1,166 research outputs found

    Torque and Power Capabilities of Coreless Axial Flux Machines with Surface PMs and Halbach Array Rotors

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    This paper investigates employing a Halbach PM rotor array to increase torque and power density within coreless axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) machines. Analytical and 2/3-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA) methods are developed to study torque and power capabilities within an example double-rotor, single-stator coreless AFPM machine with a PCB stator. Compared to a surface PM topology of the same mass and volume, employing a Halbach array increases torque density by as much as 30% through increased airgap flux density amplitude. Multiple parametric studies are performed to explore methods of increasing torque and power density while employing Halbach arrays combined with enhanced cooling methods and coil transposition to minimize associated losses. A design procedure is also developed that relies on the advantages of coreless AFPM machines controlled by ultra-high-frequency SiC-based drive systems to maximize potential torque gain

    Role of nitric oxide in Salmonella typhimurium-mediated cancer cell killing

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    Background: Bacterial targeting of tumours is an important anti-cancer strategy. We previously showed that strain SL7838 of Salmonella typhimurium targets and kills cancer cells. Whether NO generation by the bacteria has a role in SL7838 lethality to cancer cells is explored. This bacterium has the mechanism for generating NO, but also for decomposing it. Methods: Mechanism underlying Salmonella typhimurium tumour therapy was investigated through in vitro and in vivo studies. NO measurements were conducted either by chemical assays (in vitro) or using Biosensors (in vivo). Cancer cells cytotoxic assay were done by using MTS. Bacterial cell survival and tumour burden were determined using molecular imaging techniques. Results: SL7838 generated nitric oxide (NO) in anaerobic cell suspensions, inside infected cancer cells in vitro and in implanted 4T1 tumours in live mice, the last, as measured using microsensors. Thus, under these conditions, the NO generating pathway is more active than the decomposition pathway. The latter was eliminated, in strain SL7842, by the deletion of hmp- and norV genes, making SL7842 more proficient at generating NO than SL7838. SL7842 killed cancer cells more effectively than SL7838 in vitro, and this was dependent on nitrate availability. This strain was also ca. 100% more effective in treating implanted 4T1 mouse tumours than SL7838


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    The aim of this research is to evaluate the proposed bids using impartial and entropy weights in a multi-criteria decision-making model. We use matrix data for hypothetical bidding involving nine criteria, with the presence of four domestic and two foreign contractors. Then, using cumulative entropy function, we estimate the entropy weights and use it in a multi-criteria decision-making model. The criteria of experience and knowledge in the field, good history and satisfaction in previous projects, financial and support capabilities, localization of the contractor, having the experience at the site of the project, availability and readiness of equipment and machines, the adequacy of technical staff, the work quality system, the efficient management and appropriate management system, creativity and innovation in similar tasks are the input variables of the decision model. After analyzing them, the proposals are prioritized through a multi-criteria decision-making model. The research findings include Shannon entropy and cumulative entropy-based weights for evaluation criteria and after applying the specific weight for the proposed quotation, the utility rate of each contractor is calculated. The results showed that the use of modified multi-dimensional decision-making method is more advantageous than traditional methods of evaluating bidding proposals in selecting the winner of a tender, and also using cumulative entropy weights in comparison with Shannon's leads to a more realistic choice of contractors

    Exactly solvable reaction diffusion models on a Cayley tree

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    The most general reaction-diffusion model on a Cayley tree with nearest-neighbor interactions is introduced, which can be solved exactly through the empty-interval method. The stationary solutions of such models, as well as their dynamics, are discussed. Concerning the dynamics, the spectrum of the evolution Hamiltonian is found and shown to be discrete, hence there is a finite relaxation time in the evolution of the system towards its stationary state.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Effects of mechanical abrasion challenge on sound and demineralized dentin surfaces treated with SDF

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    This study evaluated the effect of mechanical abrasion on the surface integrity, color change (Delta E) and antibacterial properties of demineralized and sound dentin surfaces treated with silver-diammine-fluoride (SDF). The dentin specimens were divided into two groups: sound and demineralized dentin, then divided into three sub-groups, control (no-treatment), SDF, and SDF+potassium-iodide (KI). Each sub-group was further divided into two groups, one exposed to mechanical brushing and the other without brushing. Specimens were analyzed for the Delta E, surface roughness/surface loss and antibacterial properties (CFU, optical density and fluorescent microscope). Repeated Measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis of color change while one-way ANOVA was used for CFU analysis. SDF and SDI+KI groups showed significant reduction in Delta E with brushing in the sound dentin group unlike the demineralized group. The surface roughness values were higher for both SDF and SDF+KI groups but roughness values significantly decreased after brushing. Both SDF and SDF+KI groups revealed significantly less surface loss than control. The SDF group showed high anti-bacterial effect after brushing, unlike SDF+KI group. So, we concluded that mechanical brushing improved the esthetic outcome. While, SDF and SDF+KI could protect the dentin surface integrity. SDF-treated dentin possesses an antibacterial property even after mechanical brushing

    Extraction, optical properties, and aging studies of natural pigments of various flower plants

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    In this paper, we reported the extraction process of five different flowering plants utilizing different dye extraction methods and solvents (ethanol and water) to choose the best dye removal process. The FTIR spectra revealed the presence of several clear functional groups for all five natural dyes. The analytical studies such as UV spectroscopy, column chromatography, and vacuum evaporation were performed to isolate the dyes from their solutions. The UV-Vis studies on the pigments of flower extracts indicated broad absorption peaks in the visible region including clear bandgaps. Among the studied pigments, Alternanthera ficoidea showed the lowest direct bandgap of 1.69 eV and an Urbach energy value of 6.33 meV. The dye extraction yield rate improvement was extended from 11.7 to 24.7% (water solvent) and 11.3–32.4% (ethanol solvent). Throughout the studies, it was observed that ethanol produced a better extraction for organic dyes than water as a solvent. Aging studies revealed that all the dyes at the room temperature showed better stability with minor changes in the observed optical parameters in oxygen-rich conditions; however, these parameters have shown significant variations at a 60 °C temperature

    Analysing cyclist behaviour at cycling facility discontinuities using video data

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    RÉSUMÉ: The primary purpose of any transportation network is to provide connectivity between the origin and travel destination. However, given the vehicle oriented structure of the road network in many countries, there are connectivity issues in the cycling network, which has been implemented later. Discontinuities are physical interruptions in the cycling network where cyclists are faced with unexpected situations such as the end of a cycling facility or the change from one facility type to another that are perceived as inconvenient and less safe. The microscopic behaviour of cyclists and the risks they face at these points of discontinuity has not been extensively investigated in the literature. This study aims to evaluate the challenges faced by cyclists at discontinuities by observing cyclist behaviour at these locations and comparing them to control sites using automated video analysis techniques. Our methodology allows the extraction of valuable microscopic data for evaluation of cyclist behaviour at any location. The methodology is applied to a case study of four sites in Montreal, Canada. Using a set of discontinuity measures proposed in a previous work and applied to Montreal’s cycling network, video data was collected from a pole-mounted camera at locations with discontinuity and control sites. After extracting road user trajectories from the video data, a trajectory clustering algorithm was applied to find cyclists’ motion patterns and the various maneuver strategies adopted by cyclists. Speeds and acceleration statistics are extracted and compared between different motion patterns and between discontinuity and control sites. Results show that cyclists undertake a larger number of maneuvers at points of discontinuity compared to their control sites, and that both cyclist accelerations and speeds exhibit larger variations at discontinuities compared to larger and more stable speeds at control sites
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