208 research outputs found


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    PenelitianĀ  iniĀ  bertujuanĀ  untukĀ  mengetahuiĀ  karakterisasiĀ  kitosanĀ  dariĀ  limbahĀ  kulitĀ  udangĀ  denganĀ  perlakuan perendamanĀ  (bleaching)Ā  asetonĀ  danĀ  prosesĀ  deasetilasi.Ā  LingkupĀ  kegiatanĀ  meliputiĀ  persiapanĀ  peralatanĀ  dan bahan baku kulit udang windu, proses pembuatan kitosan, pengujian, analisa data dan pelaporan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil karakterisasi raw material kulit udang meliputi kadar air 75,10%, abu 5,02%, lemak 2,47% dan protein 14,85%. Hasil karakterisasi kitosan denganĀ  perendaman aseton 24Ā  jam danĀ  deasetilasiĀ  2xĀ  adalahĀ  kadar airĀ  sebesarĀ  9,72%,Ā  abuĀ  sebesar 3,37%, lemakĀ  sebesarĀ  3,50%Ā  danĀ  proteinĀ  sebesarĀ  4,29%.Ā  RendemenĀ  yangĀ  diperolehĀ  sebesarĀ  32,20%.Ā  Hasil karakterisasi kitosan dengan perendaman aseton 24 jam dan deasetilasi 3x adalah kadar air sebesar 9,64%, abu sebesar 0,09%, lemak sebesar 0,28% danĀ  protein sebesar 0.63%. Rendemen yang diperoleh sebesar 32,17 %. Hasil karakterisasi kitosan dengan perendaman aseton 48 jam dan deasetilasi 3x adalah kadar air sebesar 9,61 %, abuĀ  sebesarĀ  0,02%, lemak sebesar 0,15% danĀ  protein sebesar 0,51%. Rendemen yang diperoleh sebesar 22,18%. Karakterisasi kitosan komersial adalah kadar air sebesar 9,45%, abu sebesar 0,51%, lemak 2,31% dan protein 0,48%. Selain perbandingan dengan kitosan komersial, hasil penelitian ini dibandingkan dengan standar kitosanĀ  yaituĀ  kadarĀ  airĀ  9,28%,Ā  kadarĀ  abuĀ  1,32%,Ā  lemakĀ  sebesarĀ  0,29%Ā  danĀ  proteinĀ  <0,5%Ā  adalah memenuhi standar.Ā  ProsesĀ  perendamanĀ  (bleaching)Ā  danĀ  deasetilasiĀ  sangatĀ  berpengaruhĀ  terhadapĀ  karakterisasiĀ  kitosan, dilihat dari hasil F hitung (68,6302) > F tabel (2,9011)

    Myeloid suppressor cell depletion augments antitumor activity in lung cancer.

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    BackgroundMyeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are important regulators of immune responses. We evaluated the mechanistic role of MDSC depletion on antigen presenting cell (APC), NK, T cell activities and therapeutic vaccination responses in murine models of lung cancer.Principal findingsIndividual antibody mediated depletion of MDSC (anti-Gr1 or anti-Ly6G) enhanced the antitumor activity against lung cancer. In comparison to controls, MDSC depletion enhanced the APC activity and increased the frequency and activity of the NK and T cell effectors in the tumor. Compared to controls, the anti-Gr1 or anti-Ly6G treatment led to increased: (i) CD8 T cells, (ii) NK cells, (iii) CD8 T or NK intracytoplasmic expression of IFNĪ³, perforin and granzyme (iv) CD3 T cells expressing the activation marker CD107a and CXCR3, (v) reduced CD8 T cell IL-10 production in the tumors (vi) reduced tumor angiogenic (VEGF, CXCL2, CXCL5, and Angiopoietin1&2) but enhanced anti-angiogenic (CXCL9 and CXCL10) expression and (vii) reduced tumor staining of endothelial marker Meca 32. Immunocytochemistry of tumor sections showed reduced Gr1 expressing cells with increased CD3 T cell infiltrates in the anti-Gr1 or anti-Ly6G groups. MDSC depletion led to a marked inhibition in tumor growth, enhanced tumor cell apoptosis and reduced migration of the tumors from the primary site to the lung compared to controls. Therapeutic vaccination responses were enhanced in vivo following MDSC depletion with 50% of treated mice completely eradicating established tumors. Treated mice that rejected their primary tumors acquired immunological memory against a secondary tumor challenge. The remaining 50% of mice in this group had 20 fold reductions in tumor burden compared to controls.SignificanceOur data demonstrate that targeting MDSC can improve antitumor immune responses suggesting a broad applicability of combined immune based approaches against cancer. This multifaceted approach may prove useful against tumors where MDSC play a role in tumor immune evasion

