution and consumption smoothing over the life-cycle.Social Mobility, Development, Public Policy, Bolivia

    Social Medicine in Latin America and its multiple viewpoints on qualitative research

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    Objectives: To explore the relationship between social medicine and qualitative research, and the positions adopted by the former with respect to the latter

    Perceptions of Reproductive Rights among Young Adults with Disabilities

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    Background: The perception that people with disabilities are asexual and lack reproductive rights has existed in the United States since the early 1900s. In the early 1900s in the U.S., approximately 42,000 institutionalized people with disabilities were lawfully sexually sterilized as a result of the Eugenics Movement. The state of California was responsible for one-third of all sterilizations during the Movement. Purpose: This study aimed to assess the perceptions of reproductive rights among young adults with disabilities. Methods: Purposive and snowball sampling was used. Twelve semi-structured interviews with eight young adults with various mental health, physical, intellectual/developmental, and learning disabilities were conducted. Results: Participants reported that their ability to have sex and their reproductive rights were commonly questioned by peers and professionals. Some internalized asexual stereotypes and questioned whether they should reproduce due to the potential that they might pass on a disability or burden their children with their own disability. Others confidently reported their desire to bear their own children. Conclusion: The asexuality stereotype of people with disabilities is pervasive and continues to be present in society today. It is important that professionals reflect on their own biases toward the reproductive rights of people with disabilities

    Decision-Making About Volitional Impairment in Sexually Violent Predators

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    The Kansas v. Hendricks (1997) decision, in which the Supreme Court authorized post-sentence civil commitment for certain sex offenders, appeared to be constitutionally legitimized by limiting the class of offenders eligible for this special form of civil commitment to those who are “unable to control” their dangerousness. Nowhere in the available record, however, did the Court elucidate what they meant by this notion of volitional impairment. This study sought to examine factors that legal professionals (n = 43), psychologists (n = 40), and mock jurors (n = 76) deem most relevant to a determination of sex offender volitional impairment. Participants, who were randomly assigned to a sexual predator commitment or an insanity hearing context, read a series of 16 vignettes that described a pedophilic offender and included combinations of variables hypothesized to be related to judgments of volitional impairment. Results suggested that participants, who as a group made remarkably high estimates of likelihood of future sexual violence, considered verbalization of control, history of sexual violence, and the context of the hearing as highly relevant to determinations of volitional impairment. Implications for policy and practice are explored

    Habitability: CAMELOT 4

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    During 1988 to 1989 the NASA/USRA Advanced Design Program sponsored research and design efforts aimed at developing habitability criteria and at defining a habitability concept as a useful tool in understanding and evaluating dwellings for prolonged stays in extraterrestrial space. The Circulating Auto sufficient Mars-Earth Luxurious Orbital Transport (CAMELOT) was studied as a case in which the students would try to enhance the quality of life of the inhabitants by applying architectural design methodology. The study proposed 14 habitability criteria considered necessary to fulfill the defined habitability concept, which is that state of equilibrium that results from the interaction between components of the Individual Architecture Mission Complex, which allows a person to sustain physiological homeostatis, adequate performance, and acceptable social relationships. Architecture, design development, refinements and revisions to improve the quality of life, new insights on artificial gravity, form and constitution problems, and the final design concept are covered

    Valoración naturalística del Corredor Verde del Río Guadiamar Andalucía, España)

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    En este trabajo aplicamos un método de valoración naturalística, concretamente el índice de interés para la conservación, a cada una de las unidades de un mapa de vegetación previamente realizado a escala 1:10.000. Para el cálculo de los distintos criterios de valoración se tienen en cuenta las comunidades vegetales (asociaciones) presentes en cada unidad, en vez de las especies como suele ser habitual. Las unidades del mapa están agrupadas en series de vegetación, por lo que también pueden extraerse conclusiones sobre el grado de conservación de cada una de ellas. Los resultados se plasman en un mapa de interés para la conservación. El escenario en el que se realizó el trabajo es el corredor verde del río Guadiamar, situado en el sur de España. La zona fue afectada por un vertido tóxico y lo que aquí mostramos son los resultados obtenidos tras una primera limpieza. Después se han iniciado trabajos de restauración, al cabo de los cuales podremos realizar un estudio comparativo con los resultados de este trabajo.In this paper we have applied a naturalistic evaluation strategy, more precisely, the conservation importance index, to each unit of a preplanned 1:10.000scale vegetation map. The estimation of the different evaluation criteria is based on the plant communities (associations) found in each unit rather than on species, as is usual. Since the map units are grouped in vegetation series, the conservation degree of each of them can also be assessed. The results are presented in a conservation interest map. The survey was undertaken in the Green Corridor of the Guadiamar River, in the south of Spain. The area was affected by a toxic spill and our data refl ect the results obtained after the fi rst stage of cleaning work. Subsequently, restoration work has been undertaken after which we will be able to carry out a comparative analysis with the results of this work.Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Medio Ambiente