1,345 research outputs found

    Evidence for Conjuring in Precolumbian Peru

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    Solution of an associating lattice gas model with density anomaly on a Husimi lattice

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    We study a model of a lattice gas with orientational degrees of freedom which resemble the formation of hydrogen bonds between the molecules. In this model, which is the simplified version of the Henriques-Barbosa model, no distinction is made between donors and acceptors in the bonding arms. We solve the model in the grand-canonical ensemble on a Husimi lattice built with hexagonal plaquettes with a central site. The ground-state of the model, which was originally defined on the triangular lattice, is exactly reproduced by the solution on this Husimi lattice. In the phase diagram, one gas and two liquid (high density-HDL and low density-LDL) phases are present. All phase transitions (GAS-LDL, GAS-HDL, and LDL-HDL) are discontinuous, and the three phases coexist at a triple point. A line of temperatures of maximum density (TMD) in the isobars is found in the metastable GAS phase, as well as another line of temperatures of minimum density (TmD) appears in the LDL phase, part of it in the stable region and another in the metastable region of this phase. These findings are at variance with simulational results for the same model on the triangular lattice, which suggested a phase diagram with two critical points. However, our results show very good quantitative agreement with the simulations, both for the coexistence loci and the densities of particles and of hydrogen bonds. We discuss the comparison of the simulations with our results.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Investigation of prediction methods for the loads and stresses of Apollo type spacecraft parachutes. Volume 1: Loads

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    An analysis was conducted with the objective of upgrading and improving the loads, stress, and performance prediction methods for Apollo spacecraft parachutes. The subjects considered were: (1) methods for a new theoretical approach to the parachute opening process, (2) new experimental-analytical techniques to improve the measurement of pressures, stresses, and strains in inflight parachutes, and (3) a numerical method for analyzing the dynamical behavior of rapidly loaded pilot chute risers

    Self-aligned 0.12mm T-gate In.53Ga.47As/In.52Al.48As HEMT Technology Utilising a Non Annealed Ohmic Contact Strategy

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    An InGaAs/InAlAs based HEMT structure, lattice matched to an InP substrate, is presented in which drive current and transconductance has been optimized through a double-delta doping strategy. Together with an increase in channel carrier density, this allows the use of a non-annealed ohmic contact process. HEMT devices with 120 nm standard and self-aligned T-gates were fabricated using the non-annealed ohmic process. At DC, self-aligned and standard devices exhibited transconductances of up to 1480 and 1100 mS/mm respectively, while both demonstrated current densities in the range 800 mA/mm. At RF, a cutoff frequency f/sub T/ of 190 GHz was extracted for the self-aligned device. The DC characteristics of the standard devices were then calibrated and modelled using a compound semiconductor Monte Carlo device simulator. MC simulations provide insight into transport within the channel and illustrate benefits over a single delta doped structure

    Stability of Ca-montmorillonite hydrates: A computer simulation study

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    Classic simulations are used to study interlayer structure, swelling curves, and stability of Ca-montmorillonite hydrates. For this purpose, NPzzT$ and MuPzzT ensembles are sampled for ground level and given burial conditions. For ground level conditions, a double layer hydrate having 15.0 A of basal spacing is the predominant state for relative vapor pressures (p/po) ranging in 0.6-1.0. A triple hydrate counting on 17.9 A of interlaminar distance was also found stable for p/po=1.0. For low vapor pressures, the system may produce a less hydrated but still double layer state with 13.5 A or even a single layer hydrate with 12.2 A of interlaminar distance. This depends on the established initial conditions. On the other hand, the effect of burial conditions is two sided. It was found that it enhances dehydration for all vapor pressures except for saturation, where swelling is promoted.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Solar feature tracking in both spatial and temporal domains

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    A new method for automated coronal loop tracking, in both spatial and temporal domains, is presented. The reliability of this technique was tested with TRACE 171A observations. The application of this technique to a flare-induced kink-mode oscillation, revealed a 3500 km spatial periodicity which occur along the loop edge. We establish a reduction in oscillatory power, for these spatial periodicities, of 45% over a 322 s interval. We relate the reduction in oscillatory power to the physical damping of these loop-top oscillations