    Isolasi Trimiristin Minyak Pala Banda Serta Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Bahan Aktif Sabun

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    Biji pala mengandung fixed oil sebesar 20ā€“40% yang terdiri dari asam miristat, trimiristin dan gliserida dari asam laurat, stearat dan palmitat. Trimiristin yang terkandung dalam biji pala mencapai 85% dan digunakan dalam pembuatan kosmetik kulit sebagai pemutih (whitening agent). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari penyulingan minyak pala Banda dan isolasi trimiristin, kemudian digunakan sebagai bahan aktif tambahan pada pembuatan sabun mandi. Penyulingan minyak pala Banda menggunakan alat yang terbuat dari stainlesss steel dengan kapasitas sepuluh kilogram bahan. Isolasi trimiristin menggunakan sistem refluks dengan ester dan dimurnikan dengan aseton, kemudian diuji dengan menggunakan kromatografi gas. Trimiristin yang dihasilkan digunakan untuk pembuatan sabun mandi dan diuji sifat anti bakteri dan fungi. Hasil penyulingan minyak pala Banda diperoleh rendemen sebesar 12,5%. Isolasi trimiristin diperoleh kristal putih dengan hasil sebesar 80,02% dan kemurnian mencapai 99,35%. Sabun mandi dengan bahan aktif trimiristin minyak pala berdasarkan hasil uji semakin lama disimpan akan memberikan jumlah asam lemak semakin tinggi dan asam lemak tak tersabunkan semakin kecil serta mampu menghambat secara kuat pertumbuhan bakteri dan fungi

    Database forensic investigation process models: a review

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    Database Forensic Investigation (DBFI) involves the identification, collection, preservation, reconstruction, analysis, and reporting of database incidents. However, it is a heterogeneous, complex, and ambiguous field due to the variety and multidimensional nature of database systems. A small number of DBFI process models have been proposed to solve specific database scenarios using different investigation processes, concepts, activities, and tasks as surveyed in this paper. Specifically, we reviewed 40 proposed DBFI process models for RDBMS in the literature to offer up- to-date and comprehensive background knowledge on existing DBFI process model research, their associated challenges, issues for newcomers, and potential solutions for addressing such issues. This paper highlights three common limitations of the DBFI domain, which are: 1) redundant and irrelevant investigation processes; 2) redundant and irrelevant investigation concepts and terminologies; and 3) a lack of unified models to manage, share, and reuse DBFI knowledge. Also, this paper suggests three solutions for the discovered limitations, which are: 1) propose generic DBFI process/model for the DBFI field; 2) develop a semantic metamodeling language to structure, manage, organize, share, and reuse DBFI knowledge; and 3) develop a repository to store and retrieve DBFI field knowledge

    Developing a Web Site to Provide Geologic Data and Map Products for Allen County, Indiana

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    This poster was presented at the 2007 meeting of the Digital Mapping Techniques Conference in Columbia, South Carolina, May 20-23, 2007.The Internet is becoming the medium of choice for delivering geologic information to both technical users and the general public. The Indiana Geological Survey (IGS) is currently creating a Web-based glacial and bedrock geologic map site for Allen County in northeastern Indiana. Allen County is the site of Fort Wayne, Indianaā€™s second largest city, and lies within IGS mapping and outreach priority areas based on population density and transportation corridors. This Web site provides detailed geologic information in an area that continues to experience pressure on natural resources by a large population and expanding transportation network. It is anticipated that the information from the Web site will be widely used by the general public and by industry and government entities. The Allen County Web site includes an Internet map server (IMS), as well as illustrations, educational summaries, and discussions of geologic maps, terrain images, and databases that complement the IMS. The site provides a front-end to the IGS enterprise geodatabases, which contain information used simultaneously for research and for viewing by the general public. The geodatabase systems allow maps and data to be efficiently created, managed, updated, and distributed. Maps provided on the Allen County Web site include: (1) digital elevation model terrain, (2) Landsat imagery, (3) surficial geology, (4) drift thickness, (5) bedrock topography, (6) bedrock geology, and (7) water-table elevation. Technical database information includes: (1) lithologic information compiled from water-well information in the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water well records, (2) natural gamma-ray geophysical log data, (3) stratigraphic test hole data, and (4) petroleum-well data. The development of the Web site was funded by the IGS and the Central Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition.U.S. Geological Surve
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