55 research outputs found

    A review and appraisal of the government response to the 1983-84 balance-of-payments crisis

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    The 1983-84 Philippine balance-of-payments crisis affected all sectors of the economy and all segmentsof society as it manifested itself in the growing unemployment and underemployment problems, in the all-time high inflation rates, and in the unprecedented contraction of the economy. Many studies have been conducted and published about the underlying causesof the economic crisis, but few have looked into the government's response to it, as well as into the impact of this responseon such concernsasgrowth, employment and inflation. This study attempts to document and critically evaluate the various stabilization measuresadopted by the Philippine Government in responseto the 1983-84 balance-of-payments crisis. A number of research fellows and consultants at the Philippine Institute for Development Studies have combined their efforts and expertise, and put together this comprehensive and objective examination of the measures adopted by the Government as a direct reaction to the crisis and of their effects on the growth prospects of the economy in the short and medium term. It is hoped that this Monograph will provide useful insights into Philippine economic planning and policy making

    Neural Correlate of Filtering of Irrelevant Information from Visual Working Memory

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    In a dynamic environment stimulus task relevancy could be altered through time and it is not always possible to dissociate relevant and irrelevant objects from the very first moment they come to our sight. In such conditions, subjects need to retain maximum possible information in their WM until it is clear which items should be eliminated from WM to free attention and memory resources. Here, we examined the neural basis of irrelevant information filtering from WM by recording human ERP during a visual change detection task in which the stimulus irrelevancy was revealed in a later stage of the task forcing the subjects to keep all of the information in WM until test object set was presented. Assessing subjects' behaviour we found that subjects' RT was highly correlated with the number of irrelevant objects and not the relevant one, pointing to the notion that filtering, and not selection, process was used to handle the distracting effect of irrelevant objects. In addition we found that frontal N150 and parietal N200 peak latencies increased systematically as the amount of irrelevancy load increased. Interestingly, the peak latency of parietal N200, and not frontal N150, better correlated with subjects' RT. The difference between frontal N150 and parietal N200 peak latencies varied with the amount of irrelevancy load suggesting that functional connectivity between modules underlying fronto-parietal potentials vary concomitant with the irrelevancy load. These findings suggest the existence of two neural modules, responsible for irrelevant objects elimination, whose activity latency and functional connectivity depend on the number of irrelevant object

    Neural primacy of the salience processing system in schizophrenia

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    For effective information processing, two large-scale distributed neural networks appear to be critical: a multimodal executive system anchored on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and a salience system anchored on the anterior insula. Aberrant interaction among distributed networks is a feature of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. We used whole-brain Granger causal modeling using resting fMRI and observed a significant failure of both the feedforward and reciprocal influence between the insula and the DLPFC in schizophrenia. Further, a significant failure of directed influence from bilateral visual cortices to the insula was also seen in patients. These findings provide compelling evidence for a breakdown of the salience-execution loop in the clinical expression of psychosis. In addition, this offers a parsimonious explanation for the often-observed “frontal inefficiency,” the failure to recruit prefrontal system when salient or novel information becomes available in patients with schizophrenia

    Predictions not commands: active inference in the motor system

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